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Posts posted by shades

  1. I was listening to Republican news radio earlier today and they're going crazy over this.....they've even gotten to the point of playing George W. Bush soundbites and saying that he was right all along. It's disheartening seeing them turn this into something political.

    Playing politics with people's lives. <_<

    the "right" is playing politics?

    that's sarcasm right?

    The whole reason for this latest crisis is due to Obama playing politics with Iraq.

    "I ended the war, brought our troops home, vote for me"

    well there you have it, left unattended, and obviously unmonitored this is what you get.

    there's a vast majority of Americans calling for doing nothing on this, which is unwise, imo.

    If he is poll watching and more concerned about the mid terms he would do just that.

    I have to say this small incursion of troops, and strengthening of the American Fleet in the Persian Gulf is a good sign

    maybe he gets it.

    Iraq can not fall to ISIS, that would be very bad.

    I am surprised, but in agreement that talking with Iran and forming a mutual concern is another good idea I see he has put on the table.

    may be hope for him yet.

    But don't accuse the "right" of politicizing anything when it is their duty to push for action when inaction is not an option.

  2. Airstrikes are the way. Most kills and without men on the ground you don't have people whinging about Murca taking over countries. Fact.


    Still a fucking waste of taxpayer money.

    relax, You have the right guy in office right now if you want non involvement, that's for sure.

    Any day now he will thump his chest, draw a line in the sand and dare the terrorists to cross it, then the media will bail him out by moving onto something else, next

  3. If anything, Russia and China should be the ones getting involved since they're the ones that got 90% of the Iraqi oil contracts anyway.

    Well yea,, everyone "should" be getting involved but of course won't. And I think oil has very little to do with it. All the talk of the US being there for the oil turned out to be ridiculous don't you think?

    The larger picture should be, imho, about the current state of terror spreading across the middle east. It is a world security issue, or should be.

    All the ramblings on about the US imposing their will, trying to "make" people embrace democracy. When in fact this has nothing to do with democracy, other than the fact that in a perfect world a civilized election of a majority rule government would ultimately lead to what should be the issue here.

    Fighting terror, these players are getting bolder by the day. and left unhindered will only get more dangerous.

    In the case of Iraq, and my problem with leaving has very little to do with going in in the first place. In hindsight maybe having Sadaam in charge as sad as that thought is from a humanitarian standoint may have been the better option for the US. No argument there. But its done, join us in the present for fucks sake.

    Hindsight doesn't mean shit right now, whats done is done. Blame Bush, whatever man.

    Iraq was not ready to be left to totally fend for themselves when Obama decided to make it a political feather in his cap. And they may well never be ready to be left to fend for themselves. We needed to maintain a presence there. just because Maliki turned down our offer to remain a presence doesn't mean we should have left. For our own interest, as we now see it was our duty to protect our own security, ISIS taking that country is a very bad thing, trust me. Fuck what Maliki wanted, we just gave 4500 lives to set his ass up to what he his today.

    There are no options now, options are obtained only when you think things through before you take action, not after the fact.

    Do you think Obama thought this far ahead? That is rhetoric, of course he didn't, or worse he maybe didn't really care.

    So now what? that's my conversation, not what if, who started it, or what "might" happen.

    Obama has no earthly clue on so many different fronts around the world right now that's it would be comical if it wasn't so dangerous.

  4. I'm assuming you were referring to Shades in your post? Or should I be getting my psyche checked. :P

    Yup I quoted the wrong post, very enlightening as to the quality of my psyche.... :facepalm:

    Like i said, one of his following rambling on again.

    you goof balls amuse me at least.

    So for the sake of showing your ideology has no reasoning beyond the shallow display shown so far.

    I am assuming now your thought process is that we let Bagdahdi and his reign of terror sweep in and take over Iraq? Along with all of the US weaponry laying about scattered across the country? Set up shop with control over billions of dollars worth of oil?

    Do the two of you, or have you ever thought outside the little card board box you live in?

  5. leaving Iraq entirely was a bad decision.

    maintaining a peace keeping force, even a minimal force with the resources and intelligence available to our military would have not only stopped this mad man in his tracks at the border, but would have emboldened the Iraqi military to stand their ground knowing we had their backs.

    there was absolutely no reason outside of the politics of it to completely abandoned Iraq when the clown-in-chief decided he wanted the "I ended the war" T-shirt.


    Ah, Shades, you do realize it was Maliki and the Iraqi government that turned down the opportunity to extend the SOFA, right? Besides the politics of it all? Do you mean the U.S. should have given the middle finger to the democratically elected government (that was supported by the U.S.) and told them that U.S. forces was staying put?

    Once again, a guy who knows fuck all about anything feels the need to pass judgement.

    you are officially the biggest dumb ass on the board, congratulations.

    yes, we should have given the middle finger to ANYONE who potentially put our national security interests at risk, and had the nerve to thumb their nose at the great sacrifice of life and resources spent to defend security for all.

    Iraq being overun by the wave of terror sweeping the middle east is bad news for everyone in the world.

    Is that too fucking hard for you to grasp.

