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What about past live material?

Son Of A Gun

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Sorry if this is hte wrong section and feel free to move it but I wanted to make this a public question. We all know that Axl has never really been a fan of giving out much decent live material from the past....from UYI tour not one really great concert came out in soundboard...all we got were mediocre or interrupted shows...Tokyo, Oklahoma, Chicago, Paris, Chile, Buenos Aires '92/'93. Live Era '87-'93 is full of rerecordings and the audio has been tampered with so much that it is nowhere near the real versions. We all know UYI tour was one of thee best tours and that something should be done to get Axl to be decent enough to release some GOOD shows from that era. And I think this would help Axl's cause to be seen as a great musician. A lot of people like live music so if you want to sit your friends down to listen to old Gn'r, wouldn't you rather have them listening to something like for example Inglewood 8.31.91, San Diego 9.30.92 & New Haven 03.06.93 and say to them "well this is how good they sounded on the UYI tour'. And it would be a very kind and respectful thing for fans as well, to show gratitude for supporting him for so long.

Edited by Son Of A Gun
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I 'm talking about soundboard quality. I mean this threat as a constructive one and am trying to put forward a reasonable suggestion that Axl should be more grateful to fans and at least give us some decent past shows from UYI era.

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This is at least the third time this same thread has been started by this guy.

So I'll give my same answer.

What the hell sense does it make for Axl, who is trying to launch a new line-up, to release an old concert from 15 years ago?

Oh right - NONE.

Edited by D-GenerationX
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This is at least the third time this same thread has been started by this guy.

So I'll give my same answer.

What the hell sense does it make for Axl, who is trying to launch a new line-up, to release an old concert from 15 years ago?

Oh right - NONE.

It 's not about him launching his new lineup, that is not the point. The point is that there is this greatest tour of all time and that we as fans have been largely done injustice. Any decent rocker would have released at least 10 really kickass shows from that era. And when you want to really hear how good it was I 'm sure everyone agrees that htey want to not just hear it but with quality too. And yes I have started this thread several times, and maybe a lot of other people too are fed up with listening to audience recorded bootlegs for a musician they have supported for so long and as a return he should be showering us with shows.

Edited by Son Of A Gun
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I'd love a boxset of shows. Though I'd prefer the AFD tour over UYI.

However, I doubt that will happen until Axl dies. He's focused on the new band.

In honest...Axl to me is worth more dead than alive. You can't top UYI tour with anything.

Sureee.. I hope you get killed by kangaroo.

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I'd love a boxset of shows. Though I'd prefer the AFD tour over UYI.

However, I doubt that will happen until Axl dies. He's focused on the new band.

In honest...Axl to me is worth more dead than alive. You can't top UYI tour with anything.

Sureee.. I hope you get killed by kangaroo.

No No No

I mean the guy is stopping us from seeing all those great UYI show and if he were to suddenly die and we got the shows...it would by far top anything he can do nowadays

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I'd love a boxset of shows. Though I'd prefer the AFD tour over UYI.

However, I doubt that will happen until Axl dies. He's focused on the new band.

In honest...Axl to me is worth more dead than alive. You can't top UYI tour with anything.

Sureee.. I hope you get killed by kangaroo.

No No No

I mean the guy is stopping us from seeing all those great UYI show and if he were to suddenly die and we got the shows...it would by far top anything he can do nowadays

Oh shut up :angry:

Call yourself a fan? Yet you're saying you'd have Axl dead just so you can get your thieving paws on slightly better quality, OLD material. Get out of here :fuckyou:

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Hell No. Axl is an amazing performer. I 'm finally old enough to be aware what music is around and a chance to see him again. I just wish the guy would fix up his past mistake and release some really good soundboard shows from UYI tour as he should have back then. I guess the next best thing if he doesn't is this new band...perhaps it will be as enjoyable as the old one.

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This is at least the third time this same thread has been started by this guy.

So I'll give my same answer.

What the hell sense does it make for Axl, who is trying to launch a new line-up, to release an old concert from 15 years ago?

Oh right - NONE.

It 's not about him launching his new lineup, that is not the point. The point is that there is this greatest tour of all time and that we as fans have been largely done injustice. Any decent rocker would have released at least 10 really kickass shows from that era. And when you want to really hear how good it was I 'm sure everyone agrees that htey want to not just hear it but with quality too. And yes I have started this thread several times, and maybe a lot of other people too are fed up with listening to audience recorded bootlegs for a musician they have supported for so long and as a return he should be showering us with shows.

Actually, its exactly the point.

Have you ever taken a business class? This would make absolutely zero sense. You want Axl to try and get this new line-up off the ground, yet at the same time put out a product that is counterproductive to that whole concept.

Furthermore, what other major league band does this, other than maybe Pearl Jam? 10 shows from one tour??

Look, I hear you on the fact that Axl fucked up the 'Live Era' album. He did. I (and I assume you) have the original versions of some of those songs on that album and they are WAY better then what Axl gave us. But that's life.

'Live Era' is all you are ever going to see in terms of an live official product from that time period. That's just reality.

One more thing. I think you have a rather over-romanticized view of that summer of 1992 tour. Every time you do this thread you suggest a show from that US summer stadium tour. Yet many, many fans hardly consider them signature peformances. What with all the band solos, intros, and general nonsense, most of those concerts only contain like, 15 or 16 songs when you actually count them up.

