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Posts posted by worldwideboss

  1. The question is: can he nail it?

    I'm sure he can - it's not that hard

    Yes, it is. The variations of the tone make it very hard. I don't know if he can sing it properly right now, but, if he can, then go for it, it's my favourite GN'R song.

  2. I think there is a small chance they will do Civil War. At some of the European shows people were shouting for it and at one Axl acknowleged it. I think Axl is aware what fans want. So my nod goes to Civil War.

    The question is: can he nail it?

  3. Nah, 2 guitarists isnt enough to replace Slash


    Sarcasm, I really think 2 is enough. I dont see the point in haveing 3 guitarists play songs written for 2 guitarists, but whatever, they probably need Ron for the new songs more than anything else but they just had to bring him along on tour.

    Many old songs have 1 lead guitar line and 2 rythm ones, but in the studio Slash could lay down two lines at the same time. Live, he can't (obviously) pull it off. That's why Axl wanted a 3rd guitarist back in 1994.

  4. I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt because stranger things have happened in the GN'R world e.g. Buckethead.


    Let's wait. Could be something, could be nothing. But I'm not getting my hopes high.

  5. Since the thread about Axl overproducing stuff got locked (Madison's attempt to control everyone's opinion about the new GNR = sad and pathetic)...I wanted to see what you guys thought about an album that would have just Axl Rose on a piano singing 12 hearfelt songs...

    And the reason why I think this would be Axl's greatest masterpiece is that it would be more genuine and sincere then the music he's released so far for Chinese D. Does anyone else feel Axl sort of says the same thing in every song and he never takes responsibility for his own actions.

    Let's face it, Axl kicked the shit out of Stephanie Seymour, yet in all of his songs, he always blames women for things not working. Wouldn't it be more powerful if Axl actually took some responsibility for his actions, maybe a song about how he drove away the love of his life, and how he couldn't control it because that's how he was raised. I think a lot of people would relate to a song about pusing loved ones away. But Axl always paints himself as the victim and it's the woman that has "done him wrong." Please.

    I know putting Axl at a Piano wouldn't be a rock n roll album, but I think it's an album he needs to do. Maybe he could have a double album, one hard rock, one piano ballads, but he needs to do it. With all of the new material, I just don't get a sense that Axl is saying anything new after 14 years off...I think he has been locked up too much, over-analyzing the past, and thus he's emotional trapped in a time circa 92-94, and his lyrics are indicative of that time period.

    I kind of agree that while the music for Chinese D is good, it lacks the emotion of the old Guns N Roses. I don't agree that songs like November Rain and Estranged were overproduced, however, they would have been if the other band members didn't make Axl release the Illusion albums when they did. Take a song like TWAT for example...I think if you take out about 4 elements from that song, it would actually be better. It's like Axl's lyrics and vocals are competing with 6 musicians also trying to be heard.


    Wouldn't an album (regardless of what it is) be awesome?

  6. Some interesting points made.

    Axl really has a difficult decision to make - I can't help feel that under 'normal' circumstances Axl would go nowhere near a former member, that even by his own admission let him down badly, but the reason why we're even debating this(and we presume Axl is/has also) is testiment to Bucket's ability, as simple as that. Axl would have dropped him like a fucking dead weight if not - fact!

    So really it boils down to does Axl have the confidence to 'cover' Buckets' parts from other/another source?

    Myself, I'm slightly torn - I've made no secret I was a massive Bucket' fan and whilst I'm totally supportive of Bumble' I just can't seem to totally get into his solo's like I use to with Bucket'(not saying Bumble' can't play - clearly he can play, and plays very well!) So whilst I would love to hear the recorded influence Bucket' had, I somehow think it's a mistake(and almost misleading) to release an album with parts that someone played AT LEAST 3 years ago and has left the band.

    Actually, who am I kidding, this is "Chinese Democracy" - who cares, just put the thing out already!! :lol:

    UK SUBS.

    i can agree to that uk subs

    put the damm album out axl :lol:

    It will be out this year. Have faith.


  7. All the short UYI versions always end up oversaturated with ballads and lacking any kind of cohesive sound. The only songs I wouldn't be saddenned to see go (and which i barely ever see mentioned) are

    Right Next Door To Hell

    Perfect Crime

    You Ain't The First

    Double Talking Jive

    Garden of Eden

    Don't Damn Me

    Bad Apples

    So Fine

    Don't Cry (alt lyrics)

    My World

    That leaves 20 out of 30 songs which are imho just as good as AFD.

    What?! Take My World away and those are some of my favourite UYI songs! How can you prefer an album filled with songs like NR or Estranged and leave out magnificent rockers like RNDTH, Perfect Crime, DDM, Garden of Eden, DTJ or the so underrated You Ain't The First?

  8. This song is just fantastic. My favourite Rod Stewart song by a long shot and one of my favourite of all time. I love the lyrics, the solos, the change in the mood, ending in a sad and slow way... Everything is phenomenal. It was really cool that GN'R covered it, even if it was just as an intro to Patience... I'm blown away by it every time I hear it.

  9. Hearing Freddie sing Estranged would be pretty cool. Hell, hearing Axl sing Estranged for a change would be awesome :P


    I agree on both parts! ;)

    I'd also love to hear Freddie sing "Patience". It would be like when he sung (sang? dunno... :unsure: ) "Love of my life"... I can really imagine that. :)

    Sang ;)

    Yes, Patience is a song Freddie could do. It would be much better than WTTJ.

    No it isn't since Freddie has been dead for the last 15 years and this is just useless speculation.

    Could have done. Sorry for the mistake.

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