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Posts posted by shades

  1. I'm likely to believe no one until I see evidence that convinces me, and definitely no one once they begin to narrativize it and make it about good vs. evil and freedom vs. tyranny and all that

    good approach in this case.

    Some people would believe Obama even if he told them he found a way to get back the billions of dollars he wasted on green energy initiatives.

    The current American administration is inept at best. And just as Corrupt and secretive as' any administration ever, at the least.

    Lets not forget their tiptoeing into Libya under the pretense of humanity, no boots on the ground, and then assassinating their leader. Nothing to see here.

    I highly doubt there is any reason to not believe pro Russian imbeciles accidently shot down the aircraft. It certainly looks that way.

    The sad picture on American policy is we suddenly have no standing in the free world to lead the effort to punish this negligence.

    Obama has made the US a laughing stock both foreign and domestic. And anyone still backing his presidency in any way is either stubborn or clueless.

    November is right around the corner, if the GOP can take the Senate then Hillary will fade away with her fat ass between her legs and the D'i'mocrats will be left with no plan B. And the world may once again get served notice that acts like shooting a passenger jet out of the sky will NOT be tolerated, when adults are in charge in the USA.

  2. this is getting crazy.

    not really when you think of it in the context of what we are doing.

    lets all get in a metal tube, with these really fast spinning turbine things on it 30,000 feet above the earth and go 500 miles an hour, that will be fun.

    • Like 1
  3. this could be the worst question ever yes, ThomasMeadow once asked if any of the ladies wanted to meet him for a quickie while he was in the states, but yours is maybe right behind that one.

    curious indeed, I'm thinking it's just one of those unexplainable habits that some have, harmless enough but weird, do it back to her with a little lesbo note inscribed on the sheet, like "meat you here tomorrow"

    • Like 1
  4. Shockingly, Ron Paul blames the entire situation on the U.S. and Western governments and exonerates Russia:


    You have to wonder whether Paul really wants his son to become President.

    he actually has a better chance than Hillary,


    And I think all Ron Paul is saying in conclusion, is not to believe unequivocally what the media feeds you out of the shute.

    I happen to think Russian separatists were behind it too from the looks of things as we have been shown, but who knows.

    where's that other Malaysian jet that disappeared?

    it crashed into the sea after being flown out into the abyss by two otherwise sane and competent pilots and never one piece of debris has ever been found and your ok with that?

    ok. that at least explains some of the blind support of Obama.

  5. this is the kind of music by slash that i enjoy, i don't like when he sounds like a metalhead :


    I don't think there is any warranted slash negativity when Slash is involved with something like this.

    He is a lead guitar player, one of the best.

    not a front man, not a song writer, and when he tries to be either of the latter he fails.

    He infamously told Axl "just shut up and sing" the irony is Slash should "just shut up and play"

    Slash needs a songwriter and he needs a singer, Myles and or Scott are karaoke


  6. Shades - but didn't you just describe 99% of pro athletes? Wanting to go to the team that gives you the best chance to win a championship.......or wanting to make as much money as possible.............99.5% of all pro athletes fall into those two categories. That's why the NBA (and other sports) have free agency. So players can move around once their contracts are finished.

    yea maybe, but Lebron seems to be taking it to another level of no loyalty.

    what ever happened to just loving the game and the city and your fans.

    how much friggin money does he need? I would think a little old school loyalty and respect for the game would be in order for someone so good that whatever team he played for would give him enough money to live like a multi millionaire the rest of his life. And whats up with winning a championship when an owner puts together a team of all-stars because he can.

    I would think playing for a city and it's fans, assembling the best team possible through the draft and some horse trading, a few work in progress years if need be and then winning the big one would go a long way toward the legacy thing. And certainly mean more to the real fans of the sport.

    but whatever, hes Lebron the whore to me.

  7. Lebron is a whore, highest bidder whether it be all star team mates and or money and he's gone. Nice legacy he will have.

    I'm still trying to figure out what the Celtics are doing, drafting two guards, already having Rajon, and resigning Avery Bradley long term.

    Either something big is about to happen or Danny Ainge has lost his mojo.

  8. Why are we assuming WOF will be 'medicore'?

    a pretty fair assumption no?

    after listening to the pre release of WOF I think I know why they call themselves the Conspirators,

    their conspiring to ruin whats left of rock n roll.

    They should drop to their knees and beg Axl to write them a song,

    and I'm still looking for Gumby and Pokey in that Album Cover art


  9. , but by validating the notion that corporations have religious rights,

    the notion that "people" have religious rights you mean?

    your world is so small you truly have no clue that some may not want to live in it do you?

    most places of employment have this little Health Care package you are welcome to look trough before you decide to take the job

    • Like 1
  10. yea whatever jr, keep spouting your "version" of reality.

    mr. google has multiple degrees therefor he is right, we get it.

    downzy, on 02 Jul 2014 - 09:50 AM, said:

    " Unless the GOP moderates its positions on reproductive rights, immigration, and the welfare state (ie. not trying to kill it), they will not win a Presidential election. " ????

    let me translate that for everybody,

    As a country we need to kill more babies, let people flood across the border undocumented, and continue to promote welfare or were doomed as a party?

    brilliant plan, but if it's ok with you I'll stick witht he principles that made this country the greatest on earth before liberals starting dismantling it.

