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Posts posted by amacfantasy

  1. The very cool people that have optioned Reckless Road to be made into a movie are also working on many other projects but at some point when they are ready to move forward, they will have to work with all the lawyers and the band to get it made. I already gave them all of my imput now its up to them.

    Got a question that you might be able to answer. Whenever this GNR biopic gets going eventually is it true that it will be a pretty legit/big budget biopic ? Like with the maybe A-List actor/s featured in it like some of the rumors have suggested ?

  2. Great song

    Great video

    But let's not jerk each other off too much. Bieber is number two, Katy Perry has two in the top five, Jennifer Lopez and Shakira are in the top ten.

    your missing the point, that is exactly why this is so amazing. It makes sense for all those artists to be up there because they are recent artists releasing these songs in the current era which is the YouTube era. But somehow a song that was released 24 years ago by essentially a dead band and that is 9 mins long which is really long by todays mainstream song standards has somehow matched all of these current artists in views makes a big statement. Which mostly points to how much a mesmerizing/ memorable song and music video this was, and proves that great music stands the test of time. Unlike the artists you mentioned.

    The youth of today is what makes up the biggest population of youtube users they were not even born or barely born when GNR were singing this song lol.

    • Like 3
  3. This super fan was a bit over zealous but what I will say is there is a silver lining for Axl in this. What I mean by that is the whole rock star argument, the whole going by the beat of his own drum thing. That's part of what made Axl...well...Axl. What have we heard a million times over the recent years in rock, that there are no real rockstars left or being created who are current rockers, they are all tamed by the industry and you don't really feel that they are brooding artists so to speak or artists who will no matter the consequence follow their beliefs even if it jeopardizes their financial success (speaking of rockers who make it mainstream/big time). I mean I have seen numerous big name old school rock stars say Axl was the last true rock star and this kind of stuff is what made that so, Axl would not be a rock star to this degree if instead he was just a tame uneventful school boy who followed every rule to appease the masses.

    And the fan does have a point, if people hated the waiting so bad well they would or could just give up on GNR and if it became to much for Axl then he would just have to always show up on time if it was to much for him to bare. What did we hear people speak of back in the day in regard to GNR's description ? That they are the most dangerous band in the world because you never know what's going to happen, and that was largely due to Axl and his spontaneous explosive perceived persona. So again if he was a perceived tamed good boy rocker then it would not of been the same.

  4. Yeah I never heard this either, the last 1:40 of Axl's vocals are pretty bad ass haha.

    I still will always love the album version too though. When I think of Yesterdays to me it's a classic example of a short, simple, and to the point song that still conveys itself as well as any more layered, longer, and supposedly more complex songs do. But also just the lyrics of the song can resonate with any human I feel, and that paired with the visuals of the music video and knowing GNRs past it can get a bit nostalgic when listening to this song. I have always wondered when the band members hear that song/ watch the music video X amount of years later do they get sentimental ? You know those bittersweet feelings

  5. If Metallica & Guns N' Roses and the edgier type of bands in the late 80's hadn't come along, Nirvana would have never made it. Kurt was immensely talented, I just hated the way he publicity hated on bands like Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains (Facelift released before Nevermind had possibly the best grunge sound of the era) Guns, and whoever...the fan's decide what to listen to, you don't decide & influence them.

    Kurt may be the most overrated rockstar in music history

    I might have to agree, and I used to listen to Nirvana a lot back in the day.

    It's sort of like Apple's success with the iPod, mp3 players existed long before the iPod and better mp3 players existed during the iPod but the iPod became the hip/cool/ most mainstream thus had the most commercial success. All those grunge bands named above probably are better in a lot of measurements.

    Also on a side note, It's funny cuz if Axl shot himself in 1993 lets say he would be revered so much more a hero/saint or whatever than the villain he is now. It's widely known musicians who die young get viewed this way. There are a lot of emo/goth/wannabe deep rock music listeners who think Cobain was so deep and brooding, and glorify him killing himself. But Axl very much was and has proven himself to be every bit as eccentric/deep in my opinion even more so than Cobain, but these cheesy fans never really read between the lines.

    As I have got older I have sort of distanced myself from Nirvana and Cobain in large part because of personal beliefs on suicide and being disgusted by it. But also I just find that kind of music so basic now, I like bands that are grander in scope and have lots of elements so grunge generally is out of that. I'm not saying there is nothing positive to find in Nirvana's music there obviously is merit. But in my opinion comparing Axl and Cobain's music direction/artistry/ambition/whatever is so night and day, In favor of Axl.

