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Posts posted by Damn_Smooth

  1. Well if it isn't the great Ali. Your posts are so predictable. You'll never be backstage which is even more pathetic due to the blind swinging you do from Axl's lower regions. I will pay you $1.95 to stop posting.

    Now I've heard it all. A poster that has his tongue so far up Slash's ass that he can lick his tonsils, is asking a supporter of Guns n' Roses to quit posting in a Guns n' Roses forum.

    The stupidity behind that is off the charts.

    Here are some nice Slash forums for you so you don't have to listen to Guns n' Roses fans.


    Good day.

  2. I think we might be witnessing the death of a cupcake. There comes a point when they have bitched and whined so much about something that they have run out of things to say, so in a desperate attempt to clutch on to their former trolling glory, they try and find things to latch on to no matter how irrelevant they are.

    It's fitting that you named yourself Star, because like a dying one, you're almost out of gas.

  3. Just search for Micheal Jackson impersonator on youtube and you find a million people that look, sound and act exactly like him.

    He is the new Elvis. They both have no talent, a million impersonators, and they both stole their movements and sound from black people.

    He's miming you fool.

    I suppose this guy is miming too? Just like the other 1000 you can find singing?

    My God, you are thick as shit.

    That guy is miming to the record you deaf retard.

    You're the stupid dipshit that thinks wacko has talent, and you're calling me deaf???

    Grab your mangina, hump your floor, and get the hell out of here with your chomo hero.


    I still can't get over how thick you are.

    I might go searching Youtube for someone miming to Paradise City and then say "see, it's easy to sound like Axl Rose."

    That's fucking classic dude. Dumbest thing I've read all year! Well done.

    Find it moron. Someone doing it successfully. Pull up your little Guns 2 Roses or whatever pathetic cover band that sounds nothing like Axl that you can find, and we'll have this conversation. Might do something is the dumbest, laziest thing you can say.

    Fact: 1 in 10 pasty little child molesters with no nose can imitate Micheal Jackson successfully, along with Weird Al.

    The point I was making is that you posted two Youtube clips of impersonators miming to Michael Jackson songs and offered it as proof that his vocals can be easily replicated. These people are lip-synching to Michael Jackson's recordings you fucking dumbass, making your clips null and void and highlighting what a dumb fucking retard you really are.

    You are such a stupid fucking assclown it's not even funny. More like pathetic.

    I picked the first two videos that I could find because I didn't want to listen to talent-less morons do covers of another talent-less moron. There were pages and pages of child molester infatuation and I'm sure that since you are in to that sort of thing that you can go find one yourself, so I can spare myself the torture of hearing that crap again just to prove to some ignorant drool baby on the internet that it's not a rare occurrence.

  4. Just search for Micheal Jackson impersonator on youtube and you find a million people that look, sound and act exactly like him.

    He is the new Elvis. They both have no talent, a million impersonators, and they both stole their movements and sound from black people.

    He's miming you fool.

    I suppose this guy is miming too? Just like the other 1000 you can find singing?

    My God, you are thick as shit.

    That guy is miming to the record you deaf retard.

    You're the stupid dipshit that thinks wacko has talent, and you're calling me deaf???

    Grab your mangina, hump your floor, and get the hell out of here with your chomo hero.


    I still can't get over how thick you are.

    I might go searching Youtube for someone miming to Paradise City and then say "see, it's easy to sound like Axl Rose."

    That's fucking classic dude. Dumbest thing I've read all year! Well done.

    Find it moron. Someone doing it successfully. Pull up your little Guns 2 Roses or whatever pathetic cover band that sounds nothing like Axl that you can find, and we'll have this conversation. Might do something is the dumbest, laziest thing you can say.

    Fact: 1 in 10 pasty little child molesters with no nose can imitate Micheal Jackson successfully, along with Weird Al.

  5. Just search for Micheal Jackson impersonator on youtube and you find a million people that look, sound and act exactly like him.

    He is the new Elvis. They both have no talent, a million impersonators, and they both stole their movements and sound from black people.

    He's miming you fool.

    I suppose this guy is miming too? Just like the other 1000 you can find singing?

    My God, you are thick as shit.

    That guy is miming to the record you deaf retard.

    You're the stupid dipshit that thinks wacko has talent, and you're calling me deaf???

    Grab your mangina, hump your floor, and get the hell out of here with your chomo hero.

  6. Just search for Micheal Jackson impersonator on youtube and you find a million people that look, sound and act exactly like him.

    He is the new Elvis. They both have no talent, a million impersonators, and they both stole their movements and sound from black people.

