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Posts posted by Markus89

  1. NUMBER 258622266.25255 This month....... :) and counting... :)

    Who will be the next one to start a topic about CD... :lol:

    Well, excuse me for bothering to provide something other than blind speculation :tongue2:


  2. I, like every other member on this board, sent Mr. Mercuriadis (Jackamo, take note on how i spelt it) an E-mail, and I got a reply ;) Some of you may be quite sure of this already, but to me, still worth asking.

    Thank you. When the album is released it will come out in Norway and all of Europe the day before the US.
    On 18 Nov 2006, at 07:13, Markus wrote:

    Hey! I know you get alot of these, but as you may have noticed, that did not stop me.

    What I was wondering was if Norway, which is were I live, will be gettin Guns N' Roses's new cd, to be released this year as promissed, a day befor the american market? European cd's are usually released Monday's while the US get's them on Tuesday's.

    If you are not able to respond, that's OK, I know you must have a pretty tight schedule.

    Just incase you're hanging with the band in the near future, please tell them that what they're doing is highly damn appreciated! The show they put on the two dates I got to see them this summer bleeew me away! My eyes get weet just thinking about it.

    Anyways, Thank you for your time.

    - Markus

    When I got this reply I immediately asked him a seccond question, it wen't something like this;

    I know you must getting tired of answering this, but I was wondering if you would once more confirm a 2006 album release ? Lately there has been alot of media stuff saying the album has again been postponed (Universal Music beeing one of them).

    This e-mail was ignored, lol :P I'll tell you if he was to reply :)

    Edit: Please stop sending me PM's requesting his e-mail. My inbox is full, and I'm sure he has the same problem :)

  3. To the poster: Awesome news!! Thank Your for sharing! this is the seccond time we've heard about theese tv add's! :D

    I actually e-mailed Merck to get him confirm this once more, he ignored that question :rolleyes:

    My other question to him, which he replied on was if Europeans would get CD a day ahead of The United States, he said Yes ;)

    What :question::question::question: When did this happen? Could you post the entire email please? That is actually very significant information.

    Sure, I'll start a new topic here on this board :)

  4. RocketQueen admin at thenewguns.com

    last night i was watching satalite. I was watching 4 different shows. And a commercial for GNR came on, 7 times on different channels, promoting the tour. It was a very fuckin cool commercial. Very bad ass. It had clips from some of the U.S shows, and it also showed GNR doing a clip of " Better"

    It also said at the end of the commercial " GNR CHINESE DEMOCRACY WORLD TOUR, TICKETS ON SALE NOW."

    Then it said:

    " Chinese Democracy in stores winter 2006"

    and no i am not bullshitting.

    I really don't know what to make out of this. Since there is a total lack of CD release information we have to draw our conclusions based on these kind of small tidbits and hints. That sucks. I want Merck or anyone to tell us if they actually still plan to release CD in 2006! <_<

    To the poster: Awesome news!! Thank Your for sharing! this is the seccond time we've heard about theese tv add's! :D

    I actually e-mailed Merck to get him confirm this once more, he ignored that question :rolleyes:

    My other question to him, which he replied on was if Europeans would get CD a day ahead of The United States, he said Yes ;)

  5. Axl & Izzy = friends forever :heart:


    So he's only considering the L.A. shows??

    I wanna see him in Dec.! :(

    December seems likely, since he said this

    Izzy: "I may do some shows with Axl around Christmas"

    On this interview HERE

  6. Q: Obviously a lot of fans would like to ask various questions on the GnR tour. Anything you feel comfortable telling us would be appreciated...how it came about, your reaction to getting that first telephone call inviting you, any future plans with the band....?

    Izzy: I spent my summer vacation touring w /Axl`s new gnr and had some fun playin live again. Amazing fans out there.... it's hard to believe at times.fantastic! GNR tour: Axl and I connected via cell phone this year, I stopped bye to see if he looked as old as he might be............ Same age as myself, you know and he looked great! It was nice to reconnect with an old friend/war buddy/fellow musician. I told him later I'd like to join the fun in some way and he said I was welcome to come and play something, so I did! Took me about 3 weeks to recover from the 6 weeks of touring!!!!

    Read full interview here

  7. actually, I emailed the guy at melodic rock and he emailed back. said his source is really reliable..

    but he didnt mention the source?! ...because axl would have a gagging order, thats the feeling i keep getting, that everyone has a gagging order on them to keep quiet, its just music, surely somoene knows a little info on whats happening

    I think thats the case... from all accounts, this WILL be a surprise release.. and they are keeping everyone quiet..

    just thought Id share that He said his source is reliable..

