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Posts posted by Markus89

  1. You are an asshole, and everyone knows it.

    How much of an asshole, nobody can say..

    I'll take anything they give me..

    Why you ask ? To me it's logical. Many of us have been complaining about that the tour is not selling that well,

    and that the us tour will end up cancelled cause no one is interested in GN'R, releasing such a statement proves that wrong..

    I used to respect your point of view, but to me, you sound like a attention seeking asshole.

    You have beein a victim of countless bashing, and you may think i'm just one of many, telling you to fuck off, cause someone ellse did.. No, i'm seriously so fucking fedd up with your negative and sad view upon everytning..

    Please start thinking threw what you post and make threads about, cause i'm sure u are inteligent enough to come to the same conclusion on your own.

    U may tell me to not waste my time here than, and simply just fuck off. Well, now i intend to, enough is enough.

    (Sorry about my bad English)

  2. Nice read.. Great point's! I really hate when people bash Slash, even if I inside feel there is some thruth to what was mentioned here. Slash's guitarwork in GN'R is amazing, and for that alone, he should be honored and respected!

    You are a talented wrighter, hope u get a reply from them.

    And at last, what is this Download audio i hear of ? U have the full show pro recorded ? for sharing ?

  3. Kaneda had a point the first time he posted way back in 2001 or whatever. Ever since then, it's been the same old song and dance, same old negativity, basically the same post as his first with a little different wording each time.

    This sounds strangly familiar..let me think, who else does this?? hmmm...oh I know, AXL ROSE.

    So way to be a hypocrite by downing this guy and then surpporting Axl, you tool.

    You honestly have to come up with the worst arguments I have ever heard. Seriously, they don't make sense. I doubt you even know the definition of hypocrit either by the sounds of it.


    Wooptie Fuck, Mahimahi you really sound like, in your own words, a tool. Poor child.

    A8R, Great read.. I'm on this forum atleast 10 times a day, call it not having a life, call it whatever you wan't.. But lately i haven't been able to touch the "DISCUSSION & NEWS" section cause it's cramped up with idiots, complaining idiots.. Fighting it is useless, get's one no were. There will always be this tool, hanging around, making everyone misrable.., but think about it, they have to live with themselves constantly.

    I'm pretty sure Axl knows what the fuck he is doing...

    You honestly have to come up with the worst arguments I have ever heard. Seriously, they don't make sense. I doubt you even know the definition of hypocrit either by the sounds of it.


    Learn how to spell and then we will talk, moron.


    And that's relevant, how ? Great argument dude :o

  4. why do people email ron everytime there is a rumour

    Cause they wan't to confirm, or deny the rumour.

    and yet they can't wait

    And we haven't waited enough ? I know what you mean, and I don't think we should spam bandmembers either, But a diplomatic e-mail, which is exactly what we would get if there was a reply about the topic, would be quite entertaining, cause this shit gets me through the day :)

    And if they were to deny the rumour, we would'nt waste our precious time on this topic, we'd be over at the "use your illusion" section looking at our wierd forum mates :P

  5. ...

    all i said was ive seen her and that the photo doesnt look like beta. and you for some reason laid into me. ..

    I said the pic looked like Beta's daughter - not Beta.

    .. and no, i dont think its an important issue, but judging from your reply where you attacked me for NO reason you made yourself look a) bothered B) slightly mental ..

    Hon, read the posts again. You were the one attacking me - I believe the words you used were "fucking superior" and "sarcastic/snappy bitch" - and all because I simply questioned your opinion. But for some bizarre reason, you seem to think that anything you say here should be accepted as fact. :monkey: As for me - I never resort to childish name-calling and personal insults like this. Not my style.

    I think she is the Beta's daughter.I've seen Beta and this girl here in Rio,2 years ago, in a shopping center.

    Thank you.

    "Gee - you've met her. Well hon, if you're really such "tight" pals with Vanessa, maybe you should pick up the phone and ask her. Please - tell us all what she says."

    wasnt very friendly was it? dont know why you felt the need to reply to my post with that sarcy remark. pretty childish.

    and yes, i meant betas daughter. im guessing you realised that but felt it necessary to nit pick.

    anyway, i really have no interest in starting online arguments. im far too old for this, i expect you are too.

    Go Cherry!! Fight The Power!!! :anger:rock3

    Was going to leave this alone, but :rofl-lol:

  6. Great read, I totally agree.. Axl loves what he does, and i kinda feel he doesn't care about the money, or the fame.. It's just there :book:, if he did, he would not have stayed away from everything all theese years..

    To Mr. Rose, the music is everything !

    I aslo remember reading something, or listening to something From Izzy, were he mentioned he respected Axl more than any of the other members of the Old-GN'R..

    Axl is not after the fame, or ellse he wouldnt have left the face of the earth for over 10 years.. That is a thing i think Izzy respects.

    Axl and Izzy never did any recording with anyone ellse, they do they're own stuff, love they're own music.. Whillst Slash and Michael Jackson, which says it all :P

    For the record, I love Slash, Duff, Izzy, Axl and even Matt :) And every other importand GN'R man.. Could mention them all, but you get my drift...

  7. I think he improved a lot as guitarist and in his look..after all he has my respect.His presence on stage is fantastic,the solos of the new songs are really great and Better is a top song.

    To be honest,I was not really happy with him in the past,but the guy is pure rock n' roll now..never imagined that he would stage dive someday in a concert.

    Greatest member of this band after Axl.

    Agree man, hated his 2002 "look", hated the bands look overall in 2002. I Don't have a clear favourite amongst the new members, honestly love them all ! BUT brain and chris, i feel like i don't know them.. would'nt die if they were replaced.

  8. A guy who works with Gn'R told me that Buckethead only playes on some songs with the band., why he told me this was when i asked him if he liked Bumble beeing in the band, and he replied "No cause he is like a 3rd guitarist, i liked bucket better cause he only was there on some songs when he was needed.."

  9. No, but your brain is too small.

    comes from the man with no life...

    I have to answear in every topic just to make a

    geek post account..and if i dont have a desent answear

    i post things like this.

    And have to give info aobut dit and dat

    everyone can find with a little search on google...

    U are a fucking wannabe


    Now, u must be Scandinavian ;)

  10. I always felt the UYI stage was waay to big, the audiece were to far away from the band. I love small stages, the band get's closer contact to the audience.

  11. What a stupid fucking topic. Yes this has been discussed in many ways and my facets. Enough already!!! No one gives a damn when you think CD will be released. Why do you take up messages board space with this crap?

    Ohh, Poor Child.. Just expressing my views you stupid fuck.. Think it's a waste ? leave it to be.. This board is cramped with hostile idiots. Should seriously do something about that..

    I have a dream that you will some day leave the face of the earth, retard.

  12. I know this has been discussed alot inside GN'R. A couple of frieds of mine and I talked to a man who worked with the band in Norway, and he said he personally felt that touring in the US without the album beeing out there would be a huge mistake, He also said, and I qoute, "Axl is his own boss, he'll do whatever the fuck he want's"

    The US tour started out selling pourly, I personally think Axl and The band realized that it was a mistake to tour without the album beeing released first. The shows scheduled this moth were posponed, could this mean that the album is scheduled to be released when the tour starts up again ? (Which is Oct. 20th, with the exeption of one show Oct. 5th)

    I personally think that the tour starts up again, they do a few shows, release the album, then continue the tour.


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