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Posts posted by gnrjanus

  1. Guitarist reveals Axl Rose had pegged him for job before audition

    Guns N Rose guitarist DJ Ashba has recalled how he got the gig with Axl Roses band - just by turning up for his audition.

    He joined in 2009, and reports theyre preparing for a busy year of live shows while they continue work on the follow-up to 2008 album Chinese Democracy.

    Ashba tells Rock Reflected: I got a call and Guns was looking for a guitar player on the down-low. They wanted to know if I would be interested.

    I went down there and I didn't know, but evidently Axl called management when I was coming down and said, If he shows up in the room, he has the gig. It was kind of like that.

    He finds it difficult to choose which GNR songs he enjoys playing most. I love playing the solo in This I Love, says the axeman. I change the solo up a little bit from what's on the album. I love Shackler's Revenge of course, all the old stuff. It's a blast to play.

    There really isn't a song I don't enjoy playing because it's so high energy. The crowd is what makes it over the top it's a lot of fun out there.

    And Ashba admits he prefers playing residencies to tours. He reflects: What's cool about that is you get to set up shop, and it's home. Were all in the hotels and get to party with the fans and hang out with them a lot more instead of play the show, get on the bus and go. I enjoy it big time.

    Hell hit the road with Nikki Sixxs band Sixx AM in April, and after that hell return to GNR duties. We were talking about doing another huge tour, he reports. Our main focus right now is putting together the next Guns record. Weve got tons of material its just a matter of sitting down and sifting through the pieces. It looks like we're going to be doing a lot more touring.

    The status of fellow GNR guitarist Ron Bumblefoot Thal remains unclear after he said hed been asked not to comment on the situation, and admitted it made him feel like he was repeatedly taking the bullet.


  2. Wow. How disfunctional is this band. I respect gnr and will always support them on tours and cd/dvd/blu-ray but this is just shocking. Tommy was about to leave the band in 06 because of stuff like this. Maybe he has had enough two. Just not being in the loop.

    The Fernando message brought me to ease a bit in the hope something is going to happen (at least another tour) but after Ron's stint and npw Tommy being out of fhe loop... Does tb know who they are dealing with... It's the general. Out of all the players that have come n gone he stood by axl since the beginning of nu-gnr and he should be awarded.. he's the last remaining member of the first days post 1996. he should be at the helm at least with Axl.

    Maybe a moderator could get in contact and ask TB for an update about the band and status of news and fan interaction once in a while in stead of getting being the most hated management company in the universe. Nothing bad intended but they should do some damage control. Keep everyone in the loop perhaps.

  3. Isn't there a way to smooth things over.

    Like a good sit down with team brazil.

    what they do as managers for gnr

    What is going on behind the scene...jt can't be that bad can it that they won't let us in?

    what is the state of the band

    have the band started writing together in a room (rather then all over the places and apart from each other?)

    how is a normal work day for team brazil of the road and on the road with the band

    is a new album ready to come out anytime soon (12 months)

    music videos, talk shows (jimi fallon, the late show, tonight show, conan etc)

    snl live show?

    a plan to bring gnr big to the world and work on the pace they had from 09-14?

    We'd take it easy if they would just give us some clarity.

    we don't ask for the grand master plan for the next twenty years of gnr. But at least once a month or once a two months just a head up that they are working on the future of gnr. Or planning stuff etc. Just small things that would ease us up a bit.

    Gnr managemeng from the start of nu-gnr kept us pretty much in the dark.

    Merck was the only manager who at least gave us updates within months time now and then. Perhaps not the best news but he kept in touch.

  4. Read his statement back.

    Think he says that he wishes how it would affect us more if TB came clean and talked with us or at least keep us posted on behind the scenes.

    Perhaps a monthly dosis of. We are looking into management and indsutries for the upcoming release etc. Even a small were doing great and are working on making 2015 a great year

    But what he tells us I think is that they cannot talk and perhaps even TB and Axl are both not the top players. It's a difficult situation for us fans that want information and someone who wished he could say more but cant due to whatever thing is holding him or her back. M

    One thing we have learned is that the bussiness side of gnr is a difficult and complicated one. One we might never unwrap as to why can't they just talk or even twitter a bit or something...

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