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Posts posted by worldwideboss

  1. Me and my bes friend have started a band. We have a guitarist (me) and a drummer (freind), and we have a couple options on a bassist, but the singer. I don't know how to find a singer. If you have a band, how did you get yours. And if you are the singer, how'd the band come to you?

    AC/DC started off with a newspaper ad, so there you go.

  2. Well, if you compare these 2006 shows to the AFD era, then the classic band wins, hands down. Just watch the Ritz: Slash going nuts, playing on the floor, Steven on the drums, Axl throwing himself into the crowd, etc.

    But the Illusion era was kinda lame. The whole horn section, Tracy and Roberta, having Matt's heavy-sounding drums and Gilby instead of Izzy didn't do it for me. I prefer the current band to that one.

  3. ....That some musical legends such as Paul Mccartney, Stevie Wonder, Rolling stones, Elton John and David Bowie havnt had a critically acclaimed or succesful album in 20 odd years yet every time Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen or Neil Young have released an album in the past 10 years or so i havnt read one bad review? Bit of a vague question but hopefully someone will understand what i mean

    The Rolling Stones got fairly good reviews of "A Bigger Bang", if I recall correctly. But they had a hard time putting out something as good as they had already done for about 20 years.

    Now, I personally like Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen or Neil Young to all of the likes you stated above (except for the Stones), so I can't really have an unbiased say in this question.

  4. i have the RAR bootleg video which is quite awesome. i bet 10 bucks they don't air any of the new songs, just like rio. i'd still like to watch it though.

    According to zee Germans on HTGTH the TV listings are boasting of 3 new songs being aired. Hope Axl doesn't hear about that and have it pulled.

    well, they played 4 new songs at that show (the blues, irs, madagascar,and better) so i wonder which one they won't air? i still think they won't air any new songs. i hope i'm wrong!

    Well, if one doesn't get played, can that mean that it is the single? :unsure:

  5. I personally think Madagascar could make it as a hit first single. I know it's not a heavy rock song or anything, but it has a certain quality that makes it catchy. It sorta reminds me of Civil War.

    Maybe because it has the same quote from "Cool Hand Luke"? :unsure:

  6. I think T.W.A.T. could be a good single to release later, because it has great guitar work and would appeal more to the die-hard fans. But I would prefer Better or The Blues first... I.R.S. is in the same situation as T.W.A.T.

  7. I don't cry often, but there are times when bad things happen and a song with accurate lyrics would bring tears to my eyes. That'd be either with Lady D'Arbanville by Yusuf Islam or Purple Rain by Prince.

  8. Seriously, Axl deserves credit for trying to do the show, even with his illness. It probably was Baz who told him to stop, otherwise I believe he would have blown his voice out completely and for good.

    Congratulations, Axl, get well and get the damn album out... Along with a US tour.

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