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Posts posted by Roy79

  1. From Mick's blog (3 January) :

    Also, Tim Batcup, who wins the prize for weirdest name AND best email, today...

    "God bless you man... the plaintive yet humorous blog today kick started some sense of injustice. Obviously times are tricky with your good self and it ain't right... I well remember your Kerrang work, your Marillion book, 'Paranoid' and even Dave Dickson trying to explain the machinations of Aleister Crowley's mind to 1985's denim and leather clad finest. Ye Gads... I guess what I'm trying to say, there's not a lot of great rock writers out there, but you always manage to juggle the excitement, bullshit, and importance of all this stuff with an honest twist and a down to earth turn of phrase all too rare these days. I for one really appreciate this. Good on you Mick... Looking forward to what masses of shrinks, cash and other writers couldn't do - an honest analysis of the GN'R phenomenon."

    And so forth. There are hundreds of these but I'm sure you get the picture.

    This is something he wrote himself!!!

  2. I wish Mick Wall gets AIDS by having sex with a monkey, and dies a slow and painfull death!!! Worthless piece of shit tabloid writer....notice that I call him writer.....since journalists base their articles on facts! The only facts in this garbage article are the many lies! I still don't understand why it is allowed to tell lies about other persons in public!!!! If I ever meet this cowardly asshole in person, I'll break all his teeth.

  3. Ok Urlacher54, clearly we have different opinions...which isn't a bad thing. But we could probably go on like this untill the release of CD, being it March 6 2006 (in my opinion/hopes) or November 21st 2019 (in your opinion). So to save us some time for more important stuff, let's leave it at the 2 of us "seperating because of insuperable differences".

    Thank you for calling me smart! ;)

    Anybody that posts as well thought out as you did is smart whether I agree or disagree with what they say. Great conversation, I wish more people could talk like this instead of name calling.

    I agree! Those fuckertards! :rofl-lol:

    Damn, we agreed!

  4. Hopefully with some kind of announcement regarding their next show/tour or the album before they kick off 'Paradise City'....

    You just got an announcement last Friday! How many announcements do you want? At least 1 per week?

    Forget it dude, you won't get any announcement of big importance. Why do you think he already wished us a Merry Christmas and a happy new-year last Friday? Because that was his last message towards us fans this year.

    Watch out!!!!! Here it comes!!!!! A big flying "I told you so!". Sorry pal!

  5. Ok Urlacher54, clearly we have different opinions...which isn't a bad thing. But we could probably go on like this untill the release of CD, being it March 6 2006 (in my opinion/hopes) or November 21st 2019 (in your opinion). So to save us some time for more important stuff, let's leave it at the 2 of us "seperating because of insuperable differences".

    Thank you for calling me smart! ;)

  6. I'll tell you why:

    Because they abandonned us like the old guys did, while we GNR fans took every bullshit we had to take all those years in order to stick with our favorit band. That's probably the reason.

    The old guys didn't abandon you. They abandoned recording a ton of music without vocals. They abandoned a self-rightous dictator of a lead singer. They abandoned 8 more years of still waiting to release a follow-up to the UYI albums.

    They gave you something Axl doesn't want you to have: new music. Is it great? No, but it's better than a few 4-8 year old songs being played as though they are new and keeping up with the changes in the music industry. If anybody other than Axl was doing this, everybody would look the other way. But it's Axl, so you keep looking and calling mediocre songs great.

    The old guys didn't abandon you. Axl did. But instead of just cutting ties, he kept you hanging on until you've become a junkie that just wants more from him regardless of how good it is. :no:

    I'm sorry sir, but if you don't mind, I'll stick to my own opinion. Especially when the old guys try everything in their legal power to prevent the new version of GNR from happening, AND trying to sell out Guns catalogue for sleazy ads and cheap projects. You can say about Axl whateveer you want, but one thing is for sure: He didn't sell out GNR catalogue when he needed the money, he went back touring. You have your opinion and I have mine, so don't tell me how I should interpret the last 10 years of Guns.

    Axl isn't selling out by playing AFD with hired hands? Please. I don't blame anybody for trying to stop the new version from happening. More people should have tried. Additionally, you have no clue what Slash and Duff intended to do or what their motivations were, so save your breath on that one. All you do is make yourself appear uneducated on the subject and that's not what you want to strive for when backing up your opinion.

    You are welcome to your opinion. Nowhere did I say you weren't. I just wanted to point out how you've allowed it to become twisted by the lies and misinformation coming from the GNR camp instead of basing it on common sense and reality. You are welcome to operate that way if you so choose, but when you say something stupid as a result, it will be addressed.

    First of all, when you want to call someone a stupid asshole, then please do so! Don't say "All you do is make yourself appear uneducated on the subject", I won't bite you my friend.

    Second of all, we have a different opinion on selling out.

    You think 'selling out' is doing EVERYthing within your powers to keep Guns N' Roses allive, even if that would mean firing and hiring bandmembers, booking a tour to make money out of your fans in order to finance the release of the upcoming album (which has been in the making way too long), using misleading promotion to get as many people to come see the show to make that money, but meanwhile playing your ass off to give the fans the best show possible and at the same time not giving away too much of the new material (for established musicians internet is a bitch nowadays).

    The fact that there are so many active GNR fans confirms that there still is a great unfullfilled demand for more GNR material. Getting that material to the fans using any means necessary is fair to me as a fan.

