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Posts posted by shades

  1. Consequence of the 2003 Iraq war.

    Thank you USA for the chaos !

    actually Goober,

    consequences of the Obama administration

    leaving Iraq allowing

    the Terrorists to move in among the chaos

    Removing Ghadaffi from Libya and creating another vacuum for a terrorists take over

    ignoring the crisis in Syria while factions of terrorists gain momentum

    and now the icing on the cake in allowing Iran to have access to billions of dollars which they will no doubt use to fund their involvement in terror.

    the poor people fleeing the turmoil throughout the region have been left without an American leader that

    in any other time in history would have been at the forefront

    of this humanitarian crisis.

    Without Americas presence no one else will step up to confront ISIS,

    and they will have to be confronted sooner or later, their not going away by themselves.

    A real leader would realize this and decide to confront them before they gain even more power and resources.

    But unfortunately Obama decides policy based on his political agenda.

    On behalf of the real Americans left here, I apologize.

    • Like 1
  2. The commissioner should never be the judge, jury and executioner, imo, especially when he is leading a clear witch hunt like this.

    Actually that is precisely what he can do under his commissioners powers,

    this isn't a court of law, if it was they would spend more time in court than on the field.

    The owners voted for this very power so that an independent party representing all 32 teams could rule on matters affecting the league to do what is best for the league and not any one individual or any one team, rather to act in the interest of the business as

    a whole and keep matters FROM the courts that weren't criminal..

    what this judge has done in this case is apply the rule of law outside of the rule of the NFL. Brady's actions to bring suit were not in the interest of football, they were in the interest of Tom Brady.

    Which shouldn't surprise anyone who follows Tom Brady.

    And to say there was a witch hunt for poor Tom Brady is Pats "nation" protecting their Queen


  3. The PAT's, outside of your new England bubble that is, will go down in history as cheaters, whether or not you like it is irrelevant.

    Don't forget there are 31 other NFL cities that don't agree with you. And my guess is if you carried your conversation to one of those cities you would get laughed at.

    I'm not saying it's right or you are wrong for feeling the way you do just taking off your red, blue and silver glasses for you so you can see.

    like Barry Bonds, and Tiger Woods before him, Brady's name will be synonymous with cheating, the greatest at what they did sports wise, but cheaters.

  4. Anybody got a picture of the white people rioting?

    White people don't do that, we don't act like animals and resort to the stupidity of looting our own neighborhoods, and acting out on pent up hate.

    And for Downzy and all of his liberal followers here this is when they truly expose themselves.

    the point of the thread and pursuing comments was that the hypocrisy on the left, media etal is evident, and in this case sickening.

    If I was a cop, which I am not, but if I was I would organize the blue brotherhood and not respond to any calls for help within "troubled" areas, let them self police, they seem to like the mob mentality of justice.

    I for one have lost respect for a very large portion of an entire race. Those that arent directly acting like wild animals are standing by silent,

    We have gone backwards in race relations under this current president, the great divider comes on TV when a thug is gunned down by a cop, but not a word when a cop is gunned down by a thug

    • Like 1
  5. staged selling tickets

    Mayorga is going to get his butt kicked, again.

    he's second tier

    lost to Delahoya, lost to Trinidad, lost to Suger Shane, lost to Cotto

    every time he steps up he gets beat, maybe he can fade away after this one

  6. Maybe it's because I've always been somewhat of a fighter but why are these guys heroes?, isn't it normal to want stop someone whom's sole intent is to hurt you and everybody around you? I hope that's normal for most people right?

    yea ok tough guy, I hereby award you the distinguished medal of internet macho

    wear it proudly

    • Like 1
  7. in case you didn't notice there are millions of refugees fleeing their homes, including children, because there is a movement going on that wants to take up enough territory and resources to bring a world in which you have no idea, obviously.

    stick your head in the sand and worship the great black wonder if you wish.

    The US is actually trying to confront this movement in some form, or in Obama's case act like they are.

