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Posts posted by Kaneda

  1. While it's cool the all hung out, that's what BANDS do...this board is such a bunch a sappy lameos...it's like Axl and BBF spent the day together and everyone's like, "Axl is so nice, what a great thing to do!" Friends hang out, why is that such a commendable action in the world of GNR? Just goes to show that GNR has been so irrational for so many years that any normal behavior and everyone on this board gets a hard on.

  2. It's plain to see that the new material, while awesome, isn't going over well in concert. All that will change when the Album is out and I bet Axl and Co. can't wait to finally start this new chapter in GNR history. Everything up to now has been somewhat confusing to fans and very disjointed. But once you put the new material out, the new GNR is official and Axl will gain the adoration he deserves.

    Those going to see Guns N Roses in concert now should enjoy the Appetite set list as it will be the last time ever we hear such a heavy Appetite show from Axl Rose. While it's almost October and there's not much time left in 2006, I am somewhat confident it will see the light of day this year. Part of me thinks it has to, with the US tour and all, but I've felt that way every winter for the past 6 years. Is this it? Axl can you deliver?

  3. We've talked about release dates, about album promotion, but one thing we need to discuss is why Axl isn't even mentioning the album to concert goers...He doesn't have fucking announce the release date, but he could make mention to the album itself and let people know something about it. Why this wall of secrecy?

    Maybe instead of playing all of those boring guitar solos that kill the momentum of the concerts, he could take that time to address his fans, introduce the band, and let everyone know a little something about Chinese Democracy.

    Why isn't he building more excitement for this thing? Some of you are like, when he has something to say, he will say it. Well doesn't he have something to tell us? The album must be done if they are on tour and he said it will be out in 2006. So what the fuck is the point of this tour? Here's what Axl should be doing:

    "Thank you for coming out tonight, the band you see up here, these guys have been through thick and thin with me to create an album nobody wanted you to hear, and album that is finally done and we can't wait to you hear it soon, it's called Chinese Democracy and it can't get any better....(then launch into Better).

    Like remember when Axl came out at Rock N Rio and gave the back story to the song Chinese Democracy, I liked that shit, cause Axl seemed proud of the new material, he didn't just drop it on us, he gave us some insight to the reason why he was gone, what has taken so long, and why there are new members in GNR today. By not doing that anymore, by not promoting the new material properly, Axl fails to promote the new members properly. And thus, GNR today is just a confused mess on stage.

  4. I was watching BET the other night and the rapper "The Game" was on promoting his album that comes out in mid-November. They also talked about another huge release, Jay-Z's new album hitting at the end of November. Now while most of you on here will blast rap, Jay-Z probably has more of a following now than Axl Rose, well, he easily does.

    If all of these top artists are promoting end of November albums in mid-September, doesn't that give GNR just a few weeks to announce a release date or 2006 is out of the question? I know Axl keeps saying this year, this year, but when you look at the path other artists are taking, when you look at the promotion surrounding other major 2006 releases, it doesn't look good that we will see Chinese D this year.

    Also, usually a single/video for a new album release is out at least a month before tha album streets. I just don't believe Axl has a plan for this thing. What do you guys think? We will get a release date soon?


  5. I turned on MTV this morning and listened to shit band after shit band whine and sing horrible songs. Like the fucking pussycat dolls have a song that's all about taking their clothes off? Who listens to this crap? When I listen to the new GNR music, of course there is nothing like it being played on MTV, but that doesn't mean it won't pull in that audience. When AFD came out, nothing like it was on MTV, and when UYI and UYII came out, nobody had ever produced such epic videos for rock ballads.

    As much as I hate Axl's procrastination and endless tweaking, he's going to bring something new to the music landscape, something fresh. His voice alone is a fresh new breath of air. I played for one of my friends Better the other night and he's 27 years old and said, "Damn it's good to hear Axl's voice again." I think a lot of people are going to feel that way.

    In a way it's strange to think that we are only 4 months at most away from deliverance. We've all waited so long and the journey has been shit, but hopefully Axl will deliver and we can all say, "I told you so." And hopefully the first video on MTV will blow everyone the fuck away...I really hope it's a song none of us have heard...the wait begins...

