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Posts posted by Kaneda

  1. Axl is getting a lot of great press in the US and the best thing for him would be to drop a single sometime in July and have the album slated for August/September...I think he needs to drop something for radios and MTV to play soon or else he is going to lose the momentum that he has built up. I am so happy GNR are back and actually showing up for things, but part of me will always worry that the album will never see the light of day.

    Deep down inside I think Axl is trying to get Slash back before creating a video. I don't think Slash will be on the album, but I do think he will rejoin the band somewhere on the european tour. Axl knows that adding Slash would take this thing to an unprecedented level. It's big now, but Slash would knock it out of the stratosphere.

  2. I keep seeing Axl having the time of his life in NYC and I can't help but speculate that this city has been good for him and encouraged him to get out and do this tour. I think California absolutely sucks and the people out there are fake and the vibe blows. New York City is so much more grounded and authentic and I think Axl needed that. He needed to go out and have fun in a real city. In California everyone you meet is so oportunitistic, they just tell you what you want to hear because they think you are going to do something for them. In NYC, nobody gives a shit about anybody else, they don't care who you are or better yet, who you think you are, they just want you to shut up and get the job done. I think the energy that NYC exudes was what Axl needed and by his constant praising of this city, I think his days of be a recluse in the hills of California are over! Notice how it isn't LA he is rewarding, it's NYC. Fuck yeah!

  3. WOW! I am fucking speechless...it's about time we had GNR play like a band again. I love seeing Bumble up there playing the acoustic set. So fucking cool. This is the kind of shit Axl couldn't do with Buckethead, the fucker is just too weird. I think Axl is having the best time of his life in NYC and we, as a city, can expect to see him a lot more.

  4. I am sure they are doing it for a video or something...but he looked so fucking cool, who cares...much better than hockey jerseys and baseball jerseys...Also, he came out wearing a biker jacket too last night.

    And it's WORE you idiot.

  5. You guys are so blind...seriously...this new band is a joke of what GNR used to be. Do any of you remember what made GUNS N ROSES so great? It sure as hell wasn't what was up there on stage last night. I mean, please. You have all these guitarist sharing solos all night long? So stupid. A band should have a talented lead guitarist and let him take ALL THE SOLOS! You never know where to look and who's doing what solo. I don't really care, you guys will waste all of your time analyzing this same shitty setlist from now until the fall. This GNR is lame.

  6. You guys are all smoking crap! I went with 7 die-hard guns fans and they all came out saying how lame he was. The guy looked like a dipshit up there. And all of this sharing solos is retarded. This guy is a joke and nowhere near as good as Bucket or Slash

  7. Guys,

    I wanted last night to kick ass, but come on, the band really is so lame now and they looked horrible up there on stage. I don't even know where to begin, but let me list the problems with this new band that should be ashamed to call themselves Guns N Roses:

    1. Bumblefoot: Seriously, this guy looks like a complete dweeb and he had no energy or flare what-so-ever. How can he be the replacement for Slash/Bucket? Forget about his mediocore guitar playing abilities, his image was just flat out boring.

    2. Robin Fink: He looks terrible! Like a bushwaker or something. He just looked so bedraggled and dirty and again, his look is so far off from what Guns N Roses was/should be, that I can't accept this guy as a member of Guns.

    3. The AXL / LEAD GUITARIST Balance is gone: This is by far the biggest problem with this new band. Axl needs a lead guitarist that's larger to life to play with, someone to share the stage and be just as exciting as him. But now there's nothing exciting to look at, say what you will, THE LOSS OF BUCKETHEAD has destroyed this new GNR. Admit it guys, the new GNR Axl had in mind is not this, this is only the backup plan. I worried that we were going to get a watered down version of the 2001-2 band, and we did.

    4. THE ONE QUESTION THAT MAKES NO SENSE: Why did Axl breakup the old band so he could take the music forward, and yet, all he does is play mostly the old material?

    5. Axl leaving out lyrics: He didn't even sing the opening to Paradise city, he just blew the whistle, what gives? I was watching him too during there was a time, and he was constantly choosing not to sing most of the outro. Why?

    6. Overall, I am so over caring about this new Guns N Roses: Guys, we waited so patiently, but now the only solution, the only thing that can save Axl is to get Slash and the guys back together. Again, I emplore all of to go watch clips of what Guns used to be, and then try and call this new band Guns N Roses. While Axl is in shape, he does look older and a bit silly singing songs like You Could Be Mine and My Michelle...Those were songs that epitimized the old bands attitude, style, look and feel; this new band has none of that It's like a bunch of posers up on stage trying to be cool and hip just because they see Guns N Roses on the drum set. I will buy the album when it comes out, but i really don't have a desire anymore to see this new band live...none of the musicians are interesting, and Axl is just looking old these days. It's sad, but Guns N Roses is over. Axl should name this band something else and let Guns go down for what it was, not this new shit.

