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i'm gonna say no!

i can't see why he's needed when Axl could do the job himself

i just don't think he's doing anything worthwhile for gnr

from what i hear there is little or no promotion for this US tour(which we've gotten no statement about)

and then his remark about not knowing the gnr site was updated and saying how he has noo intention of updating it pissed me off <_< especially when he knows the tremendously huge online fanbase gnr have

some contact with the fans is needed

i know Axl doesn't want alot said from inside the gnr camp but they're paying him for nothing!

he has done a good job on the european tour though but is it enough?

is there anything you'd like him to do, within reason?(we know he can't tell us too much)

do you think he has any control over Axl or does Axl tell him enough?

and i mods i would've started this in dust n bones but i'm not able to

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I guess everyone would do a better job..

well if i had the job i''d start some damn promotion

i'd try and get Axl to move along with stuff

and i might speak about whats happening(within reason, i wouldn't say too much obviously)

to me i get the feeling that Merck knows nothing or else he's great at hiding things

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i'm gonna say no!

i can't see why he's needed when Axl could do the job himself

i just don't think he's doing anything worthwhile for gnr

from what i hear there is little or no promotion for this US tour(which we've gotten no statement about)

and then his remark about not knowing the gnr site was updated and saying how he has noo intention of updating it pissed me off <_< especially when he knows the tremendously huge online fanbase gnr have

some contact with the fans is needed

i know Axl doesn't want alot said from inside the gnr camp but they're paying him for nothing!

he has done a good job on the european tour though but is it enough?

is there anything you'd like him to do, within reason?(we know he can't tell us too much)

do you think he has any control over Axl or does Axl tell him enough?

and i mods i would've started this in dust n bones but i'm not able to

Well Merck is hired as axl's manager for AXL not you for one, also the update at the gnr site had nothing to due with GN'R that site is the labels site, no one in Gn'r had anything to do with it, as of right now GN'R do not have a website. What Merck does with Axl is their business, is he doing enough? don't know ask Axl! It is not Mercks job to issue statements to you or anyone about anything at all. He also does not need to respond to your petty emails, but most times he does, think about this if he knows something and tells you everyone will know, or if he tells you and it doesen't happen on time you scream LIAR! It is great that he keeps things close to him for the bands sake. Again this is Axl's manager and he works for Axl alone not you or anyone else here.

oh and by the way, Merck is well worth the $$$



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Merck is doing a great job.

I think many of you fail to understand how challenging his job truly is, and how difficult it must be to work with artists who are temperamental, volatile and demanding. Most musicians in successful bands - not just GNR - tend to have egos, strong personalities and eccentricities. Merck has to balance all of that to make sure the musician is happy - and at the same time use his experience and judgment to make decisions that are in the best interest of the band. This isn't always easy.

Sometimes a musician won't listen - and then he has to find a creative way to stoke the artist's ego while still getting him to listen. It's part psychology, part PR savvyness, and part industry expert.

Merck has many many years of experience in the business. He knows how the industry works - and - even more importantly - he recognizes the important role the internet plays these days. I think he's done an excellent job communicating with fans who ask him questions - considering the band has no album. I can't think of another manager who would communicate with fans about a band that hasn't released an album in 10 years.

As for gnronline.com - This site is run by the label, so it really shouldn't be surprising if management has another site planned for the band.

I tip my hat off to Merck.

Axl is lucky to have him.

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Merck is useless. No promotion, no statement at all(when the 02 tour collapsed,the sweden incident, and he hasnt given Axls advices wich he totally need. He hasnt done anything for GNR. The band hasnt even a own website wtf???????????

Cut hes balls off!

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The guy's job is keeping Axl Rose happy. I don't think I'd trade places with him. :)

Plus, what can you expect Merck to tell Axl to do? Axl doesn't pay Merck to tell him what to do, Axl does what Axl wants to do. Just ask Doug Goldstein or Alan Niven (I think that's the name).

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Guest Matt13
Merck is doing a great job.

I think many of you fail to understand how challenging his job truly is, and how difficult it must be to work with artists who are temperamental, volatile and demanding. Most musicians in successful bands - not just GNR - tend to have egos, strong personalities and eccentricities. Merck has to balance all of that to make sure the musician is happy - and at the same time use his experience and judgment to make decisions that are in the best interest of the band. This isn't always easy.

Sometimes a musician won't listen - and then he has to find a creative way to stoke the artist's ego while still getting him to listen. It's part psychology, part PR savvyness, and part industry expert.

Merck has many many years of experience in the business. He knows how the industry works - and - even more importantly - he recognizes the important role the internet plays these days. I think he's done an excellent job communicating with fans who ask him questions - considering the band has no album. I can't think of another manager who would communicate with fans about a band that hasn't released an album in 10 years.

As for gnronline.com - This site is run by the label, so it really shouldn't be surprising if management has another site planned for the band.

I tip my hat off to Merck.

Axl is lucky to have him.

Not to mention he probably surpervises where the band is sleeping from night to night while on tour... arranges travel and escorts for nights/days out/ sightseeing... makes sure the venues honor the bands requests before shows (you know... six pack of coke, bottles of wine, various lunch-meats... etc etc), deals with the press, bails guys out of jail when they bite people on the leg... that kind of thing.

It amazes me how many people here are so naive and have no common sense and begin threads about something or bash somebody over something they know NOTHING about.

That's why some of you idiots will never make it out of the local fast food restaurant.

Go back to the burger flippin'.

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Merck is useless...

Clearly you haven't a clue how the music business works.

.. No promotion, no statement at all...

There's no album out yet. What's he supposed to promote?

I'm certain when the album is released, he'll be promoting it heavily.

