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angel of music

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Posts posted by angel of music

  1. agree completely. Finck is my very favorite. But Finck and Fortus are the best guitar duo out there right now!

    Robin is my favorite too, but yeah, I love when Robin and Richard play together, the chemistry is undeniable, the way they seem to understand each other, really great! you can tell they are very good friends and get along well, on and off stage :)

    there's some moments in boots I've seen of this tour when either Richard or Robin lean on the other, rest their heads on the others shoulder, or they look each other and smile.. or simply jam together and you can tell they are having a blast! :heart: it's pretty enjoyable to watch this two besides Axl

  2. geez.. can't believe some people..

    I guess I can proudly say that his message is not directed at me as I never sent him anything :lol:

    what impress me the most is there's some people emailing him 10 times a day! that's insane! I don't even write that much to my closest friends! what's that important that you have to say?? why that many mails?

    take it easy, for gods sake!

  3. well don't know you guys, but him and the rest of the band always striked me as non party guys hehe, not like Axl anyway.. Axl is the one with the crazy requests and rockstar behavior :lol:

    hehe too bad that newspaper quoted him saying that! I thought it was kinda out of character for him to say it haha

    I can imagine the guys sleeping all night long on the bus.. they are so wild :lol: but I love them for that.. Axl is trying so hard to be back in the 80s but that ain't happening, times have changed, he's older, he looks more pathetic than bad ass with all that "blonde chicks in leather" divo requests lol

  4. my gut tells me finck may be able to write, but it's yet to be seen, he sure can't play very well.

    well he wrote Better..

  5. cool he's out!!!!

    I hope they continue with the tour without any cancellations..

    still, this has to give Axl some kind of lecture.. it doesn't look cool to be arrsted at 44 anymore! sounds more pathetic than cool to me.. there's nothing cool or badass in being escorted to the police station while everyone is watching you.. Axl needs to realize this ain't doing any good to his image and the band.. it's humillating..

    anyway, it was publicity after all I guess.. this was all over the world within minutes.. it was in argentinian newspapers and the latinamerican Rolling Stone website too ;)

  6. here's an extract from an interview with Robin from Spring 2000 where he talks about the hiatus between NIN albums and what did he do in that period, and one of those side projects was Guns N' Roses..

    RD: The Downward Spiral came out in '94 and The Fragile in '99. The tours are long, but is it hard for a musician to take a five-year hiatus between albums?

    RF: Well, actually, when Trent was doing the record I was touring with Cirque De Soleil, playing guitar with them. It was a completely polar opposite experience for me compared to NIN. I was with them for about a year and a half. I got a call from Axl (Rose), we've been working on a record, but I will doubt that will come out any time soon. The drummer in A Perfect Circle (John Freese) was also working with us. That's basically what I was doing while Trent was doing The Fragile. I had kept in touch with Danny, Trent and Charlie (Clouser) and my work was through with Axl. My time with Axl was up. I was excited to come back to NIN. It was right for me. It was right for Trent. The timing was uncanny.

    At first I think he was up to anything that could come up when he was taking a break from NIN, and Axl happened to call him so he accepted, but then after the US Fragile tour when he went back with Trent, I think he had a fight or he didn't end in good terms with Trent so he left for good and came back to GnR.. maybe someone else can elaborate more on this, but as of now I think he's not to pleased if you talk to him about Trent and NIN at the shows.. :book:

  7. I have a question regarding this.. on the 12th did they do the estended version or just the shorter one??

    I love the long solo in the extended demo.. who does that solo? the one that is very repetitive but it's so cool, once I hear it I can't stop replaying it in my head all the rest of the day!

  8. this thread has turned into an endless and pointless discussion..

    I'll give my 2 cents..

    I don't feel like comparing Robin with Slash, I like them both very much, and I appreciate their talent equally. People here make it seem like you either like one or the other, but I think it's possible to like them both, I know I do :)

    Robin, while he ain't no Slash, puts a lot of soul and dedication into his playing, I can tell by watching him live, he puts on a show, he plays with passion and puts a bit of humour when walking around and playing with his guitar, all things that I love in a guitar player. Slash also used to do that. I like when you can tell they are having a blast playing on stage. Both Robin and Slash got "IT", each in their own way, but they've got stage presence plus skills. Bucket was great but never did it for me, he lacked what Slash and Robin have.. :heart:

  9. yeah, Better was dreadful on the RiR stream... but I for once could hear the synth in the part "no one ever told me when I was alone..." and I thought it was very cool! hehe

  10. I don't think they will cut the Jamiroquai show to broadcast GnR.. once its started there's no return.. :( if they intended to broadcast GnR they wouldn't put Jamiroquai in the first place

  11. thanks for that clip from Budapest.. where are those videos coming from? cuz the forum for that gig here is pretty empty hehe

    anyway, any news from HTGTH regarding the stream? they seemed to know better than us before over there

  12. fuck! so no stream?? why would they take all this time to clear that? Merck's been playing with us again...

    this blows cuz this feed was tons times better than the AOL one, great video and audio, and they are wasting it broadcasting Nelly Furtado???? fuck

  13. [

    he's starting to look like a legendary find by the Ax-Man

    THAT is what I've been trying to convey! Robin has the look that will be remembered next to Axl Rose. Over time it will rise over the memory Slash and Axl, maybe not to the us, but to future generations who will not be biased towards the old line-up like many of us.


    I completely agree. It'll be interesting to see what the history books say in 20-30 years.

    you guys are crazy.. I like Robin very much, I might also say he's my favorite of the new members.. but to say it will rise over the memory of Slash?? the original band is the original band, nothing will change that, not even time or future generations.. cuz people, now or 30 years from now, will still know the truth and the history of the band if they care enough to research, and it would be ignorant to be a fan of GnR and not care to know or learn about the first line-up. People that cares, people that likes the band will always remember the original band not matter when they got inot GnR, it happens today and it will still be happening in the future years

  14. Ron looks very cool in that pic, I thought he was more chubby, but he's good looking hehe :P

    all the band has a great look now, I'm really feeling the chemistry this time around! I was one of those that couldn't see a band in this new incarnation but now it's clicking me... they look good together and very tight on stage and off stage!

  15. I believe this is the same that is on Emule right now.. I fully recommend it to everyone!!

    excelent quality, very big screen, not the tiny AOL one, I didn't have much time to play it but I think it has better audio too :D

    except for the missing new songs it's the best DVD you can make of this concert.. great quality

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