    The SJC will "turn dramatically more liberal over the next 8 years"?

    kind of presumptuous of you, and based on Hillary winning, so good luck with grandma "what difference does it make at this point that 4 Americans are dead".

    otherwise a batch of baboons have the same polling numbers as Cuomo, Martin O'mailey, and who? oh yea Kristen Hiilbrand

    now go "google" some more shit and respond to my post, ya goof

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  11. Hmmm....no offense downzy, but it's hard to take your concern for individual rights seriously...collectivists/liberals like yourself don't seem to have a problem with trumping individual rights when it suits your agenda. What about my individual right to NOT purchase health insurance if I don't want to? Or my individual right to keep the fruit of my labor rather than being forced to subsidize someone else's healthcare? Or what about the rights of the people who were told "if you like your doctor/policy you can keep them"? Or the individual rights of a business owner to decide what benefits his plan will/will not pay for? Your credibility regarding the defense of individual rights is laughable.

    you can't reach him kid,

    he's been drinking the cool aid far to long.

    His clueless, arrogant, and closed minded views on every topic he responds to should warrant his own thread locked out to everyone else.

    I find it most curious that liberals compare Hillary's polling numbers to ALL other possible GOP candidates, the forest for the trees is Hillary is all they got, and when that goes bad, and it's going bad day by day by day what is their plan B? Joe Biden? It's the party of goofs right now, the entire world is laughing at Obama and like Bush in 2006,

    anyone running on the Democratic ticket will be forever linked to the lat 8 years known as the Obama disaster. Hillary is Obama light just like McCain was Bush light.

  12. means nothing to what "general electorate"? the segment that voted for hope and change?

    that's funny

    I think a lot of Americans that fell for that schtick have wizened up a little. The economy is not rolling along as promised, involvement in the middle east is

    not winding down as promised, If one of those released Gitmo bargaining chips the left released pops up in a terror report like I am predicting they will

    the incompetence label will be her anchor to drag around on behalf of the administration.

    Hillary out and out lied about Benghazi and that's not going away despite the left wishing it away. At best she was incompetent at the wheel.

    Her book is flopping, and with that I believe the whole Clinton love affair thing has lost more of the allure than you think.

    She's coming off as an arrogant old biddie with a sense of entitlement.

    We'll see, I'm looking forward to the process.

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  13. the SJC appointment process is without a doubt one of the strangest dynamics of American politics. A lifetime appointment by the sitting President.

    someone neglected to mention the most overtly liberal SJC maybe ever, little miss Ruth Bader and the fact that she is also 80+. This senile crackpot is still writing about women's suffrage in her dissent letters, it's 2014 Susan B Anthony.

    Liberals better hope Hillary wins, with Scalia, Kennedy, and Ruth the nut all to be replaced by the next president at some point.

    All the talk about the GOP not having a viable candidate for 2016, I would find it more troubling not haven woken up to the fact that the left is putting all their eggs in the Hillary basket very early on. She may not even run and if she does she has more baggage than American Airlines.

    Whats plan "B", Joe Biden?

    Hillary imo is not only not fit for the office, she is already a Saturday night live caricature with endless punchlines, a dangerous entry into presidential politics.

    This ruling alone does not mean the end to the ACA, but it is a brick. remove one brick at a time and it will cave in on itself.

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  14. Justice Roberts said all along with a ((wink)) when he was cornered into allowing the debacle known as Obamacare to pass through with the made up truth that it was a "tax" rather than the unapproved legislation that it is, that if the fine unassuming Americans forced to buy someone else something would simply bring it to them in pieces he would help dismantle it brick by brick, Which is what this latest ruling was. Only the beginning. Obama made two very big mistakes in regard, thinking that the people paying the bills didn't have both hands on their wallets, and pretending that he could pay for a 100 pound pile of shit with a 2 pound bag of money.

    When you try and get something done through hook and crook ultimately it will catch up with you.

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  15. Americans, in my experience as a former bartender, are the best tippers in the world. In North America, most of a bartender or waiter's salaries come in the form of tips. Remember that in many places the restaurant will take a portion of a waiter's tips, so if they have to tip out 6-8 percent at the end of the night, and you've only given the waiter 5 percent, the waiter now has to pay money to serve you.

    15 percent is the bare minimum. Give this if you felt like the service was okay, but nothing to write home about. 20 percent if you thought your server did a decent job. 25 percent if the server went above and beyond your normal dining experience.

    The only time you want to give less than 15 percent is if the service is bad. And I mean really bad. A mistake or two doesn't count. The waiter has to be rude, forgetful, and inattentive to warrant 5 to 10 percent. The only time you give zero is if they drop your food on you, say really rude things, or tamper with your food (at that point you shouldn't pay for your bill anyway).