.. (when the 02 tour collapsed,the sweden incident,...

I believe there are legal issues involved in the canceled tour. So, this likely precludes Axl or Merck from talking about it.

.. and he hasnt given Axls advices wich he totally need...

How do you know he hasn't? Did you ever think that perhaps Axl doesn't listen to everything he's asked to do? I don't imagine Axl is the easiest person to work for. Axl makes amazing music - but he definitely has control and ego issues going on.

Again, I think Merck has done an excellent job so far.

Not to mention he probably surpervises where the band is sleeping from night to night while on tour... arranges travel and escorts for nights/days out/ sightseeing... makes sure the venues honor the bands requests before shows (you know... six pack of coke, bottles of wine, various lunch-meats... etc etc), deals with the press, bails guys out of jail when they bite people on the leg... that kind of thing.

It amazes me how many people here are so naive and have no common sense and begin threads about something or bash somebody over something they know NOTHING about.

That's why some of you idiots will never make it out of the local fast food restaurant.

Go back to the burger flippin'.


I couldn't have said it better Matt.

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Merck is useless. No promotion, no statement at all(when the 02 tour collapsed,the sweden incident, and he hasnt given Axls advices wich he totally need. He hasnt done anything for GNR. The band hasnt even a own website wtf???????????

Cut hes balls off!

Wow, that was a mature response. How is he useless? Because he doesn't cater to your needs of management? How can he promote the album when a release is not even certain?

He doesn't need to be at your call for any incident involving the band.

I'd like to see you promote an album that is being released by Axl and Guns N' Roses. Axl would rip your head off.

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he recognizes the important role the internet plays these days.


so why this band Guns N Roses (which is one of the biggest bands of all time) does not have a fucking website which gets updated and shit. I mean it is not difficult to say at least once a year what's going on. We heard nothing but lies the last years (remember gnronline update 2003 which said: "news on CD soon", yeah right - someday this sentence disappeared and we had NO FUCKING UPDATE for 3 years) and fucking rumours all the time just because of this lack of information - yeah this manager does a really good job :rofl-lol:

There is no reason for such a behaviour. EVERY other band (even the ones that doesnt exist anymore) would try to inform their fans with TRUE information. GnR Fans get shit. This whole "anit-promotion" makes NO sense is so damn stupid.

I mean a whole European Tour was not even listed on their website...but the manager "recognzies the important role the internet plays today". yeah... :rolleyes:

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I dont think hes doing shit for this band. But of course like every other post on here its just an opinion.

but what is he suppose to do, tell us things that may not happen and stuff like that and then the fans will be pissed off because what he said doesn't happen like when he said 2005 is the year, or whatever he said.

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Madison is right. Most of us know nothing about the music business. And God know's I don't have a fucking clue. Merck must be doing allright for Axl, because he's still working for Axl. So as long as he's still working for Axl, I'm going to assume he is doing his job.

Rock ON


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No doubt Merck has a very difficult job.

But here's the simple truth. Axl used to be the world's greatest rock star. Now (and I'm not trying to bash, but outside of the diehard gnr camps -) he's a joke. Chinese Democracy is a punchline. People regularly mock him. How long does it take to Axl sell 1500 tickets in Vegas of all places?

He used to be big, now he's a joke. Sure, Axl can own plenty of blame. But he's an artist. He can't manage business stuff. Merck's job is to do that.

Kinda like Bush and Iraq. Everyone bitches about how bad Iraq is, and Bush's best response is, "This work is hard. Okay, building a country is hard. Nobody said it'd be easy..." While that's completely true, it doesn't mean Iraq has become any less of a bombed out shithole under his watch. If you don't blame the person at the top, who the fuck do you blame?

Finck? Pit(t)man? Bumblefoot? Nope. I blame Merck.

Axl is tough, but Merck took the job of managing him knowing full well what he was getting into. If he couldn't do it, he should have moved aside and let someone with a little more balls manage Axl. He's his manager, for christ's sake. Not his personal assistant.

I don't think he'd be appearing on the MTV VMAs tomorrow if he was truly considered a joke. In fact, how many artists do you think get that opportunity TWICE before even releasing an album and not releasing an album for over a decade.

and as far as the vegas shows are concerned, one of them is sold out, and the other isn't far from it. The san fran shows all sold out quick. I think its the money factor and that a lot of us american diehards already spent a lot of money on NYC. If i was still a college student theres no way in Hell i'd be able to afford even $150 for a ticket, let alone twice and the trip to vegas.

Edited by Axls_Disillusion
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Guns should ditch Merck & hook up with that black guy who produces Justin Timberlake & Nelly Furtado.

Then maybe they can have a #1 album/single.

Timberland, know that I think about it, getting somebody new might help. I havent seen much progress from the current management.

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Guns should ditch Merck & hook up with that black guy who produces Justin Timberlake & Nelly Furtado.

Then maybe they can have a #1 album/single.

Timberland, know that I think about it, getting somebody new might help. I havent seen much progress from the current management.

you see what you are intended to see. changing management is going to speed things up.

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I dont think hes doing shit for this band. But of course like every other post on here its just an opinion.

but what is he suppose to do, tell us things that may not happen and stuff like that and then the fans will be pissed off because what he said doesn't happen like when he said 2005 is the year, or whatever he said.

If he is the manager he should know what is going on and get this so called tour the publicity it needs and if they got their shit together as a band there should be no more "huh sorry its not going to happen"

I'm sure Merck has alot of work behind-the-scenes that we don't know about too.

Hey is he still the CEO of Sanctuary?

Fitting it all in must be time consuming.

Then he needs to cut his schedule if its too much for the old man to handle, because to me he aint doin much on this job.

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