    He's miming you fool.

    I suppose this guy is miming too? Just like the other 1000 you can find singing?

  7. Just search for Micheal Jackson impersonator on youtube and you find a million people that look, sound and act exactly like him.

    He is the new Elvis. They both have no talent, a million impersonators, and they both stole their movements and sound from black people.

  8. Wow, the father of a big fat talentless jew that is only in movies cause of his powerful jew hollywood connections happens to have been an accountant cause he's a jew so he's naturally good with money??

    jews. money. hollywood. whatever.

    Ah Mr. Hitler, nice to see you back again. Guess that cloning programme you guys were working on was more successful than we realised.

    Hitler's dead, but it sure was nice of Mr. Gibson to pay us a visit. Off the wagon again huh Mel?

  9. Your fiance is a lot smarter than you

    Actually she's a lot smarter than you. She might not like the band, but she's not the mental midget that is trolling forums.

    "he has a different opinion of the band then me, must be a cupcake"

    yeah, I'M the mental midget :rolleyes:

    Well, you showed a little sign of intelligence with that last statement.

    noun /trōl/ 

    cupcakes, plural

    A mythical, cave-dwelling being depicted in folklore as either a giant or a dwarf, typically having a very ugly appearance


    trolled, past participle; trolled, past tense; trolling, present participle; cupcakes, 3rd person singular present

    Fish by trailing a baited line along behind a boat

    - we trolled for mackerel

    Search for something

    - a group of companies trolling for partnership opportunities

    Sing (something) in a happy and carefree way

    - cupcake the ancient Yuletide carol

    Send (an e-mail message or posting on the Internet) intended to provoke a response from the reader by containing errors

    Walk; stroll

    - we all trolled into town


    cupcakes, plural

    The action of trolling for fish

    A line or bait used in such fishing

    An e-mail message or posting on the Internet intended to provoke an indignant response in the reader

    It looks like we both fit that description, except one of us is not wasting their time in a forum for a band they have no interest in, and insulting the o.p. of a thread because he likes the band the forum is intended for.

    I have no interest in Guns N' Roses? You know me so well.

    I've been posting here since 2006 because I love Guns N' Roses and am very genuinely interested in what Axl (my favorite singer of all time) is doing musically, that doesn't mean I have to love everything about it. For all the shit I give Axl and his dysfunctional version of GNR I am definitely still a fan, excuse me for not pretending I think DJ Ashba is cool, and saying what I actually think about the album. Everything I say is just my opinion man, you think I made 11,000+ posts in over 5 years for the sole reason of trolling a fan forum for some band I don't care about? You overly sensitive Axl fanatics just get dumber and dumber i swear to god

    If you were smart enough to realize what I took offense to, you would realize it had nothing to do with Axl, but since you're not, I will break it down nice and slow so you can keep up.

    You decided to come in here and flame the hell out of the o.p. for no warranted reason whatsoever. He did not kick your dog, insult your mother, make fun of your girlfriend etc. etc.... Yet you decided that you should come in to his thread and tell him how much smarter his girlfriend is than him, because he wanted to make his girlfriend understand why he likes Gn'R.

    Nowhere did I make a statement about the cool factor of DJ one way or the other. I might be over sensitive to baseless attacks on other people, but I've heard enough attacks on Gn'R to not let them bother me much.

    oh. my. god. you're really upset about this aren't you? I think you're mistaken...

    Flame the hell out of the OP??? All I said is "your fiance is way smarter than you" as a light hearted JOKE, also indicating that I agree with his fiance, OP doesn't seem to give a shit... I don't think he needs a white knight like you to come to his defense but it is cute to see somebody stand up for their fellow forum member so valiantly.... :lol:

    you're attempts at belittling me are so awkwardly hilarious, can't wait for your next post

    until then, chill the fuck out and get a sense of humor. we're on an internet forum talking about a rock band, this isn't kindergarten

    Now we're getting somewhere. You actually addressed what I had an issue with. I accept your explanation and I apologize for the "awkwardly hilarious attempts at belittling you".

    I appreciate the fact that you find me cute, but I'm sorry, I'm strait.

    Unless, of course, you are female. Then I'm flattered.

  10. Your fiance is a lot smarter than you

    Actually she's a lot smarter than you. She might not like the band, but she's not the mental midget that is trolling forums.