    I can make a strong case for Axl being a bigger star then and still now over Cobain. Especially if you consider the suicide element which has helped a create mythical lasting Cobain figure which is just stupid honestly. And everyone knows Nirvana/grunge did not kill GNR, GNR died from within.

    • Like 2
  6. I honestly thought Axl was making Floyd style albums that would set the world alight. What an idiot I was.

    Seriously? :lol:

    An album with ten Estrangeds on it? I was not the only one. In the end we ended up with nothing like that.

    I would say CD was every bit as progressive as any Floyd stuff. I like some prog rock (in the usual prog rock band sense) but to me it as a whole sounds kinda of souless and there is no real identity to the songs and the bands as a whole that fit so tightly into that category usually. So an entire GNR album of that i dont think I would like the idea of (again if it was the usual prog rock style).

    It's a matter of preference really, I think CD as a whole displays as much scope as any mainstream prog rock album, just in different ways and vibes.

    And I hate beating a dead horse but come on guys we all know more now than ever that over those X amount of years Axl worked on more than just those 14 CD tracks, so to really judge Axl you have to wait to get your hands on ALL the material (which we may never). That's my opinion. I'm almost certain there is an album worth of material out there that are Estranged esque songs not counting others, maybe we get each one little by little but they are out there and conceived. I'm pretty sure if you took the absolute best X amount of songs Axl ever created/conceived since 1993 to present and you put them all on one album it would be a masterpiece.

    See my problems over the years since CD's release has nothing to do with the music. Nothing on that album has hurt my opinion of Axl's mad genius I think he has. My only problem has been with how Axl has handled everything since 2008 as far as trying to be an music artists the world can take seriously.

  7. Did they actually comment on The General & Atlas Shrugged in any way ?

    Seems like Axl got on there tonight. The answers were funny and cleaver.

    The one where the girl asked about playing on stage and what it was like was answered by saying

    "Mouthing your words" seems to point to Axl but maybe I'm looking too far.

    As far as new music they said they hope that will happen soon (the general and atlas shrugged were asked about specifically)

    Funny when they stopped there tweet and told the guy he looked like Fernando (Andre or whatever)

    Very cool chat, mostly pointless for us but great that they are reading post from fans.
  8. Still guys I have never heard another singer like Axl that has so many different so called voices or tones that he so famously sings with. It's one of that rare selling points for me with Axl are a frontman that no one has ever touched in my search for others, even Patton, just listen to all his material , he does not have the sheer multitude of tones in his singing as Axl. This is one of the big things that always made Axl so unique to me, and refreshing to listen to all the time, I always heard a new singing tone before I got bored with the last to much.

    Also it's not like this is news that Axl has an insane vocal range, a number of big name/famous musicians have previously said Axl has a top 5 greatest vocal range, it's that coupled with all the other pros of his singing and sheer presence that make him a front-man powerhouse.

  9. This is a guitarless version in that the "guitar" track from Rock Band is not playing in this, although many tracks can have more than 1 instrument and do, so you still hear guitars it's just these are guitars that are on the other tracks.

    On a side note, I think someone should make a new mix of this with the last 1:30 of the guitar track still on this because that track section includes the strings at the outro of this song that sort of make the outro it's not as good without that. But I do like this song better without all the guitar over top the song that was included after that demo that leaked back in 2008.

  10. OMG is this real, like are those Axl quotes actually real ? and did this story really just come out on the 5th ? This is like the most hopeful news in a while, I'm actually getting a little giddy.

    So we may finally get to hear more of the Chinese era material sweeet. But on that topic, I really hope Axl releases ALL the CD era material that he has made, it would really suck to end up getting only 10-15 more songs when I'm sure there was much more than that. I'm still puzzled why people don't look into Sebastian Bach's words more about him telling his stories years back when Axl played him all those songs on those 2 different occasions. I want to hear when he heard.

    On a side note, that hour long Axl reggae video made me laugh lol.

  11. I love any Chinese Democracy remix I can find that is half decent, I really love that Gotten in the Rye remix , did Evader do that one ? Anyways I'm always looking for more remix especially Catcher ones <3 anyone know of some good stuff ?

    also anyone know much about these street of dreams remixes ?

  12. did anyone else find this really odd ? Like I had to keep reading further to figure out totally that this apparently is real.

    Like I mean, our dear reclusive front man never goes public with anything even things of more significant meaning (like maybe stuff regarding his own band) yet the first thing he wants to talk about in a long time is this ???????

    This just seems really strange, and I can't tell if Axl is taking a straight jab at the RHCP or just being really sarcastic like he can usually be. Either way until to clarifies himself I'm almost certain that the general world is going to take this really bad, like as in think of it in a really negative way of Axl. Maybe think he is jealous as some pointed out.

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