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Posts posted by Kaneda

  1. You can't compare old guns to new. When old guns hit the stage, they had the number one album in the country, had number one single on the air, and everyone was into them. The energy level at those shows was out of this world. Only time I felt that energy again was MSG 2002. That being said, new guns is still better than anything else going. It the material. No one else has soooo many great songs.

  2. Made it to Boston in less than 3 hours. Course the Shelby mustang makes that easy. Excited to see guns tonight. May even hang with some band members after. For you guys already there, u guys are insane fans. Hardcore all the way. Personally, since GA doesn't sell out, if you get there when guns hits, around 11, u will still be really close. I also find the sound is better when u r back a bit. Love being up front, but the vocal speakers usually hang above the stage front, so it's hard hearing axl.

    If anyone sees a blue Shelby with white racing stripes, thats kaneda coming to town.

  3. I've seen every iteration of Guns N Roses since 1987-2011 and last night's performance in NJ was a seminal moment for this band. For the first time ever, I feel like new Guns has stopped trying so hard to "be different", and instead, they are just working together to create the greatest rock n roll show possible. What i mean by that is before, it always felt like each member was trying to bring his sound out, to differentiate it from the original band, not just in style and technique, but also in the sound itself. As a result, you had all these different sounds and styles crashing into each other in the middle of a song. Not anymore. Last night, this band sounded like one complete unit working harmoniously together, almost like a V12 engine where every piston is firing perfectly and the noise emitted is sheer heaven. Take Sweet Child O' Mine for example. DJ and Ron blended their styles together SO PERFECTLY that you couldn't even detect when the shift happens during the solo (from DJ to Ron). It sounded as if all 3 guitarists where all playing off of the same guitar. As a result, this incredible wave of music was created that allowed Axl to fucking blow the roof off with his vocal power. Oh, did I mention, Axl Rose sounded and looked great. I brought a group of 10 people to the show last night, all of which were skeptical of of Axl's capabilities. Two songs in they were all completely blown away. The only problem with watching GNR for me is that it makes it impossible to enjoy other live acts. This band hits so fucking hard and has SO MANY great tunes, it makes other concerts pointless. I just end up comparing everything to GNR and nothing compares.

    If you haven't had a chance to see this lineup, I highly suggest you take whatever means necessary to get to a show. And bring with you GNR fans. Who knows how long these moments will last, but take advantage of them while they do. Rock on...


    i ve been reading here since 2000 or something like that, waiting and waiting and eventually very happy since oh my god came out on that soundtrack. i ve read a lot (of your negative bullshit) and now i read your post and it makes me wanna react

    first the band does sound good and cohesive

    second me personally i miss charisma and i realise that when i see old live video of the band like estranged oklahoma etc

    third i really miss finck and his style and sound and looks and charisma (the only one that compares to duff slash izzy axl imo)

    but then the real reason of my post that it makes you impossible to view other live acts... lol. you should go work for TMF and kiss asses...

    gnr rocks live but chiili peppers with john frusciante, radiohead saitima show, john frusciante solo shows, placebo soulmates never die show, ..... and a lot of other bands have great live shows i would enjoy

    i would love to see the cure again i saw them on the bloodflowers tour in valencia and it blew me away

    so i read your post and i thought it was bullshit and i remembered your former (sometimes funny negative) post and i felt like reacting


    I was very critical of the Guns situation around 2000-2002. Who the hell wasn't frustrated at that time? That was 10 years ago man. As people, we change a lot as time progresses. I think if there's one thing that's remained constant for me, it's my love for Guns and their music. For it has been with me for over half of my life. But I decided long ago to turn a negative into a positive - this led me down a much richer road in life. And in the end, the album came out, the greatest moment of my career involved the band I love, and I've had the pleasure of getting to know some of the new band members. Some people on here don't want me to be positive, they want me to remain angry, to rant, to find something to bitch about and exploit it. I could still behave that way if I looked at this new band through a nostalgic lens. But why would I do that? Why would I deny myself the pleasures of enjoying this great band because I focused so hard on trying to relive the past? I mean everything I say...I always have. Time makes hypocrites of us all man...but it's never, tooooo late.