    Chinese Democracy is the most anticipated album in history of man, the only way to prevent it from leaking must be keeping quiet about it, and than BANG! If there is too much promotion every one will be on it, and a leak of the album is guarantied.. I'm sure they have some masterplan to prevent this. As long as this masterplan sets in motion THIS year.

  8. god people get a life and stop worring about the fuckin cd!!!! this is about the 500th thread about the same thing....i dont even care anymore if he releases a damn cd or not. If he wanted to please his fans it would have already been out! But i still love him.

    That's the difference between you and us, we still care.

  9. I was also thinking - since most people aren't going to know what the song is (although I'm sure they're going to recognize Axl's voice) how badass would it be if at the start of the commercial they add "Better"/Guns N' Roses from the forthcoming album "Chinese Democracy" - in stores xx/xx/06?" It won't happen, but it'd be nice!

    Pleeease don't go there!

  10. Be realistic please, a 06 release will NOT happen, Axl still has the cd in his pocket.

    April/ may 2007 if he hands it over now.... :)

    I have lost faith in a 2006 release aswell. But the band and it's managment must be fucking stupid not to release it this year. They have confirmed it dozen's of times, there has been dozen's of article's in the media about it.

    If they don't give out a press release saying that 2006 will not be the year afterall, due to whatever, the fans will feel betraied once more, this is not something the band needs..

    Remeber when all these 2006 quotes from Axl started popping up, I knew he was not bullshitting us this time, i would have put money on it. The people on this board who did'nt believe Axl on this. the ones saying it would never happen in 2006 were slaughtered. And suddenly, they are all right, while we are deead wrong!

    Don't know who to fucking believe anymore..

  11. Ja, jeg skal ikke si noe. Har ikke hørt så mye på Black Sabbath, men likte iallfall Axl sin stemme på den sangen.

    uhhhh....Peter Forsberg? :unsure:

    He didn't wrote swedish :P It was norwiegian or danish. Or how it spells.

    Say Espen Knutsen if you want an norwiegian hockeyplayer! Or their best ever, Martin Knold.

    Det var riktig, er Norsk ;=)

    Men, er dårlig på ishockey, så jeg er verken Henrik Forsberg eller Espen "Shampo" Knudsen :P

    Why the sudden language change?

    Ikke at jeg har noe imot det da,.. hhe :)

  12. LMAO, this story is pure bullshit. It's a democrecy now. People, try to fuckin remember- we kicked Saddams butt and we're gonna hang that SoB. Free country, people, they can't ban shit.

    We are talking about IRAN, Not Iraq! Huge difference dude. :confused:

    I ask again, why the X over my flag ?!

    He don`t like us.... we are not American :P

    So true, we're so much better than that :P

    Why Norway and not ex: Germany ? :krider:

  13. LMAO, this story is pure bullshit. It's a democrecy now. People, try to fuckin remember- we kicked Saddams butt and we're gonna hang that SoB. Free country, people, they can't ban shit.

    We are talking about IRAN, Not Iraq! Huge difference dude. :confused:

    I ask again, why the X over my flag ?!

  14. Different country, different rules and beliefs. What makes you think we are right? Look up ethnocentrism some time.

    We get to speak our mind, we get to listen to what we wan't. We are not dictated into believeing, and thinking the way our government want's us to. FREEDOM!

    That's the obvious "right".

    What you call rights, they call blasphemy or the will of devils.

    Alot of those in the east consider the western world evil and greedy people. Accept it. We use god's name to kill as much as the supposed "terrorists" in Iran and wherever your propaganda feeders tell you they are. It's a different world there, one that has existed ALOT LONGER than the west.

    Go fight for your dollar bills. Blood money. The paper with the most blasphemous and evil propaganda printed right on the back. Candy coated greed. In god we trust........

    We are not forced to believe what the government feed's us.. We choose to bleieve it, without saying i believe. And about the religion thing, fuck religion! As Elthon John has already said, religion should be banned, causes nothing but trouble and war. (Saying this kinda goes against the free will thing, just proving a point, believe what the hell you wan't :) )

    They have been around alot longer than us, yes. but that in NO FUCKING WAY makes what they are doing right! It makes them older, not wicer.

    I'm so fucking sure that if they're government and leders were'nt so fucking greedy, they would have been as rich as a country like Norway, which has been voted the greatest country to live in 7 years in a row by the UN.

  15. Different country, different rules and beliefs. What makes you think we are right? Look up ethnocentrism some time.

    We get to speak our mind, we get to listen to what we wan't. We are not dictated into believeing, and thinking the way our government want's us to. FREEDOM!

    That's the obvious "right".

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