    For me 'selling out' is doing EVERYthing within your power to terminate Guns N' Roses after you decided not to be part of the band anymore. Even after you started a new band and sell your new album well, you still want to make money out of the old band (while you yourself didn't want to be part of GNR anymore) by selling the old tunes whenever possible. Even if that would mean using 'It's so easy' as the new advertisement tune for the ab-shaper2000 on Tell-Sell. Or 'You could be mine' for the new slogan tune for the US Army, sang by Uncle Sam. Even if you know that there are thousands of fans supporting and enjoying the new GNR and waiting for new material. But hey....of course you only gain money from the old songs, since you didn't participate in the new material. And as soon as new material arrives that COULD be a risk for the old tunes (less playtime) and your pension. Did you ever think of that?

    Anyway, I'm a fan of both GNR and VR. And I understand that you want you're share in everything you helped create. BUT I'm not a fan of old bandmembers trying to prevent GNR from moving on forward and further develloping (which the fans apparently ask for keeping in mind the anticipation for CD and the number of tickets sold), in order to ensure their GNR royalties and thus their pension. Or do you think Slash bought that black Aston Martin from VR royalties?

    Anyway, Merry Christmas motherfucker.

  7. Funny how every postivie review gets rock3

    Yet anyone who doesn't write the band a valentine gets death threats and people imploring others to spam his inbox.

    Funny that even in a positive topic, there's always at least 1 person still complaining.

    Enjoy the ride dude.

    But would logic not dicatate that maybe every show is not a life altering experience?

    And maybe, just maybe, the band can have an off night...like every other band on the planet??

    Not around here. Around here every show is "the best show I've ever seen".

    All I'm pointing out is that is speaks to objectivity, or more to the point, a lack thereof.

    Duh, what did you expect on a FAN forum, hahaha!

  8. Show of the year: Nijmegen Goffertpark (live is always better than the internet)

    Guitarist of the year: Robin Finck (he really made an impact on me this year)

    Best "leaked" song: Better

    Most shocking news this year: "People will hear music this year" (Axl stepping back into the spotlight @ Korn party)

    Guitar solo of the year: Robin at Inland Invasion

  9. Just hitch hiked back from the show, drunk off my ass. The best part was when Izzy was announced, but didn't show. The rest of the band played some more covers until Izzy came on. The crowd went nuts. Axl and Izzy together... shit, it made everyone forget about Finck's retarded solo.

    I was wearing a shirt that said, "Give Pit(t)man a solo!" I threw it at the stage halfway through, but the security guard fuck heads caught it and threw it bacl and told me I wasn't allowed to stand on the back of my seat. I found my Pit(t)man shirt in the crowd and thew it back at the same fucktard security guard. I got in an arguement with the security guards who tried to throw me out. I said, "you think that gay ass knit shirt tucked into your dickies makes you any less of a fag ass piece of shit?" Axl would have handed those douchebags their asses.

    I tossed my empty whiskey bottle and headed outside, where I met a couple of 40 year old groupies who still clung to a ten year old memories of sucking Axl's dick. I got a kiss on the cheek from one. Hurah. The closest I'll ever get to Axl. At leat I heard he and Izzy play Patience. That makes any amount of stupid bullshit see worthwhile.

    Since when are 8-years old allowed to rock concerts in the US????

    And about the the remark to the security guard: YEAH RIGHT!!!!! :rofl-lol::rofl-lol::rofl-lol:

    Why am I even replying to this kid?????

  10. Mark Strigl and John Asstronomy are fucking geeks. Their podcasts are fucking awful, but I guess if you like Rons playing, you will like these assclowns.

    Give 'em one more chance. Check out that blog and tell me they're not awesome dudes.

    This sarcastic thread aside...your new signature is in extremely bad taste.

    A new low for even you.

    I was thinking the exact same thing when I opened this topic. Tells a lot about the person behind the signature. Tasteless.

  11. I'll tell you why:

    Because they abandonned us like the old guys did, while we GNR fans took every bullshit we had to take all those years in order to stick with our favorit band. That's probably the reason.

    The old guys didn't abandon you. They abandoned recording a ton of music without vocals. They abandoned a self-rightous dictator of a lead singer. They abandoned 8 more years of still waiting to release a follow-up to the UYI albums.

    They gave you something Axl doesn't want you to have: new music. Is it great? No, but it's better than a few 4-8 year old songs being played as though they are new and keeping up with the changes in the music industry. If anybody other than Axl was doing this, everybody would look the other way. But it's Axl, so you keep looking and calling mediocre songs great.

    The old guys didn't abandon you. Axl did. But instead of just cutting ties, he kept you hanging on until you've become a junkie that just wants more from him regardless of how good it is. :no:

    I'm sorry sir, but if you don't mind, I'll stick to my own opinion. Especially when the old guys try everything in their legal power to prevent the new version of GNR from happening, AND trying to sell out Guns catalogue for sleazy ads and cheap projects. You can say about Axl whateveer you want, but one thing is for sure: He didn't sell out GNR catalogue when he needed the money, he went back touring. You have your opinion and I have mine, so don't tell me how I should interpret the last 10 years of Guns.

  12. Get this fucker banned.

    He's constantly making posts of the same subject that are getting deleted or moved into another thread. We don't want to read you shite thread about your shite opinion.


    Harsh.. Harsh but fair..

    dont just ban him, someone get his home adress and we can go round to his house and fist him!!!


  13. "i dont miss my brain"

    i first thought that was the topic then

    yeah, frank has a more heavier sound

    brain does not belong in gnr, honestly, everyone knows this, he doesnt fit in


    I think your username is brilliant, haha!!!

  14. Hopefully with some kind of announcement regarding their next show/tour or the album before they kick off 'Paradise City'....

    You just got an announcement last Friday! How many announcements do you want? At least 1 per week?

    Forget it dude, you won't get any announcement of big importance. Why do you think he already wished us a Merry Christmas and a happy new-year last Friday? Because that was his last message towards us fans this year.

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