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Posts posted by Roy79

  1. Funny how Europe accepts washed up artists from the US with open arms...it proves nothing. Europe is always second fiddle to the US...

    Thank you for proving that you're an ignorant idiot with your head to far up your own arse.

    Stop giving your fellow Americans such a bad name with statements like this.

    Amen! Thank you, Ron! Getting tired of idiots like Kaneda and Da Illest saying moronic things like that. Truth is that the EU and US are very similar now; both are better than the other in certain areas, but overall they're quite equal. :)

    Amen to that, my EU and US friends. Both Europe and the United States brought forth some amazing music artists over the years. I'm proud to be an European, and I'm proud that I had the opportunity to study in the US for 1 semester. Both are great continents with great cultures. For a stupid dickless horse-blowing bed-pisser like Kaneda to use cultural difference between forum members for the sole purpose of causing fans from different continents to diss eachother, I think the motherfucker should be banned!!!

    So there you have it Madison, a good reason to ban the bitch. I have nothing against constructive criticism, although Kaneda is pushing my limits a lot. However, saying that "Europe accepts washed up artists from the US with open arms...it proves nothing. Europe is always second fiddle to the US." is based on nothing. Everybody can see the purpose of this statement, as to many other statements of Kaneda. Provoce people as much as you can, untill they get really pissed and start fighting with eachother. It's kind of sick that Ms. Kaneda get's a bonner out of this, and spanks his minni-monkey on behind his PC watching us GNR fans fight eachother verbally caused by his post.

    Give him the attention he needs: Shoot the bastard!!!

  2. I don't get it. It seems that some people on the GNR boards have serious issues. They keep on whining, bitching, and complaining, no matter what the fuck GNR camp does!!! Why don't you get a fucking life!!! What? Are you depressed because your momma didn't allow you any sleep-over party's when you were 6 years old?

    Del James gives us some great news and inside information this week, and what do you people do? You go and open negativ topics about him and about Guns hating their fans. Even the newspaper can't write bigger garbage than you people. What's your fucking problem? Do you use XTC in the weekends? Because that gives you major downers during the week.

    We should be thankful to Del for giving us some rare inside GNR information, because that doesn't happen to often for a GNR fan. I went to their concert in Nijmegen in the Netherlands, and I followed this board every day in 2006. There is so much stuff happening this year!!! 2006 is a great year for a GNR fan!!!

    Del and Axl are right about those so called fans. Just take a look at those negative stupid topics. They are started by the same impotent assholes mentioned in Axl's rant and Del's column. If it bothers you that much, why don't you fucking mastrubate on all the old material every morning (that is, if you are mental enough to get an erection), move on, and find a new band to support. Untill then, get a fucking life!!!

  3. That's cool! She does have a great voice. and that's cool what Axl did :krider:

    Hmpffff, here we go again! Oh that is so cool what Axl did, how nice of him! Fuck that shit! Can't the man do anything, which is considered normal by Axl himself and many other people, without you sick people commenting on even the smallest thing that it is SO COOL of Axl. If I was Axl I would should myself for having to live with all these brown-nosers around me. Grow up!

  4. I'm positive we'll hear something within the next 75 days.

    Anyway, it is impossible that sales chanels know the date sooner than us fans, because they will have to learn from GNR's official press release too. So please stop these 'shitted' threads.

  5. I think that Kaneda is right in a way. Sometimes I get very tired of waiting and waiting. And know I hear people say: "Well, Axl told you not to wait for it and go on with your life!". Fuck that! It's not that I am thinking about GNR 24/7. But I do check this site at least for a few minutes every office day. And to tell you the truth: if Axl doesn't deliver CD this year, then he can go fuck himself for all I care. I still have the old material to enjoy. I mean, we've waited long enough boys and girls. Now I hear people say: "Axl didn't ask you to wait!" Fuck that, then he shouldn't have told us about Chinese Democracy at all. As soon as you start talking about a new album, you already make promisses to your fans. It's good when you support your favorite band through good times and bad times, but it's weak to let yourself be treated as sheeps! So come on Axl, deliver the bitch!!!

  6. Thomase, you've just been immortalised. You are know in the same leagues as Andy Secher at Hit Parader

    Circus Magazine, Mick Wall at Kerrang, and Bob Guccione Jr. at Spin. Only difference is that the bandmembers and GNR community loves you instead of hating on you (And you probably get more pussy than your dad). Go Thomase!!!

  7. Don't flatter yourself dude. I was referring to anybody who suggested that Jay_Z's album would somehow affect GNR record sales.

