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Posts posted by Tomek1985

  1. 9 hours ago, Jakey Styley said:

    How the fuck was CD 09-11 voted out??? Some of Axl's most powerful vocals ever??? The hype of wondering which CD songs were going to be played? The most spontaneous the band has been in the 2000s???


  2. On 4/29/2022 at 12:50 AM, Screamin' Demon said:

    You Could Be Mine! rock3 When I was watching Terminator 2 - Judgment Day; I first heard a part of the song when John was revving up his bike while Janelle is telling him to get in there and clean up his room until Todd comes out and tells him to do so and he takes off on his bike, then he is riding in the flood control channel with the intro jam building up, and then finally in the ending credits when the Terminator 2 theme finished and the first 2 minutes of You Could Be Mine played I couldn't believe it!:headbang: It was the most rebellious song I had ever heard at that point and it never left me!

    Same for me. Thank for sharing the story mate!

  3. On 3/22/2022 at 1:46 PM, jamillos said:

    You apparently have no idea what's currently happening with the prices in EU countries, both due to millions of refugees and associated changes in economy and due to various production stoppages regarding materials from Ukraine, affecting jobs etc. Forget Covid, shit has hit the fan now. 

    Im from Poland. Its exactly that. Gasoline 5,5 PLN to 8 PLN. Higher price of gasoline equals higher price pretty much of everything.

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  4. 13 minutes ago, zombux said:

    the answer for your question is simple: see why NATO has been created in the first place. yes, it was because its members feared invasion by Russia. and that is the very same reason why other countries want to become part of it. and what's happening in the last days only confirms it. noone civilized wants to be a slave of primitive but aggressive raider from the steppes and Ukrainians, Georgians as well as Baltic countries know that very well, they all have been invaded by Russia numerous times in the past and they know very well how it feels like.


  5. 15 minutes ago, Oldest Goat said:

    Again, I'm not saying surrender Ukraine immediately, simply let Ukraine be wiped out or anything like that. Russia being aggressively sanctioned has already begun, that's a start. Retaliate and handle Russia but do so with great care and should it escalate to choosing between letting them have Ukraine or dive into WW3; then, at that point, let them have Ukraine. Same rationale for Taiwan. Because with this train of thought there is still the chance to play the long game and get them back later. The chance to greatly reduce the death and devastation.

    If WW3 happens there is a good chance that Ukraine or perhaps many - maybe all - countries are wiped off the face of the Earth.

    Quit that bullshit. Nobody. Ever. Should. Attack. Any. Country. Like. That. And u sayin lets Just fuck the Country, its better to protect own ass. Remember 1939 u idiot?  Auschwitz? Ringing any bells WHY THAT HAPPENED? Know WHY? No? I will tell ya. It did happened because assholes like you did the same. Same thinking.


    Ban that asshole, he insulted half of the Europe with his idiotic visions.

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  6. 3 hours ago, Oldest Goat said:

    Yeah I notice on any YouTube video regarding Putin there's always a sea of maggots meming and jerking off over the little napoleon complex creep, some are probably Russian bot accounts though. Astounding that there's people dopey enough to not realise he's a scumbag. Very pathetic indeed.

    Obviously, I don't approve of this invasion. It's a shame America has long disowned itself of any moral authority or high ground.

    Ultimately, if this escalates to the point of reaching WW3, just let them have Ukraine. It's tragic and unfair but if the choice is Ukraine being absorbed into Russia or even a Ukrainian genocide - then that's preferable to what WW3 would entail. Same for Taiwan, just let China have it.

    What??? U should be banned for that. Its an independent country. Wow. Im ashamed fir you. Wow. We still have a lot of stupid people around. Shame!!!!

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