    "he has a different opinion of the band then me, must be a cupcake"

    yeah, I'M the mental midget :rolleyes:

    Well, you showed a little sign of intelligence with that last statement.

    noun /trōl/ 

    cupcakes, plural

    A mythical, cave-dwelling being depicted in folklore as either a giant or a dwarf, typically having a very ugly appearance


    trolled, past participle; trolled, past tense; trolling, present participle; cupcakes, 3rd person singular present

    Fish by trailing a baited line along behind a boat

    - we trolled for mackerel

    Search for something

    - a group of companies trolling for partnership opportunities

    Sing (something) in a happy and carefree way

    - cupcake the ancient Yuletide carol

    Send (an e-mail message or posting on the Internet) intended to provoke a response from the reader by containing errors

    Walk; stroll

    - we all trolled into town


    cupcakes, plural

    The action of trolling for fish

    A line or bait used in such fishing

    An e-mail message or posting on the Internet intended to provoke an indignant response in the reader

    It looks like we both fit that description, except one of us is not wasting their time in a forum for a band they have no interest in, and insulting the o.p. of a thread because he likes the band the forum is intended for.

    I have no interest in Guns N' Roses? You know me so well.

    I've been posting here since 2006 because I love Guns N' Roses and am very genuinely interested in what Axl (my favorite singer of all time) is doing musically, that doesn't mean I have to love everything about it. For all the shit I give Axl and his dysfunctional version of GNR I am definitely still a fan, excuse me for not pretending I think DJ Ashba is cool, and saying what I actually think about the album. Everything I say is just my opinion man, you think I made 11,000+ posts in over 5 years for the sole reason of trolling a fan forum for some band I don't care about? You overly sensitive Axl fanatics just get dumber and dumber i swear to god

    If you were smart enough to realize what I took offense to, you would realize it had nothing to do with Axl, but since you're not, I will break it down nice and slow so you can keep up.

    You decided to come in here and flame the hell out of the o.p. for no warranted reason whatsoever. He did not kick your dog, insult your mother, make fun of your girlfriend etc. etc.... Yet you decided that you should come in to his thread and tell him how much smarter his girlfriend is than him, because he wanted to make his girlfriend understand why he likes Gn'R.

    Nowhere did I make a statement about the cool factor of DJ one way or the other. I might be over sensitive to baseless attacks on other people, but I've heard enough attacks on Gn'R to not let them bother me much.

  11. Your fiance is a lot smarter than you

    Actually she's a lot smarter than you. She might not like the band, but she's not the mental midget that is trolling forums.

    "he has a different opinion of the band then me, must be a cupcake"

    yeah, I'M the mental midget :rolleyes:

    Well, you showed a little sign of intelligence with that last statement.

    noun /trōl/ 

    cupcakes, plural

    A mythical, cave-dwelling being depicted in folklore as either a giant or a dwarf, typically having a very ugly appearance


    trolled, past participle; trolled, past tense; trolling, present participle; cupcakes, 3rd person singular present

    Fish by trailing a baited line along behind a boat

    - we trolled for mackerel

    Search for something

    - a group of companies trolling for partnership opportunities

    Sing (something) in a happy and carefree way

    - cupcake the ancient Yuletide carol

    Send (an e-mail message or posting on the Internet) intended to provoke a response from the reader by containing errors

    Walk; stroll

    - we all trolled into town


    cupcakes, plural

    The action of trolling for fish

    A line or bait used in such fishing

    An e-mail message or posting on the Internet intended to provoke an indignant response in the reader

    It looks like we both fit that description, except one of us is not wasting their time in a forum for a band they have no interest in, and insulting the o.p. of a thread because he likes the band the forum is intended for.

  12. If people are picking songs like Better and There Was A Time over Nightrain and Paradise City, they aren't Guns N' Roses fans. Period.

    there aint many guns n roses fans here anyway' just axl rose fans' who wont admit cd is a failure' trying to say its better than appetite is like comparing chalk n cheese' i'd really like to know what drugs most of you are on' when it comes to judging good music alot of you are certainly at the end of the queue when god dished out taste glands

    Or maybe we are just a bunch of Gn'R fans with a different opinion than yours.

    this aint gnr its axl rose' if he released a cover of remember your a womble you'd say it was good

    Actually it IS Guns n Roses. Not our fault that you are still stuck in 1990.

    And how funny is it that you are spending time posting on a forum of a band you don't like? Makes you a bit of a clown....

    And no. That is the difference between Axl and Slash fans. Slash could do a duet with Justin Bieber and Kesha and the Slash-Lovers would gush over it, say he was just doing it because he is a guitar player who loves to play, etc. Axl fans will tell you when their favorite singer does something they don't like. You can find hundreds of posts on here of people saying they hate Rhiad, or Scraped, or that the last album was overproduced, they hate the lack of communication and Axl coming onto stage late all the time.