    Hon, you are talking 'Rock' and 'Hip hop' albums. Somehow I get the idea that your tribe send you snowball hunting in Alaska between '92 and '95, because at that point Guns WAS mainstream because of their succes!!! And since Jay-Z has become mainstream because of his succes as well, it would definately influence eachother. Think before you write. How do you generate sales? Correct, by advertising and creating a hype. How do you do that? Correct, by getting media coverage. And that's the key issue here: MEDIA COVERAGE!!! Ok, you can have your roots in Rock or Hip Hop, but as soon as you become succesfull you will get the status mainstream with a blablabla (read Rock, Metal, Hip Hop, Electro) origin. And as Axl told us that CD will have all sorts of influences and something for everybody's taste, you can assume that it will lean more towards UYI (Mainstream with Rock background) than towards Appetite (Pure Rock N' Roll). VR's Contraband is a pure no-nonsense Rock n' Roll album, that's why they didn't have these huge mainstream sales quotations. And please don't say: "But they won a Grammy". Fuck that, because winning the Grammy for 'Best hard rock performance' is like winning the Oscar for 'Best subtitle animation'. So to sell CD next to loyal fans like us, Axl needs media coverage. And for that, hon, all releasing albums need to battle eachother, no matter which musical direction is your origin.

    If you were a woman, I'd say it was the wrong time of the month. Dude - what does President Bush have to do with Jay_Z's latest hip hop album?

    To be honest with you, it's the E from last weekend. Sorry for that.

    Hon, if there are people who "pretend" to like certain music just to fit in, then they have bigger problems than which album to buy next. But this just backs up my entire argument all along that the only people who think a rap artist's album will affect a rock album's sales are those whose sole musical knowledge is based on MTV and "fitting in."

    This was not towards you but towards the people saying that Axl would be the biggest sell out if he did a record with Jay. I just wanted to show that there are more people trying to be popular, and say they only like the classic bands just to create an image, instead of people like me who are not affraid to say what they think, like that a collaboration between Axl and Jay would maybe produce a cool, fresh, new single.

  8. Who the fuck cares about this Jay-Z thing, as long as CD is out I dont give a fuck when its realeased.


    The only ones who seem to think the Jay-Z release would somehow affect GNR album sales are the young kids whose frighteningly-limited musical knowledge is based solely on MTV. :rolleyes:

    For you and for those who tried to diss me for my suggestion that Axl should do a collaboration with Jay-Z for his 1st single.

    If you are refering to me, then you can go f*%$ yourself. But please, only go F*%$ yourself if you were refering to me. I'm far from "a young kid whose frighteningly-limited musical knowledge is based solely on MTV". But don't forget, we were once young too and needed time to evolve our musical taste and knowledge. So you shouldn't judge them on that.

    Who I am, however, is someone who loves music above anything. And with music I mean all sorts of directions within music. I love rock above anything, but next to rock I also love new innovative music made by bands like the Killers or Artic Monkeys. I love Johnny Cash, Queen, or Ray Charles, but I also love Techno very much. And yes, I even like a small portion of Hiphop (very small portion though). Fact is that I'm not so insecure of myself like other people are on this board. Other people who have the need to identify themselves with a specific group or direction within music, in order to feel more secure or to prevent from standing out. The same lame traumatized high-school-ass-fucked fuckers who judge on other people for liking different kind of musical directions, only because 1 of those directions is outside of their territory.

    Good music is about bringing people together and enjoying eachothers company, not about dividing people into different groups (for that we already have religion and that dumb-ass brainless mistake-in-sperm-cell-evolution sorry excuse for a US president, Mr. George Bush). And I know that nowadays it is very cool and popular to mention the classic bands as your favorites, mainly because it creates the illusion that you have good taste and musical knowledge. But you know what....it is also cool to have your own opinion. So I like the thing Jay-Z did with Linkin Park, and yes, I love a live performance by Greenday. So what? That doesn't change my love for GNR or Chinese Democracy.

    If you paid any attention to your sick obsession, Mr. W Axl Rose, then you would have noticed that he is also very open to different directions within music. Hell, he even did a short rap during a classic rock n' roll GNR song like 'Rocket queen', wearing a base-ball cap promoting Ice-T if I remember correct. Hell, he even wore hiphop clothing during the 2002 tour. Hell, he even loves NWA and wanted them to open for GNR during the UYI-tour. Ignorant little bitches who hate experimenting caused the breake-up of GNR 10 years ago, and now, 10 years later, only ignorant little bitches will have something to complain about the 'broad' and 'multiple' direction CD will have.

    PS. I have an utter disrespect for moderators who see themselves as 'frontman'.

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