  8. You guys really are foolish to think that it's a secret because it's someone famous. Chances are it's nobody anyone knows, that's why he's keeping it secret, to avoid looking dumb and then having to explain why he made such a decision. It's so rediculous, thinking anyone can just be in GNR and be legitimate.

  9. What's really crazy is how Axl considers the 2001-2002 tour a success because it galvanized the band...I mean, what world is he living in? The tour was a failure no matter how you look at it, the band's lead guitarist quit, and 3 plus years of nothing happened after. It's amazing how Axl is able to put his spin on the situation and make it sound like it was all for the better.

  10. At least add some more Illusion stuff, Appetite is an old, very old record now. People want to hear Sweet Child, Jungle, Nightrain and Paradise City, that's enough for me. Axl can't do the other songs any justice anymore, he should let them go. Rocket Queen on the last tour was abysmal.

  11. Talking to Axl is like walking on thin ice and it was obvious that Axl wasn't going to talk about the new material, that's why Trunk backed away from such questioning.

    I think it pisses Axl off to no end that his secret album is leaking bit by bit, and once the finally album is mastered, the whole thing will be on the net way before it will hit stores. Not even the mighty Axl can stop that.

  12. Let me first state that I hope my supposition is wrong, but after listening to Axl Rose's last interview, it seems as if he still is unsure of how this thing will unfold. He always has this blasé attitude, which worries me. He says things like, "Hopefully", and "we'll see how it goes from there" far too much for my taste.

    If the band he introduced in 2001-2002 has changed, with their being a new third guitarist, it seems likely that Axl may continue the same setlist as last time since: A. He knows fans will dig the old hits, B. It reaffirms for fans that the new guitarist can rip through the old material, and C. It doesn't put like half of Chinese Democracy on the web for download and scrutiny.

    Also, from the interview, one thing is clear, the album is not finished. He says it time and time again that they have not selected the tracks yet, and that they are still recording new material.

    People also shouldn't take Axl's comments about Fall being the time the record will drop, because remember, all of that hinges on the tour going well. When was the last time a GNR tour went well? I just hope this time Axl comes through on his promise.

    In 3 days, a lot of rumors will be laid to rest. I just hope Axl gives us something new and not the same old setlist with little improv. We had that, we accepted it, but this time, he better deliver more. Time will tell.

  13. I don't know, this isn't going to be the kind of crowd that one would see at a Webster Hall concert, you know, a bunch of NYU students being assholes and shoving each other around. I plan on getting there a few hours before hand, not like I have anything else to do anyway. Also, if you start shoving people around you are asking to get your ass kicked and thrown out.

  14. People are so excited that they forgot how to think? I swear, I am losing excitement everytime I come on this board and think, "Wow, I am a fan of a band that creates retarded fans like these." Seriously guys, why can't people just use some common sense and restrain before they start idiotic threads and spread erroneous rumors.

    Let's talk about setting up a kick ass party thursday night in NYC for all of the fans that will be in town, and stop worrying how many changes in underwear Axl will be bringing with him to NYC.

  15. Let's see, we've gone almost 4 years with no news, that's over a thousand days with NOTHING. Now all we have to do is wait 10 days for answers, so why are we spending these last 10 days acting like a bunch of morons that have forgotten every lesson from the past when it comes to GNR!!!

    Please, for the next 10 days can we stop:

    1. Speculating Slash will return, he won't, get over it, this is Axl's GNR now and support it or leave it.

    2. Speculating about a full reunion: This is the dumbest logic ever, to think that Axl's opus, the one he has worked on for 14 years with new members, will dissipate and he will invite the old guys back to share in his glory is fucking ludicrous thinking.

    3. Wondering what Axl will wear; this is about as pointless as you all wondering what I am going to wear tomorrow. When he takes the stage, we'll see, nuff said.

    4. Guessing the set list: Again, what good will this do? Like will some retards on here go to the show and be like, "I WAS RIGHT, MY SET LIST ORDER WAS RIGHT!"

    5. Complaining about the opening act: WHO GIVES A SHIT about the opening act? If Alvin and Chipmunks were the opening act to Guns N Roses, I wouldn't care. I bet Axl doesn't even book, nor care, about the opening act for these warm up gigs. Like somebody's going to go, "This opening act sucks, I am leaving, fuck GNR!"

    I swear to god, you just can't please GUNS N ROSES fans at all. They go years with silence, and then their dreams of Axl taking the stage again come true and all they do is bitch and speculate, bitch and speculate. Look, for the next 10 days, if you don't have some credible news or a decent discussion topic, please, do us all a favor and SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

    I swear if I see a thread like: "What if Axl takes the wrong subway and misses the show" I am going to reach through my computer monitor and kill someone!

