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Posts posted by Grimo85

  1. CD will have to sell absolutely shitlaods if it wants to save Sanctuary. Thye only manage Guns, so will only get a small cut of takings.

    So how many copies of CD will Guns have to sell to save Sanctuary? Assumin that CD sells at around £12.... :book:


  2. Amen.

    After such a long wait, I'd personally rather have CD than a reunion right now. Inevitably, I'd like to see a reunion, and I think the fact that Axl and Slash are being a bit more complimentary towards each other makes it seem a little more likely to happen in the future. Right now though, they're all comfortable and talented doing things their own way.

    True. Theres a time and a place for a reunion and we're nowhere near either.


  3. "Miss You" is a really good song, and I think their videos are pretty funny, but because of thats its a little hard to take them seriously. Some ok songs though.


  4. http://www.rhino.com/rzine/rhinocasts/audi...16-01102006.mp3

    Just listened to this from HTGTH, recent Tommy interview. Its about halfway through the actually program. The GNR part isnt too big, but he talk a little bit about Buckethead.

    "The 2002 tour was a lot of fun..... apart from the Buckethead part anyway. But hes not around anymore so its all good!" HA!!!

    Also, same old replies to CD status:

    "It'll come out when it comes out. I recorded some small parts last week. Hopefully it'll be out early next year (Talkin about early 06 Im guessin!!)"

    Couldnt find it posted, but if it has been, apologies.



  5. Here's some more quotes :heart:

    "I'll tell you, Axl is a very persuasive guy. He's magic really, he is, you know, and I think he's not always easy, as genius very often isn't, you know, Fred was not the easiest person in the world to get on with, but someone who has that amount of passion and gives a million percent of themselves, you'll take any amount of stuff from, and I would from Axl, I think he's that good."

    "They played me everything. Axl actually sat down and made me listen to everything (laughs) and there's some wonderful stuff there"

    What a gent! :)

    Any parts he put down would surely have been re-recorded with Robin, otherwise whats the point of him bein there! :drevil:


  6. Let me be more specfic Howard Hughes was OCD which i belive Axl suffers from the same crippling disease that Mr.Hughes had.

    You cant BE OCD. You can have it, but not be it. Petty I know... :P

    You seriously think Axl has obbsessive compulsive disorder? :rolleyes: Maybe hes been cleanin for the last few years.... thats why CD isnt out! <_<


  7. I've been listening to KROQ at work these past couple of weeks and noticed a lot of different things. I always listened to the station to see what new music they play as well as some classics(Metallica, Alice in Chains, Etc.) I never get to hear GNR on the station not even on flashback hours. Until this past week they been playing GNR songs on the station. I kind of find it weird but then again when a band is coming up with a new album they always play their material a lot. So I guess since we got news from Axl that we would hear music this year I think the station is starting to play GNR songs now. Plus the DJ in the evening(Nicole Alvarez)played Paradise City and mentioned that the Chinese Democracy album was going to be heard this year. After that she told the audience lets keep our fingers crossed on this one. I think the hype is already here people. CHINESE DEMOCRACY IS FINALLY COMING!!!!!

    "You'll hear music....."

    Lets not get ahead of ourselves. It can only end in tears :(


  8. This happened a little while ago, actually. I wanted to put The Blues on my profile, and I noticed that other people had done similar things by signing up GN'R music accounts and uploading songs. I would never upload studio material for copyright reasons, but I figured live tracks were alright and it wouldn't be a problem. I also figured if there were some kind of issue, I'd happily delete the files.

    Anyway, I created a Guns N' Roses music page and uploaded The Blues from Boston '02. I put it on my profile. The next day the GN'R page I created was gone.

    This was in my inbox:


    MySpace has deleted your profile because we received a credible complaint of copyright/trademark infringement or otherwise determined that materials posted on your profile violated the intellectual property rights of third parties.

    MySpace's terms and conditions prohibit the posting of any materials that infringe upon the intellectual property rights of third parties.

    If we delete your account you cannot recover it.

    Thank you,


    I wouldn't have created the page if I had known it was an infringement to upload live tracks, but I am kind of surprised that the page was deleted so swiftly. Keep in mind there are many GN'R profiles on MySpace with illegally uploaded studio tracks that have not been deleted. Some of them have been online over a year.

    I wonder if someone involved in the GN'R camp was responsible for having this so swiftly removed because it is "new" material? I can't see why someone else would report my page and not report all the dozens and dozens of other GN'R pages.

    Anyway, I just thought I'd share my experience here.

    One thing's for sure - I won't be making any more music accounts on MySpace. I guess I'll just have to live with the GN'R songs that are already on there. :P

    Axls lawyers have to do somethin to pass the time between lawsuits! ;)


  9. Axl: "I haven't spoken to Slash in 10 years."

    You guys: OMG OMG Reunion!!! Sooner rather than later! I can sense it!


    What is wrong with you people? Are you really that out there?

    I love you all, but this reunion talk has got to stop. It's just ridiculous. Axl obviously wants to experiment with different styles of music. He wants to do something new and creative. Slash and Duff are obviously just interested in playing their old brand of generic bluesy/traditional hard rock inspired by Aerosmith, Van Halen, ect.

    At this point, Axl wouldn't mix well musically with the former gunners. It's like combining Cher and Tommy Lee together. It wont work out and nothing will come out of it. It doesn't make any sense. The only thing it would do is make concert attendance go up. It would not improve the future music. As far as I'm concerned, Axl has reached a creative wall with the old band members. They can't work together on anything new, the collective creativity is over.

    We should be more interested in what Axl and his new band have to offer us. Those guys might have elements that weren't present in the old GNR. We should be optimistic for what will be on CD.