  4. I've seen every iteration of Guns N Roses since 1987-2011 and last night's performance in NJ was a seminal moment for this band. For the first time ever, I feel like new Guns has stopped trying so hard to "be different", and instead, they are just working together to create the greatest rock n roll show possible. What i mean by that is before, it always felt like each member was trying to bring his sound out, to differentiate it from the original band, not just in style and technique, but also in the sound itself. As a result, you had all these different sounds and styles crashing into each other in the middle of a song. Not anymore. Last night, this band sounded like one complete unit working harmoniously together, almost like a V12 engine where every piston is firing perfectly and the noise emitted is sheer heaven. Take Sweet Child O' Mine for example. DJ and Ron blended their styles together SO PERFECTLY that you couldn't even detect when the shift happens during the solo (from DJ to Ron). It sounded as if all 3 guitarists where all playing off of the same guitar. As a result, this incredible wave of music was created that allowed Axl to fucking blow the roof off with his vocal power. Oh, did I mention, Axl Rose sounded and looked great. I brought a group of 10 people to the show last night, all of which were skeptical of of Axl's capabilities. Two songs in they were all completely blown away. The only problem with watching GNR for me is that it makes it impossible to enjoy other live acts. This band hits so fucking hard and has SO MANY great tunes, it makes other concerts pointless. I just end up comparing everything to GNR and nothing compares.

    If you haven't had a chance to see this lineup, I highly suggest you take whatever means necessary to get to a show. And bring with you GNR fans. Who knows how long these moments will last, but take advantage of them while they do. Rock on...


  5. GnR used to be a bunch of kids who lived on the streets, got shit on by everyone around them, went dancing with Mr. Brownstone.

    Now they're rich, they've got mansions, private jets, fancy dinners. Doing things the way they used to would just be faked. It'd just be being fucking assholes.

    Nick Cage has all those things and he's still managed to keep his edge. Fucking Wickerman. Great flick. Great flick. But seriously, I'm not talking about faking anything...just having that look in your eye like your out to prove something. The 2001 band in it's own crazy way hand that look in their eyes (and under the bucket) that they were on a mission. Mission was simple: re-create GUNS by playing the old material better than ever, and dropping new songs that brought the band forward, musically. As a fan, I believe they accomplished this quite well...I think the attitude also comes from playing the stuff you create...I'm sure these guys are itching to write new songs and play more of their new GN'R songs live...But at the same time, they have to service the hits people know and love...it's an interesting dilemma these guys are in every time they take the stage. The fire will burn brighter the more they tour, the more they interact with fans, the more they gel as a unit...God I wish this tour was here to promote the NEXT album...I'd literally pay $1,000 for that album tonight :)

  6. GN'R is a dished best served with some anger and some fucking attitude. The band has always been the personification of our alter egos. You know, all those nasty things we wanted to tell people who annoy us, but we keep them to ourselves? GN'R didn't just say it, they finished it off with a fucking spit to the face. You always felt like they were fueled by gas that was 1000 Octane and they didn't just rev shit to the limiter, they kept going until pistons exploded. They had this way about them that said, "we're cooler than you, face it, you have nothing interesting to tell us...now fuck off!" THey had no respect for people's time, they showed up and played when they felt like it, and if you didn't like it...well...And they could do all of this cause they delivered. When you watch an old Guns concert, from back in the 90s, they guys in the band looked half dead, half alive...shit, they looked fucking wasted but still managed to churn out note after note in perfect melody...again, almost as if they didn't care and they could do this in their sleep. If I could ask anything of the new guys, it's this: BE ANGRY! They all seem so happy to be up there, which is totally awesome to see, but come on, someone up there must have rooted for the Texas Rangers...so get pissed!!! Axl, next airport your in, let someone fucking have it...NO THEY CAN'T CHECK YOUR BAGS, YOU'RE GN'R!!!! Ron, don't give away tickets, fucking take them back from fans who aren't cool enough!!! Next hotel room you're in, trash it. Johnny Depp has built a fucking career out of this. He was making shit until he went whole hog on an innocent hotel room, now the fuckers pulling in 80 million a year jamming rum up the Kracken's ass!!! I love this new lineup and the chemistry is there...all that's left to do is flip the switch and get mad. But not the kind of mad that cancels a show, but surely a mic stand can be kicked over or a guitar smashed...no? I also would like, in the middle of patience, a new verse to be added: "He's in my ass, that's where SLASH is, FUCKHEAD, GO HOME!!!" And then point to someone, and then person HAS TO LEAVE, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!! I mean, that has got to be one of the greatest insults of all time...And Axl, when you called that opening act who sucked the Pigeons of Shit Metal, I was rolling around on the ground laughing so hard. One line and BOOM, those fuckers were annihilated. I guess what I'm saying is, STOP BEING SO NICE. I am going to be front row when you guys play Izon in Jersey holding a sign that says: KANEDA, SPIT HERE...and there will be an arrowing pointing to my head. If you miss, you HAVE to play Prostitute...Deal?


