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Posts posted by ChristianGNR

  1. 1 hour ago, Pedrolg said:

    There is no working on his medium range, taking a break, hiring vocal coach or whatever anymore. His classic voice is simply not coming back. The fact that Axl's baritone voice is still this powerful and he has such control over it just shows that he takes care of his instrument, it is in as good a shape as it can be at this point. Axl's upper range is dying due to age and use, it is what it is. There is no way in the world he would be able to hit the kind of notes he does on stuff like TWAT without a lot of work.

    Baritone sounds like an actual world famous professional singer, not someone at a bad karaoke. He should use it on most songs, and still bring out a couple of screens in falsetto here and there. 

    Sorry, but i’ve been around for over 25 years. We cannot say his voice is not coming back. 


    2 hours ago, sl4yer said:

    1. I didn’t see anyone here who has criticizing his baritone voice. I just wanted to clarify that using falsetto fucks dynamics of the songs way more because it’s too soft and weak. It’s just not a technique made for songs like You Could Be Mine.

    2. May I ask why would you prefer him to retire? Some songs would sound off, e.g. Jungle, Reckless or Shadow but these songs are still somewhat decent live especially Reckless Life. I see nothing wrong with Estranged, Civil War being sung that way. I think it sounds pretty good and his alterations of melodies are pretty interesting. I could also see YCBM and Hard Skool with his Chinese Democracy vocals. It could sound badass if done right.

    So I don’t really understand what you’re problem. Especially when he’s using this voice in a lot of songs. (ISE, BO,PTU,Brownstone,Absurd,KOHD,DOTF,CD,Patience,Don’t Cry, half of Estranged, Wichita, etc.) 

    Are we considering his Chinese democracy chorus voice “Baritone”? 

  2. 4 hours ago, sl4yer said:

    …and falsetto doesn’t?

    This entire discussion about dynamics is complete bullshit.

    Dynamics are about loudness, not pitch. And well, usually high register is the loudest but not when you’re using fucking falsetto. Listen to any of his performances this year where he’s using both registers (e.g. Brownstone or PTU) and notice that he’s upper range is barely audible compared to his chest voice. It’s so weak that he may as well whisper the lyrics. Then talk about taking away „dynamics” or „energy”. 

    One of the biggest problems nowadays is thinking that the world is binary. Nobody here is defending falsetto or Mickey just because doesn’t like the Baritone voice.
    I prefer much more Axl working in his medium register, taking a break, or even retiring, than singing GN’R catalog in Baritone voice. 

  3. 25 minutes ago, adamsapple said:

    I'm expecting a late start into a short set with a hungover Axl sounding like shit from partying last night. But I hope for the best for those attending in person. May you get a great show.

    If they had any balls left they'd start the show with Absurd, Hard Skool and Perhaps as the first three songs and then do their usual routine. Not gonna happen, I know.

    That party happened on Wednesday. So it’s not “last night”

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