    Axl fans aren't afraid to say negative things about him.

    Now go grab your 1987 copy of Appetite and turn it up loud....and then log onto a forum of a band that you enjoy listening to.

    you weren't there in 1987 though were you?

    so you dont know what your talking about

    any real guns fan will tell you' its fuckin heartbreaking watching this cover band butcher these songs' he said he wanted to bury appetite & he aint he's still flogging the dead horse over 20 years later' lack of radio play shows how good this band are' i remember watching a video on youtube were they were at a festival' people were leaving in droves when they came on lol

    your right though' i'll stay in the anything goes & my world section' cos your all blind & stone deaf in this section'

    What an arrogant douchebag. Who do you think you are to come here and tell us what "real good music" is? A real fan? You're just a butthurt cupcake. Quit pestering :fuckyou:

    been here years have you?

    So basically you're saying that you are an old man that can't grow up. A little on the immature side huh pops?

    Get a load of this guy, the new band ain't no good 'cause grampa Larry says so.

    Give me a fucking break. Grow the fuck up, act your age, and quit trolling forums of a band you don't like. You are nothing more than a pathetic relic that can't accept change.

    i'm an old man who had the pleasure of real gnr' i beleive this is called mygnrforum.com' as for me being an old man lol' whats axl then ? seems you like old relics

    Chalk another one up to your lack of maturity.

    They even made a section of the forum for people like you, but that just wasn't good enough.

    Real men don't cupcake. So either you're nowhere near as old as you claim, or you ate a few too many paint chips as a child.

  13. If people are picking songs like Better and There Was A Time over Nightrain and Paradise City, they aren't Guns N' Roses fans. Period.

    there aint many guns n roses fans here anyway' just axl rose fans' who wont admit cd is a failure' trying to say its better than appetite is like comparing chalk n cheese' i'd really like to know what drugs most of you are on' when it comes to judging good music alot of you are certainly at the end of the queue when god dished out taste glands

    Or maybe we are just a bunch of Gn'R fans with a different opinion than yours.

    this aint gnr its axl rose' if he released a cover of remember your a womble you'd say it was good

    Actually it IS Guns n Roses. Not our fault that you are still stuck in 1990.

    And how funny is it that you are spending time posting on a forum of a band you don't like? Makes you a bit of a clown....

    And no. That is the difference between Axl and Slash fans. Slash could do a duet with Justin Bieber and Kesha and the Slash-Lovers would gush over it, say he was just doing it because he is a guitar player who loves to play, etc. Axl fans will tell you when their favorite singer does something they don't like. You can find hundreds of posts on here of people saying they hate Rhiad, or Scraped, or that the last album was overproduced, they hate the lack of communication and Axl coming onto stage late all the time.

    Axl fans aren't afraid to say negative things about him.

    Now go grab your 1987 copy of Appetite and turn it up loud....and then log onto a forum of a band that you enjoy listening to.

    you weren't there in 1987 though were you?

    so you dont know what your talking about

    any real guns fan will tell you' its fuckin heartbreaking watching this cover band butcher these songs' he said he wanted to bury appetite & he aint he's still flogging the dead horse over 20 years later' lack of radio play shows how good this band are' i remember watching a video on youtube were they were at a festival' people were leaving in droves when they came on lol

    your right though' i'll stay in the anything goes & my world section' cos your all blind & stone deaf in this section'

    What an arrogant douchebag. Who do you think you are to come here and tell us what "real good music" is? A real fan? You're just a butthurt cupcake. Quit pestering :fuckyou:

    been here years have you?

    So basically you're saying that you are an old man that can't grow up. A little on the immature side huh pops?

    Get a load of this guy, the new band ain't no good 'cause grampa Larry says so.

    Give me a fucking break. Grow the fuck up, act your age, and quit trolling forums of a band you don't like. You are nothing more than a pathetic relic that can't accept change.

  14. Let me get this straight......so Axl is a jerk because he caused the old band to break up, he kept the name of the old band, he isn't putting out music, he isn't keeping fans informed, most of you don't like Chinese Democracy, you hate his start times, you dislike most of the new band members.....but yet......you still come to a GnR forum and post messages on a daily basis. Wow.

    And stop with the idiotic "legacy" thing. It is a band, who puts out music. Nothing Axl or Slash does today - good or bad - has any relevance on the old band's music. End of Story. Axl putting out an album every 14 years or Slash playing terrible songs with Fergie will EVER change the "legacy" of Appetite, Lies or Illusions. I don't remember who it was, maybe Brett Favre when people were saying he was tarnishing his legacy by playing one more year, commented "fans forget that it is MY legacy to do what I want with."