  6. What the fuck does, "Let people discover the album naturally" even mean? Is there a natural, more organic way to discover Chinese D? Will there be a seed we plant, provide it with water and plenty of sunlight and in 8 weeks time, Chinese D will sprout up from the ground?

    The reason why some albums crash and burn after only two weeks, is that the product sucks and once the hype dies down, the product can't stand on its own. Obviously if Chinese D is as great as we all hope it to be, this won't be a problem. But they need to come out of the gate strong and make a huge fucking marketing explosion.

    Most people are unaware that Axl is still performing/releasing an album. Also, the record company wants to recoup its millions, they sure as hell want to get it all back the first week the album ships.

    Lot's of you think this album needs no promotion, but it does. Anyone watching the VMAs last week is well aware of how much the musical landscape has changed since GNR ruled the world. Axl is seen as a has-been who once rocked...He needs promotion to sell this thing, plain and simple.

  7. Spoon, you really make a lame comment. As if people on this board can't provide insight on how to promote this album. AXL has done ZERO promotion of this album on the European tour, which to me is worrying. Excuse of it we want some exciting promotion to surround this album's release. Leaving the promotion up to the GNR camp is the most worry-some thing imagineable. Axl is a musician, not a promotional genius. He needs to hand over the album and let the record company take it from here.

    I love how on the last tour there were all of these CHinese Letters in the backdrop, yet no mention of Chinese D...ohhh, Axl you are such a master marketer...let's keep everything a secret until the month before the album hits, yeah, that's how it's done. Bullshit. Fucking Chinese D and GNR should be a synonymous phrase MONTHS before this album hits. For us loser fans it is, but to everyone else, it's not.

  8. It's safe to say (maybe it isn't in the GNR world) that sinlge will precede the album. Now if Axl is telling the truth and 2006 is the year, then 4 are less than 4 months from having CD in our stereos. Most likely 3 months since you want it out there before Thanksgiving.

    Now how will they release the first single? Will it be an MTV video exclusive, followed by radio play? Or will it be radio off the bat? Who even listens to the radio anymore? Would probably be smarter to do something with Apple and iPod. Or maybe even host in on GNRs website for download.

    Also, will they announce when/where the first single will be released? Or are we just going to hear it on the radio one day....it's a big moment, the first studio song from Axl is 10 years...I would think it would be a big deal to the music world.

    Party of me just wished Chinese D was being hyped right now. Like huge CHinese Letters spelling out GNR in Times Square with a sub-head....the most anticipated Rock N Roll Album of All Time...Guns N Roses...Chinese Democracy...Freedom begins 11.20.06 Something exciting to get people talking.



    Enough, just use common sense. Axl is going to present an award, he will most likely be paired with some hot chick. Now as a presenter, it's your job to PRESENT an award to someone, NOT to put the spotlight back on you...And since they are not performing, and it's a live show (they won't play a video of the first single)...there really won't be any chance for Axl to make an announcement on center stage. I bet Kurt Loder grabs him and Axl says, "Soon" is not the word.

  9. I work in Public Relations and Marketing, so it's my job to build buzz for new products and get people talking about them, so that when a product is available, people want it. When you consider GNR is a product, and it hopes to sell two things:

    1. A new Album

    2. Concert tickets

    There is a certain amount of necessary promotion and advertising required to move sales of both. What shocks me is that GNR continues to operate with no promotional strategy what-so-ever, and good promotional strategies are in motion a good six months to a year before a product arrives.

    Guns N Roses being on tour is not nearly enough promotion to make people want to see them live, or buy a new album. An honest assesment of the situation is that most people don't consider this band to be Guns N Roses, and GNR has been out of the media spotlight for over a decade. Axl's return in 2002 at the VMAs was atrocious, and for most people, that is the new image of GNR imprinted in the minds of the masses.

    Even if Axl comes out at the VMAs and says the release date, it's not going to make people want to run out and buy concert tickets. Only new music will help drive some real promotion. And Axl performing live is not what I am talking about.

    Let's say he performs Better live, what will that do? Nobody in Radio City will know it, and they will just be staring at the stage bored. You can't really get into a song the first time you hear it.

    What Axl needs to do is get Chinese D into everyone's hands, something we thought he would do BEFORE this new tour kicked off. Since he has failed to deliver, it's taking the wind out of all of our sails and it's still the proverbial waiting game of old.

