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For those who are surpried


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Fellow gnr fans.

About these recent news (Universal, Chicago dvd):

- some of you act so surprised. If you are in this whole GNR thing, you have to accept this thing. I (most of us) have been waiting for CD from 1995. But we, (the old ones) are not surprised about this new development of the things. Look, GNR is an unpredictable thing. It allways was and allways will be. I admit I dont consider this new GNR a real band, but I was a fan of the old GNR and that means I was also a fan of Axl. So the bottom of the line is (and if you didnt learn this by now you should do your IQ test);

- this is Axls album, not GNR album (because GNR IS NOT AXL).Wait the next line before you send me to the other section.

Axl is still the name in the music industry (to be more precise, he has the potential to make some money). He is also one of the few who can afford to make an album for 12 years. If he can, why not. This is the big F..ck you to all the executives at Universal and music industry in general. But at the same time I can not loose the feeling that he is doing this tour cause he owes money to the record company. JMO.

- what I dont understand that some of you are dissapointed about the fact that it(the record) wont come out this year. Hey if Axl cancels the rest of this tour, never releases the record and lives the life of Bryan Wilson for the rest of his life, I wouldnt be surprised. Of course I would like him to release it and all, but than again Axl is Axl, take it or leave it.

This is not a provocative post, I would just like to hear your opinion about it. And pls dont hang on the fact that I dont consider this version of GNR Guns n Roses. I would like to hear some opinion and your perception about this whole thing.



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meh I still have faith in the album coming out this year, if it doesn't ...big deal, I'm not really losing money or anything. As for refering to Gnr as being "unpredictable" they aren't that unpredictable, infact I'd say they are quite stable. I think some people need to take of the bandana's and tight jeans and change into some realities of the new milenium and accept the fact that people can change through time.

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Yeah so does Barry Manilow, whats your point? When they put out something worth listening too, I'll give them credit. If Slash had any current sucess or credibility he wouldnt be doing VW commerciials rofl-lol.gif

I don't see what you mean? Axl appeared in many cheesy ads during the prime of Gunn N' Roses, does that mean his career was down the shitter, I think not. If you want to support axl, that's fine, I do, but there's no need to slabber about slash. Espicially since you have never been offered the oppertunity to endorse a product, sell a best selling album or play with axl rose.

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meh I still have faith in the album coming out this year, if it doesn't ...big deal, I'm not really losing money or anything. As for refering to Gnr as being "unpredictable" they aren't that unpredictable, infact I'd say they are quite stable. I think some people need to take of the bandana's and tight jeans and change into some realities of the new milenium and accept the fact that people can change through time.

I agree with you about moving on. In fact I have allways said that I respect GNR for not becomig next Aerosmith and releasin album every 2 years with ballads (no nothing against the balads, but you know those with Ben Affleck in the video-type of ballads) as hit singles. BUT THE MAIN QUESTION ABOUT THIS POST IS: Are you surprise about the fact that this album wont come this year, and if yes how come?

And poster Irs Better Catcher in the Twat pls as I have said before, dont just send me to the other section. I have the right (at least I hope so) to make a question here, and I also have the right not to concider this band the real GNR. But at the same time I consider it as Axls band wich in my eyes is the best next thing.

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If Slash had any current sucess or credibility he wouldnt be doing VW commerciials :rofl-lol:

Slash is still a relevant and iconic musician. That's why people will still pay him large sums of money to use his image.

Try not to get in his way as he speeds down the street in his new Aston Martin, chump. :shades:

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HAHA. An Axl Rose lover calling Slash and co. washed up... thats funny!

Tell me, Slash and Co. have released a multi platinum album, Since the original GN'R break up when was the last time Axl did? Slash and Co. have toured the world many times after GN'R, what about Axl? Tell me, how many Grammy's has Axl EVER won?

Now, who's the wash up?

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HAHA. An Axl Rose lover calling Slash and co. washed up... thats funny!

Tell me, Slash and Co. have released a multi platinum album, Since the original GN'R break up when was the last time Axl did? Slash and Co. have toured the world many times after GN'R, what about Axl? Tell me, how many Grammy's has Axl EVER won?

Now, who's the wash up?

couldnt agree more the old gunners are out there doing what they do best rockin the fuck out whats your precious axl been doin?? Fuck all go crawl back up his arse you wee fuckwit

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I admit I dont consider this new GNR a real band, but I was a fan of the old GNR and that means I was also a fan of Axl.

im sorry, but you cant say that new GNR is not a real band. of course they are a real band, and a kickass one too. they have the chemistry of a band, and the sound of a band. it is reasonable for you to say that you dont consider them truly GNR, but of course they are a real band.

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Washed up? At least they are able to put out records in a timely manner.

Yeah so does Barry Manilow, whats your point? When they put out something worth listening too, I'll give them credit. If Slash had any current sucess or credibility he wouldnt be doing VW commerciials :rofl-lol:


because in the commercial slash isn't playing guitar like a badass (and better than finck!).....

right, right. in the commerical he's wearing a suit and tie and saying "hi. i'm saul hudson. formerly of guns n roses. i'd like you to buy this car and drink a coke with me."

if yr gonna knock someone for being in a commerical/commerical product...what about axl with harley davidson and grand theft auto?


whether someone has "credibility" is completely subjective, but slash has had loads of recent success, and the fact that he was asked to do the VW ad is only indicitave of his status as the greatest lead guitar icon of the last 20 years.

finck didnt even get asked....and if he had you know he would've done it....

Edited by ohyesindeed
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