  16. Some of you on this board have no idea how important chemistry is. See with the old GNR, there was tons of chemistry and that led to a much more of a band-like atmosphere up on stage. It allowed the band to JAM more and just rock out. When you watch the new GNR, it's almost as if they are all working hard not to mess up or uncle Axl will punish them. Now I think the new material will finally make these new gunners feel more sense of belonging, and should add a great deal of Chemistry to the band. But still, Axl should be with these guys this close to taking the stage. Who knows, maybe he is, so don't fault him yet. But from the reaction on this board, there is still a lot of left over hostility people feel towards Axl.

  17. With Axl taking the stage in 10 days, and appearances reported in NYC a lot lately, I think it's safe to surmise that rehersals maybe taking place in New York City. I can't see him hopping back and forth between the coasts for rehersals. Although part of me worries that Axl isn't rehersing at all, and while the band is working hard on getting the material right, Axl is off doing his own thing. It's how Axl has always been and I wonder if this time he will change and take this thing more seriously.

  18. How can anyone say that having only two guitarists will not be a disappointment? Especially since the guitarist that has left, Bucket, was by far the most talented? Listen to the demo leaks, besides Catcher, Bucket is all over them and he is the only one that has a signature sound. Shit, how could you play Better or IRS without Bucket? The other two guys are not capable of playing those parts, they just don't have the skill....

  19. I think while many of us are very, very excited that GNR will take the stage on May 12, there is a very uneasy feeling inside all of our stomachs. And I think the source of the concern is simple: We don't want the band that we love to embarrass itself, or even be mediocore. It's strange, but back in the day, when Axl and Slash were together, nobody ever felt this way going to see a Guns N Roses show. However, now there are just so many unknown variables, that this has become sort of like a side-show carnival type atmosphere. We are more drawn to it because of curiosity than anything else. And my concern is this: with so much on our minds, it may be hard to just enjoy what we have if it isn't as good as what once was.

    During the 2001-2002 tour, Axl was a little spotty, and we all had t adjust watching new guys play the material of other musicians that we once (still do) love. I think Buckethead was the main attraction because he was the only one that elevated the music to a new level for GNR. Say what you will about his style, but anyone that saw them in 2001-2002 live knows the man can rip through solos unlike anyone else out there.

    Flash forward to 2006. When the lights go up, all of us fans will be quickly counting how people are on stage, and who are they? It's amazing that 11 days from a show, nobody knows this. If the band takes the stage and there are only two guitarists, people are going to feel let down, like they are getting a watered down version of the band from 2001-2002. If the band takes the stage and there is a third guitarist that is unknown, people will also be a let down that they have to cheer for some no name that will most likely not be as talented as Slash or Bucket. And god help us if someone known, but not wanted in GNR, takes the stage, like Lenny Kravitz (such BS if you ask me), then the concept of Guns N Roses will seem like a joke.

    I think for so many of us, we feel and know that for GNR to be taken seriously, it has to be a major third guitarist that has legitimacy taking the stage and playing Slash's solos, and Bucket's solos now. Slash or Bucket will do, but if not them, it better be someone fans are longing for, like Izzy.

    My biggest concern is that Axl may think he is the only thing that matters and that he is enough draw to make GNR huge again, but that's not the case. May 12 is going to be judgement day like other in the history of Guns N Roses. There are no more excuses, there's no more time left to waste. This is it, Axl has one more shot, his last shot. It's going to be a monumental night and those going will have stories to tell. This message board will be more alive then ever and all of our questions will finally be answered. I can't wait.

  20. HartJH...

    You really did a good job of saying some really stupid shit man. You claim that fans have control over the band and the music is retarded. GNR is not some publically traded company that is effected by the supply/demand ratio. Axl has total control, and that's that. He doesn't owe people shit, nor does he care what people WANT to see up on stage. He is doing this for him, and if the fans like it, well good, if not, it doesn't matter. Axl made his money already, he can sit back and collect checks from now until the end of time. As a fan, you can't force his hand to get Chinese D any sooner, and you sure as hell can't make Slash appear back on stage.

    Also, I think most people realize by now that GNR isn't the same band as they were in 1991. The VMA appearance in 2001 reached the mainstream, and if anyone was a Guns N Roses fan back in the day, don't you think they would say, "Hey, what's going on with GNR" to which a simple internet search would reveal to them the new lineup?

    The album will drop in the Summer/Fall...Axl has always toured first then released the album a la the Illusion tour/album release. Again, when you know your product is awesome, and your band will kick ass live, why would Axl worry? Have you seen the shit music/acts out there? Once Axl takes the stage in NYC on May 12, all of you bitches will know that this time, it's going to happen for good.

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