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Posts posted by grouse

  1. 4 hours ago, Graeme said:

    It's wild to think that in most other democracies, becoming a convicted criminal would make one unelectable, both in terms of popularity among the electorate and achieving selection by a political party, but such is the thrall Trump holds over the Republican Party and their voter base that it's almost inconceivable he won't be nominated regardless.

    It's the land of the free right, well maybe not so free since you can still be running for office while incarcerated 😅

    What a shitshow 

    • Like 1
  2. 11 hours ago, Chris1989 said:

    Getting divorced through a long and painful drawn out distancing of our relationship, which built up to a really poorly handled "I don't love you" from my wife.

    It happened 2 months ago today. I feel like yesterday was the first day that I snapped out of my funk. I thought I had before, but it wasn't real. Today feels better.

    I've just written up our Separation Agreement, to be delivered at the appropriate time.

    Having been on the receiving end on that one, I can say those words hurt. Sending you lots of love of love and strength  

  3. On 3/12/2024 at 12:00 AM, Gunner Gilby said:

    I'm in New Zealand 

    My bad my man, I just assumed that the whole throwing a ball around and using your hands while doing so was an American thing. More power to the kiwis!

  4. 17 minutes ago, janrichmond said:

    Yes lol, I have 3 and my other half has 3, so 5 girls and 1 boy. They are all adults now with their own kids, we have 15 grandkids between us. Yeah I'm THAT old :lol:


    Grandparents are taking over the interwebz omg! :P of course im just kidding haha. I'm in my 30's right now and I respect people who are older than I am. So the I'm that old line, while I know it's being said in jest, does not sit right with me. Listen to your elders kiddo´s but give em hell at the same time ;) 

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Gunner Gilby said:

    It didn't come off as remotely sexist. More tongue in cheek humour. I'm sure he loves his wife/partner and will love his kid whatever the gender. 

    When my wife was pregnant with our second child she hoped for a daughter. She joked that with me, one son and a male cat that she was outnumbered. Well our second and last child was a boy. You love your kids whatever they come out as. Nothing wrong with a little humour.

    Don't feed the troll eh I mean Karen...oh Karice was the word I was looking for! :lol:

    How is your family doing Gunner Gilby? :)


    22 minutes ago, janrichmond said:

    Congratulations, are you gonna find out the sex before birth?


    Thanks for asking and for the kind words Jan, I'm not sure, at the moment we are leaning towards a "yeah I really want to know the sex before birth because of practical reasons"  versus "we'll see it'll  be loved anyway".  Do you have children Jan? I'm assuming you do since you asked an oddly specific question :P 

  6. Hopefully, welcoming a new rocker into the world in a couple of months. I'm rooting for a boy. I just don't think I could handle another woman in the household, about time someone starts agreeing with me! :P 

    • Like 2
  7. 22 hours ago, Eric Cantona said:

    Cops showed up to my childhood home asking about my whereabouts earlier today. No idea why they were looking for me, haven't got a letter or a phone call from them. Scared the bejeezus out of my family though :lol:

    Been there done that, it understandably scared the shit out of my parents, I had acquired a piece of real estate and somehow that got jotted down as my main residence. So any official government correspondence got sent to that address to which of course I was not in a position to reply since it was just a piece of land with a mailbox on it. Learned a lesson from it, do not fuck around with the government. I inadvertently had gotten myself in a whole load of trouble.   

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, Axls_Moustache_Rules said:

    Grouse? Intelligent?

    Not sure what you are getting at here? If you are referring to my username well I took that one from a bottle of scotch that was stood right in front of me while signing up all those years ago since all the other ones I could think of at that time were already taken. Let this be proof that I am most definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed! :P 

  9. On 2/26/2024 at 10:41 AM, Eric Cantona said:

    Can confirm. I'm tattooed and dumb as bricks. :thumbsup:

    To be fair my comment was aimed at people who are likely to take offence at my comment. Cheers for dealing with that in a classy way!

    However you must be dumb as bricks right? :P

    • Haha 2
  10. 17 hours ago, Rovim said:

    *intelligence. if that's true, then what about all those intelligent people that got tattoos? it's not like it has a big meaning for every individual that gets them, it can be just a  form of decoration, some people find it hot, and if you really regret it, you can remove it.

    I'd like to know why you think it's a sign of low intelligence.

    Thank you for your comment, the grammar nazi well not so much :) To me getting a tat just feels empty and in a way I get why people get them. I honestly feel like well this is just a postage stamp to remind me of this special something that went down in my life and  I want the world to see. I find it trashy.

  11. 6 hours ago, Chris1989 said:

    I've done exactly that today. It's over. It's on to the admin to put this shit situation behind us.

    I just wish I didn't have a daughter involved.

    It's a really shitty situation to be in, emotions tend to run high which is of course understandable. I have been in this situation and what worked best for me was to focus on myself. Yeah your daughter is going to complicate things in a way. Just keep in mind that she has no part in this and be the most absolute awesome dad that you can be :)

    I know these words will probably offer you little solace, having been there myself but this is just how it works my man. It is always darkest before dawn.  

    • Like 1
  12. My life lesson to share here is, when someone wants out let them go, I realise this takes a lot of strength and you'll probably lose a considered amount of weight in the process because you are likely feeling absolute shit and not wanting to eat and all that. There is simply not much one can do when your significant other has their mind made up. Best to let them go,  My experience has taught me that they will come sniffing once the dust has settled in their lives.

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