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Posts posted by Jabberwocky

  1. Josie And The Pussycats - I thought it was going to sort of like that shitty Spice Girls movie but was a really goofy satire of consumerism

    One Hour Photo - Robin Williiams is so creppy but is a really sad, broken down man

    The Iron Giant - This movie has a lot of ambivilant moments. A kid's movie that can really appeal to the adults

    Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me - I think it gets a bad rep because it focused on Laura Palmer's murder, not enough Dale Cooper, and being too dark and weird. Thankfully I have a 3 1/2 hour version of it that makes a great movie even better

  2. Loved the first season of TP, couldn't finish the second after Nadine (I think?) did her superman jump with the pom poms. I was done with that shit.

    LOL. Yeah that was her. Season 2 did have some filler but it was enjoyable filler. It was basically everybody involved was scrambling for new story arcs after ABC pressured Lynch/Frost to reveal who Laura's killer was in the middle of season 2.

    It is happening...again

  3. I'm really diggin' this :headbang: . Also love the ban'd name. Fellow Monster Magnet fan I see ;)

    Thanks and yeah! :lol:

    I learned how to play guitar to Spine Of God and Superjudge. I also made you a Rate Your Music page. https://rateyourmusic.com/artist/gods_and_punks

    I'm uploading some of my newer stuff now.

    Thanks! Where can I listen to your stuff?


    The older stuff is pretty experimental. The new stuff (Over My Dead Body) is a bit more straight forward but still kinda sideways.

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  4. For some reason appreciation of art, music and creativity is often derisively labelled as 'hipster'. I really don't get that. Shunning mainstream media and fashion is nothing new and neither is the hostile trend of anti-intellectualism that comes with it.

  5. At least she told you about it. I found out my wife was fucking around me when she accidently forwarded an email conversation with the guy she was cheating on me with.

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