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Posts posted by hopkins

  1. Chinese Democracy lost alot of "wow factor" when I first spun the thing. I wasn't blaming this guy, just expressing what impact they had on my experience. All you have to do is read the very next sentence after the one you bolded to understand this.

    It lost the "wow factor" each year the release was delayed, by the time Skwerl leaked it, it had become a joke

  2. Axl could always be like Tool and play...the same exact 80 minute set 100 times in a row when they have 5 hours worth of material. There's something to complain about.

    tool will mix it up

    not as much as pearl jam though

  3. A "muse" is a mythical female inspirational character. All artists are inspired by a muse. A muse can technically be anything that inspires someone, but it's symbolically represented by a female.

    When Merck says "the muse did not show up" he is saying that on the dates Axl was supposed to get the work done, he was unable to actually work. He was uninspired. Lots of artists say "My muse has left me for now..." That means they can't do jack shit until their inspiration comes back. :)

    i agree, the muse can be mythical

    in this case it could be beta, yoda or someone insisting the stars weren't aligned during those periods

    i just hope these final brush strokes are necessary, and not just the result of a genius who's too scared to release his masterpiece

  4. i don't think there's litigation between axl/gnr and clear channel in the u.k

    as download at castle donington was a clear channel event, or live nation as they like to call themselves now

  5. don't shoot the messenger, just read this


    Guns N' Poses: ToL, meet Axl

    Artists: Guns N Roses, Towers of London

    Fisher Price rock'n'rollers Towers of London have been named as support for two dates when Guns N' Roses tour the UK next July.

    The band will lend a grubby hand to Axl's motley mob at Glasgow SECC on 21st, and Manchester's MEN Arena on the 23rd.

    Dirk Tourette, singer for the arid poodle rockers, was heard to exclaim: "Guns N' Roses! What more can you say? Howl, howl, howl!"


    I saw brother Donny ToL once at an aftershow at London joint Sin. Rather than take advantage of a megabucks bar tab laid on by the hosts and engage in antics befitting a wildman of r'n'r, he preferred to casually prop up said bar with a nice glass of chilled cranberry juice.

    UPDATE! A source close to the band has informed DiS that Towers of London are in fact, as bad as we initially thought. Rumours are abound that soon, they'll realise it too!!!

    Words: Kev Kharas

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