    People get so wrapped up in the 'name' of a band and what happened 20 years ago and the legacy of the name of what GnR represents to THEM that they lose sight of reality.

    Were you planning on putting a response anywhere in there?

  15. We all know Axl and Duff don't have issues. If it is down to lawyers, then why would Axl spit such hateful words about Slash :shrugs:

    Because Slash talks smack and has done for years, just to hype up and publicize his shitty solo career and hilarious guest spots.

    That was by far the most pathetic thing I have ever seen relating to Gn'R.

    And yet, morons still beg to see a reunion. :crazy:

  16. Man, that's not true at all. The other guys in the band signed the name thing, that most singers would never think of doing, because they didn't want Axl to freak out. They would NEVER have continued GNR without Axl. That's retarded. Which is why Axl is the one who schemed it and did it. Because he is retarded.

    What makes you think they wouldn't have? Bands do it all the time.

  17. If you're saying you like Chinese Democracy so you like the new band than you are settling as the two main guitar players in this guitar band are not in the band anymore. Buckethead is out there, but he had a cool new vibe, Ron is a jolly buffoon who plays crappy music. Robin and Bucket were ten times as mysterious, had ten times more chemistry, and had ten times more effect on Axl.

    I'm not settling because I like the album versions of most songs more than I liked the leaks, outside of The Blues and Madagascar because I liked them live more than any recorded version. I think that Thal added a lot to the songs that he recorded parts for.

    And to say that they had more of an effect on Axl is pure speculation. Axl has done more since the departure of Bucket than he did the entire time he was in the band.

  18. Did you read my post? It's pretty obvious I am a fan of the real guns n roses.

    I'm not upset at all, I just have not posted in gnr forums for a while and those have been my thoughts the past couple years.

    I'm also mostly talking about how people jump on anyone who says anything negative when it's plainly obvious that it's true. I also used logic, something most people here don't understand, to persuade these Axl fanboys that he's no god. Also, I think Axl comes on these forums personally quite often so it's funny, to me, to think that he might just read my post.

    Well, the "real" Guns n' Roses no longer exists, and it never will again.

    None of us will ever know what really happened to cause the split, but to put sole blame on Axl is just as bad as putting it on Slash. It takes 2 to tango, so they say.

    Axl has the sole rights to the name because he simply out smarted the rest of the band. If he had not, Velvet Revolver would have been Guns n Roses and I would have found that to be a bigger disgrace than anything Axl has done.

  19. People are not too stupid to realize this band is not gnr, it's just their favourite band is gnr and they want to hear those songs. So they'll settle on this show. It's got Axl singing, and some talented guitar players, and they'll definitely play mostly old songs. Seems like it would be fun. Are most people ecstatic to see Axl's new lineup and just can't wait to see their idol DJ Ashba rocking out to his awesome solos from AFD? Or wait, I mean CD! Oh, wait.

    Of course they're not. They're settling. That's the lamest part about the whole thing is that fans have to settle for this garbage because of how much they love the songs the real band put out.

    EDIT: I agree or your realist bit. Mostly... For the longest time I was like you in thinking "the real band will never come back so I might as well accept this new band and get into it, Axl's still there at least". Well, I have not been like that since after the CD fanfair (lol if you can call it that). I supported the new band quite a great deal. I got into Bucket's solo stuff, I'm still into it more than nu-gnr, and I loved Robin especially in 2006 and some of his work CD. Then they left. Then the album came out and Axl proved he's retarded even further, then I leaped off the band wagon.

    After I leaped off the band wagon we got DJ Ashba and another tour exactly the same as the last two tours escept he'd play some more CD songs proving how they don't work at all live (sorry, if the world, scrapped). So at this point I believe there could be a reunion, someday, and that's really all there is left to hope for.

    I happen to love the new band, I like Thal's solo stuff a lot more than I ever liked Buckethead's. Don't get me wrong, Buckethead is a damn talented individual, but he's just a little too out there for me. I actually was ecstatic to see them at Sturgis, and if I had the opprtunity, Thal would be the member I would most like to meet out of any incarnation of Guns.

    I don't feel like I'm settling for anything as I happen to love Chinese Democracy and I would put it over Appetite and Lies, but behind the Illusions, on my ranking list of albums.

    I'm neutral on Ashba, but I do like the apparent enthusiasm he has for the band.

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