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Status Updates posted by Angelica

  1. ASH!! So it's nifty? I was afraid the prescence of Paris might overpower the glory of ASH.

  2. Holy shit! It's getting released. I'll miss the freak show, but I don't see a reunion happening under any other circumstance.

  3. Isn't it awesome? It's my favorite of the early 80s slashers. There's a batch of ones not as good, but not unlike it, with weird ass plots and settings and motivations. They're really refreshing compared to the franchises.

  4. Really? Too cute.

  5. Five stars for loving Secretary.

  6. Yes I did! I don't know what was worse - the averageness of the film, that they rendered Russell Crowe entirely devoid of his usual brutish allure, or when the ItW vocal kicked in, which literally made me wince. :( :(

  7. What she said.

  8. Random trivia - Amber Benson and Warren Busch are a couple in RL.

  9. How difficult could that be, though? NotGNR suck, even more so now that they appear to be on the verge of losing their non record releasing mystique.

  10. Agreed. And because he was a soul having human, Warren was in many ways the most disturbing villian.

  11. Except Fey is funny on purpose. And by virtue of being brainy and rational, much hotter.

  12. Why, are you mentioned?

  13. Well, yes. Anything's better than Biley. *giggles*

  14. Bangel suck, no wonder you only have three stars. :P

  15. For a profoundly disquieting night at the movies, I cannot recommend Towelhead too highly.

  16. I think that ship has sailed. I wouldn't expect anymore than the comics, until several years from now when Joss re-boots the whole thing with a new cast. But you've still got the fifth (and best) season of Angel to look forward too!

  17. Nice! Did she have fetching leather pants and an adorable Boston accent?

  18. The Darla arc is awesome.

  19. Truth be told, I have some weird block with The Wire. It's so closely related to Homicide, that it just makes me want to watch Homicide. If I were one of your geographically compatible friends, I would watch it with you. Cause I don't see how anyone as cool as you could resist a show that starred Ned Beatty *and* Yaphet Kotto.

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