    And personally I would prefer isolationism myself lately, pull our troops out of everywhere, secure our borders and airports, no one gets in here unless you belong here, and you have overstayed your welcome if you don't belong so run along to wherever it is you came. But that's not going to happen. It's open season on land here stay here right now.

    if your walls start tumbling down to terror and it's not as far fetched as you think, who you going to call, Merkel? Hollande? Putin?

    good luck

  8. Like I said, to the uninformed, by all means step up and expose yourself though.

    To the LEADERS,

    To the leaders that see Obama draw lines in the sand on Syria, then back off and have his private state run national press corp posing as legitimate news sources just make the story go away.

    Just like with Iran presently, thought he set a June 30th deadline for them to cease spinning centrifuges, what is it now? who knows , press wont call him out, they report Kerry has it all under control.

    Israel finds us to be a shell of our old selves.

    People of Iraq or Afgahnistan wouldn't lift a finger to defend themselves because no one has their backs.

    Arab Spring the press called it, kumbaya give peace a chance.

    He gets elected into office saying he would close our horrible torture chamber known as Gitmo, still up and running 6+ years later,

    Says he will end the wars, re-establish relationships, then he assassinates Libya's leader and leaves the citizens there to fend for themselves while Islamist militants battle to see who can wreck the most havoc.

    Again when is the last time his press corp reported on their plight.

    Obamas foreign policy is a joke at best and his circus clowns are everywhere I suppose, adjust that big red nose, it suits you.

  9. Maybe the real question is "how is the US viewed internationally now? Better, worse, or the same as when Bush was in office?" it seemed to me out international respect was at an all time low during the Bush years, how are they now? Len? Anyone?

    We have no credibility, we speak and we don't follow through.

    There use to be a time when the world could count on us, knowing we were doing the right thing for the right reasons, even if not always 100% correct, but always for the right reason. Then if we broke it we would fix it.

    Now, Obama has made us the laughing stock among leaders,

    The people of the world it is probably the same mixed bag of some for, some against.

  10. the war was over at the point Sherman decided to burn, rape, and pillage his path to Charleston.

    and to Len's question, basically yes when the church shooting happened liberals suddenly saw another opening to paint the republicans another shade of racist leading up to this election cycle.

    Hillary and co will do anything and everything with no shame to secure the minority vote they so desperately need to win the white house.

    It's shameful and transparent but with the stupidity the voting base has stooped to as of late it just might work, again.

  11. Many southerners hate Lincoln but they hate Sherman even more. They regard Sherman as basically a war criminal.

    he was a war criminal.

    and on topic all those claiming they know the meaning of the flag and therefor that has to be the same meaning it has to everyone should check themselves.

    Kind of an arrogant philosophy to walk around with.

    The flag represents the southern states standing up for their independence to a lot of people. Not everything the south stood for was to be proud of but neither is everything the US flag stands for to be proud of , or any flag.

    Take it down from the state house, burn it in the town center as some sort of symbol that you suddenly care, although you didnt care one iota a month ago until CNN told you to care.

    check yourselves.

    And you just made that flag mean a lot more to the haters that used it as their badge of racism by the way.

    • Like 2
  12. That's "Charleston" S.C.

    So you named 2, and I don't believe Grey was shot.

    quite a stretch to condemn an entire police officer nation as being racist over a few wrongful deaths of late.

    What is it that bothers you? and it certainly isn't that blacks are dying unnecessarily because if that was the case you might have started a thread about the 9 shot dead in Chicago last weekend at the hands of their own. Or the thousands shot dead every month.

    Interesting how you see the common denominator to be somehow innocent blacks just whistling down the road minding their business get profiled and killed.

    And I find the common denominator to be in almost every case a non complying trouble maker thug.

    Maybe if the black leaders, and you bleeding heart phonies really cared you would make your message that when an authority figure, especially one with a weapon orders you to do something you do it.

    if you are innocent the facts will in all likelyhood bare that out later, and you can return home to your family with no additional holes in your body to live another day.

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