    That is all, flame me if you wish, but I'm right about this. There will be no reunion and there shouldn't be a reunion.

    Well said. Theres always room for just a little optimism though ;)


  10. Its a pitty that Axl love Slash. Slash is nothing to love...

    The new band is old now. Time to move on.

    Im gonna go out on a limb and say thats probably the single most stupid thing ive ever heard.

    If Slash ever comes back they should open up with Sweet Child O mine and have slash walk out dressed as buckethead.... then near the end or the opening solo the drums are about to kick in he removes the bucket and it is indeed slash... and the fans go crazy... :)

    That would cause some real confusion coz Buckethead left ages ago, so Axl would probably have him thrown off stage before Slash could get his bucket off! Nice idea though.

    I'd to see Axl on his own on stage singin Sail Away Sweet Sister.... or somethin, then the mic goes dead and lights start flickerin, and slash appears rippin SCOM out! I think I need to calm down and get back to reality....


  11. perhaps axl wouldn't answer the door' after all he wouldn't answer it to izzy

    Well he spoke to Izzy last week...



    we aint talking about last week, we're talking about a while back' you know that aswell your just trying to be a smart arse as usual'

    I said he spoke to Izzy last week - like he said he did. So whatever issues Izzy & Axl had in 2001 seem to have been resolved.


    how do you know what was said to izzy- none of us do

    Good point. They could have had a blazin arguement and slammed the phone down on each other vowin never to talk to each other ever again...... the optimism might be a little premature...:unsure:


  12. OMG RO$E IZ SUCH A JERK HIS DOIN DIS FOR THE PR!!!!!111+!!11111 LOL FCK RO$E!!1+oneELEVEN!!!111


    Stress much..... take some valium you'll forget all about it....

    Slash did try to make the first move in '01 in Vegas, but they booted his ass out.

    You're always very quick to play that down whenever i mention that in the VR section :unsure:

    Besides, in that interview just before new year Slash said he didn't think that Axl had anything to do with that.

    Hardly the best place to go to make ammends - when Axl is on stage with the new band.


    It was Axls management apparently who kept Slash out. Didnt they then say that Axl has somethin in his contract sayin that he didnt have to do a show if any of the former gunners were in attendence? :unsure:


  13. Axl naked in blue body paint, kinda like that chick from x-men.

    There should also be sparkles on his feet and stuff like that. :huh:

    But that's not stardust on my feet that leaves a taste that's bittersweet - that's called the blues!

    Wouldn't painting his feet with sparkles be kind of contradictory?

    No. Sparkles, not stardust. :huh:

    He would taste the sparkles and they would be bittersweet. :huh:

    :blink: Sounds like Roman Polanski should be directin it....



    leafs fan? maybe, or maybe he just simply loves toronto, as many former members did, in fact the "976" girls term was pegged in toronto from the 976 phone lines. Maybe he just loves toronto, and had a shirt in his closet and through it on, or maybe he is a leaf fan too :)

    Maybe he just likes the shirt? He wore them all the time on the 2002 tour, loads of different ones, i'm not sure if the origin or location of the shirt/team is actually very important?


    Exactly. There are only so many teams he can support! He wore countless different ones in 02. Wouldnt read into it too much.


  14. The ending really affected me.

    We can see that.

    Really? I didn't know you could see me. Are you sitting outside my window with binoculars? I wouldn't put it past you. Although I really think it would suit you to acquire a girlfriend rather than following around anonymous males on an Internet message board.

    :ph34r::lol: Saw it comin but funny nonetheless.


  15. I really hope that when Axl says "people will hear 'music' this year" he is not refering to a couple of singles or a soundtrack (ala Oh my God). Just get the album done and dusted. Period!

    We have already heard 4 strong contenders for the album (Madagascar, The Blues, CD and IRS). Great tunes and I cant wait to hear the studio efforts. But imagine hearing a single or two on top of these tracks before even hearing the album. We'd be familiar with 6 songs out of 13........

    Personally, I'm willing to wait the extra mile for the album... then we can talk singles...... JMO

    LA rock1

    We've waited this long, whats a few months? Or even a year?

    The important thing is that its comin. And at least some music will be comin out in 06..... hopefully :)


  16. I mean people are upset about Axl keeping the name, but what they are really upset about is Slash and that leaving the band and that was their choice.

    I agree. It was their choice to leave as they were tired of the guy on a power trip.

    I don't think that's reason. As I said on my previous post slash+the rest of the band was not "on the same page" as AXL.

    Axl wants to evolve his music while the rest of the band wants to stay to true rock music.

    They would certainly have found an agreement about the musical future of GN'R if one of the members had not been on a power trip and had not wanted to impose his tastes.

    well didn't Slash leave and said I'm not coming back unless you go my way with the music, that sounds likea power trip to me and Axl didn't change his mind. Slash wanted it his way or no way and since he didn't want to compromise , he left.

    They all left, not just Slash...

    Yeah I know, Iguess they didn't trust Axls music albilty and now Slash is saying what Axl does is Brilliant. I bet he is kicking himself for leaving, it must be hard for him playing guitar next to scott weiland :scared:

    Just a moment of time before he picks up the phone and gets in contact with Axl.

    True. I cant see Axl phonin Slash to be honest! Would Slash seriously consider leavin VR though while they were still goin? I dont think he'd do that to Duff n Matt. But hopefully theyll go with him!


  17. Maybe this is the wrong section, I apologize if it is.

    But I was thinking if Slash and co didn't leave the band causing the break up when they did, would Guns n Roses still be together now?

    Ive thought about that quite a bit. It was a matter of time before they broke up. Even if it was to get away from each other for a bit. They'd have broken up eventually coz they were all individually out of control in their own way. Whether it be egos, drink, drugs etc.


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