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Posts posted by tat2d1

  1. They're ok. Their biggest hit was actually co-written by DJ as well as some other songs.

    Are you referring to "I'm Bad"? The song existed for awhile, it was on their indie release, it was called something different (can't think of the title off the top of my head), and DJ and Nikki Sixx helped re-write the lyrics after TLV won the Guitar Center contest and signed the 1 album deal with Eleven Seven Music.

    Yeah.. DJ has song writing credits on I'm Bad, Whatever Gets You Off, Apologize and Dirty Things You Do.

    Yep, there were 4 or 5 songs on their indie release that were reworked with Ashba & Sixx. I guess those songs aren't on the iTunes version of the indie release now. Got the new cd, "Bad Decisions" in the mail today. I enjoy it, good blues based rock n roll.

  2. They're ok. Their biggest hit was actually co-written by DJ as well as some other songs.

    Are you referring to "I'm Bad"? The song existed for awhile, it was on their indie release, it was called something different (can't think of the title off the top of my head), and DJ and Nikki Sixx helped re-write the lyrics after TLV won the Guitar Center contest and signed the 1 album deal with Eleven Seven Music.

  3. Jones started off as this humble kid, then he got a title shot, won the title and let it all go straight to his fucking head. He's been a smug cocky prick since winning the title. I still think Dana should strip him of the title. I hope come September 22nd that Machida lights that motherfucker up!

    Strip him? Wait, you're telling me, Dana, should strip THE BEST fighter in the UFC next to Anderson Silva, someone who basically cannot be beaten up the this point, someone who is on whole different level than ANYONE in his weight-class, his title? Hah.

    Chael does not deserve another title shot. Not after he just got demolished by Anderson. I agree that Jones has become cocky to the point of being annoying, but the kid is amazing and is the future of the sport. He'll be a dominate force for years and years to come, unless he decides to stop fighting.

    And, Machida will get demolished, again. No one in the LHW division can touch Jones. I've been saying this before he beat Shogun for the belt.

    Yep, I think Dana should strip him, or ANY fighter that refuses to defend their title. This is the 1st time it's ever happened in the UFC though, according to Dana. This isn't the first time a challenger got injured and a relacement challenger had to be thrown in. You would've thought that after all the trash talking back & forth between Jones and Sonnen last week that Jones would have jumped at the opportunity to shut Chael's mouth. Chael hasn't even done any training since the Silva fight, so it most likely would've been an easy payday for Jones. Does Chael deserve a title shot? No, BUT he was the guy willing to step up and get in there with Jones on 8 days notice. And, you're right Jones is amazing, but eventually someone is gonna come along and humble him, and that will be sweet to see ;)

  4. I bought tickets to go see the Twins Of Evil Tour (Marilyn Manson & Rob Zombie). I'm going down to a county fair in a couple of weeks for a free Warrant concert. Not really much coming around my way that I'm interested in seeing.....

  5. They didn't officially announce the release date for Chinese Democracy until October, I believe it was the 20th, the same day that the single "Chinese Democracy" went to radio. If there is no announcement by mid November then nothing is happening this year, most likely.

  6. Last night's fights on Fox were great. I was glad to see Mike Swick get the win in his return. A couple more fights to get the ring rust off, and he's gonna be back on his way to a welterweight title shot I think. Lauzon/Varner was a good one. I knew Machida was gonna beat Bader, that just seemed like a no brainer to me. Vera looked good, and at one point I thought he might actually beat Shogun.

    I'm hoping Henderson beats Jones, but I think it's a longshot. Most likely a Jones/Machida rematch down the line. If it happens, Jones wins again, IMO.

  7. 2 years ago Alice Cooper & Rob Zombie's tour came to Bloomington, IL and it kicked ass! I'm pretty stoked that this tour is coming to Bloomington too. I will definitely be there!! It's been 11 years since I've seen Manson live, so I'm overdue....

    and I still think Portrait Of An American Family is Manson's best :thumbsup:

  8. Silva is a cheater. He tried rubbing vaseline on himself, thankfully the ref caught him. Then he was BLATANTLY holding Chael's trunks, the ref should've separated them and given Silva a warning, but oh well, Silva wins again. In my opinion, if he wants prove he's the best ever, if he wants to keep challenging himself, then he needs to vacate the middleweight title for a shot at The Light Heavyweight title.He's already destroyed any middleweight worth a damn, and he'll kill Bisping if they fight. So, he should give up that belt in exchange for a shot at Jon Jones ( I just don't see Dan Henderson beating Jones in their match). I'd pay to see Silva vs Jones......

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