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Status Updates posted by Projected

  1. You can write to me at tocov@europe.com, that's my spam mail, so write me there, and I will give you the real one, so I don't have to post it here on the open.

  2. Why did you live in the first place? Did something drastic change in your life?

    can you pm me? because I can't pm you.

  3. Why did you stop posting?

    Hope you'll come back full time. Always fun to talk to.

  4. Well I've been to Lebanon technically, just not on really fun circumstances... you know.

    Ha. Sure we eat hummus. It's one the most famous and favorite dishes around here. Fucking love it :D Everyone who comes to Israel is taken to a hummus place lol.

    Really I think the people are not that different, but they live very different lives.

  5. Yeah... that's too bad though. I wish I could visit Beirut someday. Or any place in Lebanon, for that matter. I would love to see how people are living there etc. I mean we're so close but our lives are probably very different.

  6. yeah sure it's great... But do you have like anything to hold on to there... You can't just immigrate to the states, or can you?

  7. Ha, that's probably weird in today's world, but it shouldn't be cause we're all human beings after all. Are you moving out of the country or just a different city?

  8. Still can't pm you.

    First, it is REALLY cool to see you back here.

    Thanks for returning my message.

    How's it going, girl?

    How's life up north in Lebanon? :lol:

    What you been up to?

  9. I've been myself since I registered in 2003.

  10. I kid, I kid. Though I do still hold the (really great) photos, I am a better person now. Your secrets are safe with me.

    Seriously, you should post more. I kind of liked you back in the day.

  11. Do you really want this to get down to blackmail? :P

  12. well actually I'm pretty sure you don't even remember me. :D

    It's cool though. Good to have you back. Post more.

  13. Hey, it's you!


  14. Don't see what you mean.

  15. That is very reassuring

  16. Seriously why do we even have this status shit?

    1. axl8302


      hair and make up

  17. I'll contact you when I get back home on my own PC.

    I don't play around with PS anymore because of my "career" as a sound engineer, and I would love to get back to designing stuff.

    Is it possible for you to upload a photo of the actual DVD to see how it came out?

  18. Nope. Made both sides and you even thanked me and asked for another one for Ozzfest.


  19. Says you can't recieve PMs. Anyway...

    I just went through my old conversation with this user and I foung myself making you an OZZY DVD cover. (which looked very cool, I must say).

    Just was wondering if you ended up using it and if it's still in use.

  20. clear your god damn PMs!

  21. hey bitch, you still around?

  22. DELETE YOUR PMs!!!!

  23. Yeah saw you around.

    Cool to have you back, you chicken loving maafan.


  24. 5 stars for supporting the right side in this world shit.

    Have fun.

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