    In the end, this entire Chinese Democracy wait has been a joke and there are no more excuses. Axl's arrogance will embark him on yet another unsuccessful North American tour and he will fail to capture the US marktet, once again.

    What I am saying is that anything other than releasing Chinese D is irrelevant at this point. Axl performing/presenting at the VMAs is pointless, the release date is even pointless (as it can easily be delayed)...the only thing that will excite people is the album.

    For me, I wouldn't pay to see another GNR concert unless I had the album in hand, and I am die-hard fan, imagine what the mindset is of the casual GNR fan...he could give two shits about this tour.

  10. While die-hard GNR fans want to hear new material, if Axl just got up there and say ripped through Prostitute or any new song for that matter, the crowd response would be terrible. Not because the song is bad, just because nobody knows it, so nobody could sing along. If AXL were smart...he would release a new single or video next Monday and perform it live next Thursday...like a real quick One-Two punch, shut the fuck up world, GNR is back...

    But first of all...I 100% doubt GNR will play the VMAs...Axl will present with some chick, giggle, look dumb with his hair and shiny suit, and then that will be it. Axl only looks good on stage performing, when he's trying to act cool off stage, he comes across as awkward and lost. Without a mic in his hand, Axl is a chump.

  11. I don't think anyone is truly close to Axl Rose...The man is an introvert and pushes away people that get too close from him. Let's be honest, these guys are in it for the paycheck, not the music. GNR is a business now, and that's why all of the original members left...Axl forced them out. Funny how Axl always makes it sound like it was the music he was protecting, but he literally made everyone sign over their portion of GNR to him, that's insane. So now Axl has been steering the ship for 10 years, and he has released nothing!

    So funny how it's almost September 2006 and we are still speculating about the new songs and what they will sound like....this is fucking pathetic.

    Why the fuck are they planning a tour with no album out? Nobody gives a shit about this new GNR until an album drops. You are not going to see sold out shows in the US, you just aren't.

  12. Seriously, I don't get the point of saying how well these musicians work together...we haven't heard anything from the studio yet, and as a live band, this current version is by far the most ho-hum, boring version of GNR to watch. Axl no longer runs around, they divide up all the solos so you never know who's playing what...it's just a chaotic mess up there.

    GNR never used to be like this. You never had to deconstruct the band and come up with reasons why it worked, it just worked. I think for the past 6 years, all GNR fans have had to convince themselves that something that "isn't" is something that "is"...that we've had to justify over and over again that who we are hearing and who we are seeing is Guns N Roses...

    This new GNR is a joke until an album is released....it's so comical how long the wait has been and how little has been delivered...

    And lastly, and most importantly, shouldn't AXL ROSE be focusing on THIS BAND instead of the premembers? By predominantly playing the premembers' music, AXL is in fact showing more support for what came before, and cutting the legs off of those that are now, GNR. People wonder why all we do is compare old to new, it's because that's all Axl gives us. No album, no new music, no new GNR, it's all in the past.

  13. And yet, here we are, same shit just 4 years later...Axl once again going on tour with no album or single out...why? Who really cares at this point to hear the old material played by guys that didn't write the music? I would have more respect for Axl if he released this thing the way Brian Williams did SMILE and just go to a venue like Radio City Music Hall, invite die hards and the media to hear Chinese D played song 1-13, in order.

    Enough with the old Axl, time to usher in the new era for Guns. It's so retarded that in August 2006 we are still without a single.

  14. I really think Axl believes that by selling out festivals in Europe that he can sell out arenas in the US...but let's face it, David Hasselhoff is huge in Europe. Axl is doing the same exact thing in 2006 as he did in 2002...and not to say it will end just as bad, but kicking off the tour in the US without a single or album to promote is a mistake, and we all agree on that. However, playing in large arenas that are half empty is so pathetic and sad to see. I remember seeing GNR in Hartford in 2002 and it was fairly empty...Axl needs to play smaller venues and major cities only...but this time around, I think A LOT of interest in the band has disappeared. In 2002, there was the mystery, the intrigue in Axl's return...but that's long gone. Now he is more of a joke than ever. A kick ass single and an AMAZING VMA performance, and maybe Axl could build some real momentum in the US, but right now, touring with his kareoke band, nobody cares outside of the die hards.

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