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One more thing. I think you have a rather over-romanticized view of that summer of 1992 tour. Every time you do this thread you suggest a show from that US summer stadium tour. Yet many, many fans hardly consider them signature peformances. What with all the band solos, intros, and general nonsense, most of those concerts only contain like, 15 or 16 songs when you actually count them up.

Indeed you are right D-Generation-X

I do quite like that leg. But who couldn't. It 's a nice collection. And they did play about 15-16 songs, which however were quality, just that sound moves me. But they have quite a list of irregular songs they just put in from time to time to play as furthening the setlist such as Estranged, Move To The City, Nightrain, Out Ta Get me, Perfect Crime, Yesterdays. But really do you see anything wrong with a Gn'R fan just pointing out that they wish more really good shows were released?

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Axl didn't release any of the SBD's that are out there now. John M from gnrontour ended up getting most of 'em in trades n' eventually released them. The only SBD that Axl released was Tokyo. MTV released the Ritz, and also an MTV employee released the CBGB's pro shot, years after the SBD was released.

So, all in all, only Tokyo was released by Axl.

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One more thing. I think you have a rather over-romanticized view of that summer of 1992 tour. Every time you do this thread you suggest a show from that US summer stadium tour. Yet many, many fans hardly consider them signature peformances. What with all the band solos, intros, and general nonsense, most of those concerts only contain like, 15 or 16 songs when you actually count them up.

Indeed you are right D-Generation-X

I do quite like that leg. But who couldn't. It 's a nice collection. And they did play about 15-16 songs, which however were quality, just that sound moves me. But they have quite a list of irregular songs they just put in from time to time to play as furthening the setlist such as Estranged, Move To The City, Nightrain, Out Ta Get me, Perfect Crime, Yesterdays. But really do you see anything wrong with a Gn'R fan just pointing out that they wish more really good shows were released?

Not at all.

I just don't find it all that realistic. Would I like to have soundboard versions of some of those shows? Of course. But it ain't going to happen. To me its like wishing the band never broke up. I could post all the live long day I wish things were different, but at the end of the day I have to look at reality.

For what its worth, I like that leg of the tour too. Well, some of the shows. My personal favorites are the first Giants Stadium show (07.18.92) and the Indianapolis show (07.22.92).

But to be honest, after the first few shows of that leg, the setlists get pretty lame. No more 'Perfect Crime', 'Yesterdays', or 'Estranged' with any sort of regularity. Then as the tour wore on, you started to not even get 'Don't Cry'. Like I said, when you count up the actual songs you get in the latter half of that summer, its a pretty slack show.

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Yeah. I don't know though...their sound was really great. I mean those shows had a great sound don't you think. Stuff like Columbia, San Diego, Passadena...in my personal opinion after having listened to those shows I thought they were great...mostly concentrating ont he songs DTJ, YCBM & KOHD. I have a whole batch of shows if you want links to some I got Indianapolis, Orchard Park, Pittsburgh, Orlando (not for long), Columbia, Toronto, San Diego, Passadena, Seattle. Anyways I 'll stop about this leg in this section. I don't mind if this thread is moved to antoher section or better just deleted.

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I agree that Axl should release some of these shows. It would be great for the fans. A nice box set would be very cool. But it's not going to happen anytime soon. It earliest it could happen is when the current band either splits up or goes away for a long time.

The best we can hope for right now is a lot of live material from 2006/07. I am down for that.

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You know what you are all a bunch of fucking crying babies I am out of here.

And by the way I just joinned today because I didn't even know about this site, which is great by the way.

I have joinned gnronline.com and geffen.com a long time ago thinking that if there were any presale offer it would come through those sources since they are suppose to be the official ones.

Anyways think all you want I got go to work

Ps . If you think I am a scalper or not a fan FUCK YOU Why are u so mad because your father gets more pussy than you ?

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I agree that Axl should release some of these shows. It would be great for the fans. A nice box set would be very cool. But it's not going to happen anytime soon. It earliest it could happen is when the current band either splits up or goes away for a long time.

The best we can hope for right now is a lot of live material from 2006/07. I am down for that.

Wonder if anything will come of the taping they did at Hammerstein.

Knowing Axl, I doubt it.

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I agree that Axl should release some of these shows. It would be great for the fans. A nice box set would be very cool. But it's not going to happen anytime soon. It earliest it could happen is when the current band either splits up or goes away for a long time.

The best we can hope for right now is a lot of live material from 2006/07. I am down for that.

Wonder if anything will come of the taping they did at Hammerstein.

Knowing Axl, I doubt it.

Shh, you don't know Axl.

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I agree that Axl should release some of these shows. It would be great for the fans. A nice box set would be very cool. But it's not going to happen anytime soon. It earliest it could happen is when the current band either splits up or goes away for a long time.

The best we can hope for right now is a lot of live material from 2006/07. I am down for that.

Wonder if anything will come of the taping they did at Hammerstein.

Knowing Axl, I doubt it.

Shh, you don't know Axl.

Please tell me you are kidding. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are.

And not one of those people who thinks because I never ate dinner with the man I can't look at his over 20 year history and make a judgement call.


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