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  1. Honestly, of the 5 new songs, I still like Hard Skool the most. Then Perhaps, Monsters, The General and lastly Absurd. It's all been pretty average if you ask me. The best song in a list of average songs....
  2. Lifelong Ipswich fan walking up to a very good Monday morning
  3. Oof, this list is pretty dire in parts. Sure, I have my own biases for certain bands, but there is a ton of quality music missing. No Nine Inch Nails' Closer? I still love finding new music, When I lived in England in the early 90's the Our Price Music near me would blow out CD singles 10 for £1. I'd buy all kinds of random music to figure out what I did and didn't like. Found a lot of shit, but also found a lot of cool stuff. These days I let Spotify suggest new music based on artists I like, and for the past five or six years I have a personal goal of finding one new album/artist a week I've never heard before. This week, my new band is Bexley. Particularly "I'm Sorry".
  4. Dammit, I go on vacation to Cali for three days and miss everything... curse my addiction to soccer.
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