    That ^^^^^

    Is spot on, in every regard

    the only thing I might add is in regards to parking attendants, hotel staff, or anyone else that may be handling and or might have access to your personal stuff.

    use your own judgement, but if you are leaving your car at a parking garage in NYC with all your stuff in the back seat of trunk, it is a good idea to not only be friendly with the guy, but make eye contact and hand him a 10 spot before he jumps in your car because they drive them into the garage and back themselves.

    general rule tip anyone who knows your routine and whereabouts. Don't act like Donald Trump but you did say plush hotel so a 10 or 20 here and there goes a long way.

  16. The country of Iraq, in its current conception is nothing more than a powder-keg. Unless the U.S. is willing to install another dictator who could do the job that Saddam did (but then betray the reason for invading - bring democracy to the Middle East) or carve up the country to its natural boundaries (where each sect gets its own territory), the country will never work since it's not a natural creation.

    I'm going to have to agree with that.

    My thought process on the Iraq war was that we had intelligence that said Saddam had WMD's with intent on using them on the west. I was as skeptical as the next guy, but there were basically three factors that put me behind the invasion.

    We managed to get UN weapons inspectors in but he kept kicking them out, 911 was still very engraved in our minds, and most importantly at least to me was that Colin Powell was very convincing, I saw Bush as a bit confused and Cheney as a bit too anxious, but Colin Powell was the rock.

    His take on it was it look at is as serving a search warrant and we were going to have to kick the door down and serve it.

    But once you serve a search warrant and do not find anything you then have to leave. It took me a long time to buy into the premise that if you tore the house apart looking you then were obligated to clean up after yourself.

    Now as we are seeing first hand there is no end to the sectarian violence and divide.

    I do however still maintain if we were to have kept a peace keeping presence with the might and resolve akin to our presence in South Korea at the very least ISIS would be unable to come in and turn the place upside down. It is my belief there is a lot more at stake than some obviously feel there is in letting that happen.

    Either way Obama has no good option.

  17. I was listening to Republican news radio earlier today and they're going crazy over this.....they've even gotten to the point of playing George W. Bush soundbites and saying that he was right all along. It's disheartening seeing them turn this into something political.

    Playing politics with people's lives. <_<

    the "right" is playing politics?

    that's sarcasm right?

    The whole reason for this latest crisis is due to Obama playing politics with Iraq.

    "I ended the war, brought our troops home, vote for me"

    well there you have it, left unattended, and obviously unmonitored this is what you get.

    there's a vast majority of Americans calling for doing nothing on this, which is unwise, imo.

    If he is poll watching and more concerned about the mid terms he would do just that.

    I have to say this small incursion of troops, and strengthening of the American Fleet in the Persian Gulf is a good sign

    maybe he gets it.

    Iraq can not fall to ISIS, that would be very bad.

    I am surprised, but in agreement that talking with Iran and forming a mutual concern is another good idea I see he has put on the table.

    may be hope for him yet.

    But don't accuse the "right" of politicizing anything when it is their duty to push for action when inaction is not an option.

    Does the concerns of the electorate not meaning anything? His 2008 election platform was that he'd end America's military presence within Iraq. John McCain ran on the opposite platform, arguing that the U.S. might have to remain in Iraq for fifty to a hundred years. The people chose Obama. So please explain why Obama deserves criticism for upholding the commitment that helped make him President? Regardless of whether it meant Iraq would turn unstable down the road, should the American people not have a say in the matter? Or should the U.S. simply become a stratocracy, where military concerns trump the will of the people?

    "The vast majority of Americans are calling on the President to do nothing"... So your argument is: fuck them and what they want. Never mind the fact that Iraqi PM Maliki has been ruling like an dictatorial thug even before U.S. forces left in 2011. That this is mostly the result of authoritarian leadership by the current ruling coalition in Iraq as well as the Syrian rebel movement that Republicans like John McCain and Lindsay Graham blasted the President for not providing arms. That's right, if John McCain were president the U.S. would have essentially provided arms to all sides in this conflict.

    lets start with the hypocrisy of the ideology and sudden concern for the "will" of the people.

    majority of Americans were against Obamacare. Didn't seem to waver his will.

    of course the standard liberal response , "well he knew what was best for America, they just didn't understand", "they will see the light"

    the point is, and especially in matters of national security, he's the President.

    To make sure I am understanding your logic, does a president just take a poll when there is a matter of crisis and go with that?

    Or does the fact that he got more votes than John McCain on certain issues that from that day forward he has a pass to implement that view?

    help us follow you, you're all over the board here. And before you backtrack that's exactly what you're saying, one or the other, or both.

    and on topic, I know it's hard for a liberal to see the forest for the trees,

    but the bigger picture is what a president is supposed to act on regardless of the polls when the free world is threatened. He has all the resources and intelligence in the world at his disposal, we don't.

    ISIS is taking over Iraq, they didn't just sneak in overnight, he missed the signs while he was busy covering something else up in the media.

    And ISIS having control of Iraq is worse than anything previous, Including Bin Laden's rule from his hiding place.

    Now what?

    At some point even the cool aid drinkers will see Obama's inexperience.

    I happen to be pulling for him, as an American. Don't mistake my pointing out the obvious for anything but pointing out the obvious.

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