    Knock off the charade, you can't think past your stupid ideology, you're embarrassing yourself to anyone outside of your little following here.

    you're a phony, fuckhead, and I'm on to you, have been for some time.

    and like I told you 20 times already, try posting your opinion without disregarding someone else's, at least it would keep you from looking so desperate.

  6. anyone still defending Obama on his foreign policy, is either stubbornly hiding their bad decision of supporting him in the first place, uniformed, or like Obama himself unable to forward think.

    leaving Iraq entirely was a bad decision.

    maintaining a peace keeping force, even a minimal force with the resources and intelligence available to our military would have not only stopped this mad man in his tracks at the border, but would have emboldened the Iraqi military to stand their ground knowing we had their backs.

    there was absolutely no reason outside of the politics of it to completely abandoned Iraq when the clown-in-chief decided he wanted the "I ended the war" T-shirt.

    So what does he do now? draw a red line in the sand and dare Baghdadi to cross it?

    It's the most blatant display of inexperience and lack of foresight ever displayed by an American President, ever.

    • Like 4
  7. netcat, on 13 Jun 2014

    here's an interresting article on this subject, but im sure "great minds" who think the US should only mind it's own business won't bother readind because tl:dr

    Superpowers Don't Get to Retire

    What our tired country still owes the world


    but i'm afraid Obama is hopeless in that regard

    That is an understatement if there ever was one,

    Obama squandered great sacrifice by our brave men and women, all for his political gain.

    What he lacks in forward thinking is only matched by his lack of resolve

    He has no clue what to do now.

    • Like 1
  8. And you do realize that Brian Johnson hasn't been ACDC's only lead singer right? Ever heard of Bon Scott?

    Yea, in like 1980, but thanks Mr Google.

    what I posted was my opinion, following me around and critiquing that at every turn is gay

    get a life

    There is nothing Gay about it. If you don't know that Bon Scott was the original singer of AC/DC your opinion is best kept to yourself.

    good news, we have a gay newbie for downzy to play with.

    you don't know what a relief that is, you do know about the personal message system and all, you two can play in private and not follow people around hijacking threads with personal attacks, try it

  9. look, a guitarist leaving that calls himself, or worse yet lets others call him "bumblefoot" is hardly going to impact what Axl does.

    like "Slash" or "buckethead" they're just talented cartoon characters lending their craft.

    the real impact is IF Axl has new music to release, WITH Axl on vocals. There are a lot of guitarists out there that would love to be a part of that.

    it will matter very little to the quality of the music.

    Why some can not get their head around this concept is beyond me.

    You can't have Queen without Freddie Mercury, you cant be Aerosmith with out Tyler, or ACDC without Brian Johnson, John Fogerty, you get the idea.

    But missing Slash, or Bumblefoot has very little to do with GNR's success,

    if Axl sings like Axl can sing and writes music like Axl writes music its Guns N Roses

    that being said Axl should make a move soon, the current greatest Hits tour is starting to get "Stones" lame

    • Like 3
  10. not my beef brother, lock um all if you'd like.

    Just saying a "source" like radaronline quotes Axl even "possibly" saying he is mailing it in after Vegas just might warrant conversation, and or possibly send some people digging

    for another scoop or a rebuttal of some kind.

    of course there's always the "Post pictures of random stuff you bought lately" and the "why are there never male receptionists" threads for people to focus on I suppose.

  11. The greatest frontman of all time is on what is maybe his last leg, cut him some slack.

    if he has new music and he wants to release it he will, if he doesn't he wont.

    The man is worth 150 million dollars, so money is not an issue,

    and I think the "desire to deliver something creative to you yo-yos train" left the station already

    of course it should, that "might" be huge news, and radaronline is pretty legit most of the time, but again, there's yo-yos at the wheel

  12. What, lawns like Lords, The Oval, Edgbaston? :lol: Pretty big fuckin' lawns man!

    I have no idea what or where those are,

    but they're not Fenway, or Wrigley.

    how hard can a game be that you hit the ball then run and touch a stick, then back to touch another stick

  13. As opposed to baseball which is heterosexual in the extreme, they call it rounders here, they have little kids play it in PE when they ain't got brains enough to understand cricket. There's a message in that somewhere :lol:

    I have a theory about the prevalence of basketball in America too. They basically took an English public school girls game and made it into a sport for black people to take the piss out of them :lol:

    yea whatever,

    baseball is a sport,

    unlike cricket which is a game, like croquet, or badminton

    to be played on a lawn in fancy clothes

  14. As sad as it is to say, a reunion at this point would almost be like a Stones concert, when you let this much time go by and unless they collaborated on some new music

    it may be a let down.

    A sort of costume party, Slash with is big goofy hat, Axl and his fedora. May even be laughable, similar to watching KISS all dressed up in their makeup in their 60's.

    That being said it would certainly be a financial success and admittingly I would buy a ticket, but I wouldn't expect much more than the nostalgia of it.

    • Like 1
  15. , it's generally a result of being confronted by the homeowner with a weapon.

    the right weapon is essential

    pump with a close grouped scatter shot, wont mess your walls up too bad, and penetration to the next room unlikely

    the purpose of the pump, as you stated if he hears that distinct metalic click from the silence, hopefully he will bolt for the door,

    in which case it's all good.

    the question was, "if" I encounter him, IN my house

    questions just seem silly at that time

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