  7. wow...THE GENERAL!!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!....wait, that's it? LOL...I mean, come on. None of that intro music sounds like a song to me. Sounds more like a movie score. Great, now everyone and their mother is going to "imagine" what it might sound like with actual rock instruments added in. I think it's safe to say that new music will come soon. For no other reason than Axl HAS TO BE bored playing some of these songs now for almost a decade. Personally, I think Axl needs to keep releasing music until he lands a true single. Bring out the big guns!!!


  8. That video was ace! So good to see you again Kaneda! You used to be one of the most annoying posters on here in 05-07, then the Dr Pepper thing exploded, and you redeemed yourself.

    The Dr Pepper thing was genius, I'm glad the band got a kick out of it. Wait a minute, didn't Axl sue you guys?

    Thanks. It was a simple idea that worked. I wish most marketing programs would understand that. Axl never sued, nor did the band. The lawyers were the ones complaining at the end, but honestly, they should have. Dr Pepper should have been ready to handle the traffic. They had 8 months to prepare. No excuses. But time heals all wounds and when I met Axl this year, he was very nice and thankful for the program. CK

  9. great video , but one thing is missing

    the aftermath

    Chinese comes out

    Dr Pepper: free soda only for the ones who would register on our site

    Dr Pepper's site blocked

    Dr Pepper's epic fail

    TOTAL FAIL on Dr Pepper's part when it came to getting the website ready. Would have been so easy to get it right...one day I'll tell the whole story.

  10. Hey Gunners,

    It's hard to imagine two years have gone by since Chinese Democracy arrived. For most of us, it arrived sporadically over a 10-year period, with leaks, rumors and tours. But through it all, through the agony and ecstasy, we all had a common goal: to one day hear Chinese Democracy. And we were united by that goal. Not united in our feelings, but united in our desire to just hear the damn thing. There were times when I hated the wait, despised the band, and constantly whined about the lack of information. There were times when a new song would surface and I would play it non-stop for weeks. And there were magical nights, nights I will never forget. Like seeing Axl and Bucketheat blow the fucking roof off of MSG on December 5, 2002. Jumping up and down on my couch when GNR appeared at the VMAs. Returning to my office in March of 2008 and listening to a voicemail from Bumblefoot thanking Dr Pepper for its support. Hearing the Blues at Rock in Rio for the first time. The list goes on and on. Looking back on it all, I wouldn't have changed a god damn thing. To be honest, waiting for something you want badly has an inexorable pull on you. You think it about it all the time, you try to imagine what it's going to be like, you, for loss of a better word: dream.

    I'm still shocked to this day that Dr Pepper went along with my dream. But regardless if you got your free soda or not, we generated so much attention for this album and it needed it as the record label and Best Buy provided jack shit. Truthfully, I didn't come up with the idea to help Dr Pepper, I did it to help the band and to put a spotlight on this record and the incredible fans waiting for it. As a little gift, I wanted to share with you guys the highlights reel Ketchum created for this program. This was the coverage we got when we first launched the offer. Hope you guys like. And lastly, a special thanks to band for producing an album I still enjoy each day. That's what music is all about. Much love,


    Dr Pepper GNR Offer

    p.s. If anyone knows how to upload this video to YouTube without the audio being muted, please do. Right now I can only hear audio when viewed on my channel.

  11. please, GNR has ALWAYS took to the stage late. As far as I'm concerned, if you go to a GNR show and are shocked by this, you're a fool. You can't deny that European crowds are far more abusive and destructive than US crowds. Look at English soccer fans for christ-sake. Bottom line is this, the promoters need to be smart and just say the GNR show is going to start an hour later than planned. GIve people time to, you know, grab a hot dog.

  12. The past couple of weeks have been a PR nightmare for Guns. They had so much great momentum after those surprise gigs in the states and the Canadian/Latin American tour. But Europe is exploding on the launch pad. I'm a little confused as to why people think after all these years Axl Rose is going to take the stage on time. It doesn't happen. Period. In fact, the only time I think I ever saw him on stage ON TIME was December 5, 2002 at Madison Square Garden. I think Axl knew that show was maybe the most important to get right in his life, and he nailed it (course tour ended the next day, oh well). But these European fans are such fucking cry babies it's incredible. Why go see GNR just to boo them and throw shit. But regardless, if that's the environment, GNR management needs to step in and make sure they protect the band and Axl by ensuring they take the stage on time. Especially at these festivals where people have been drinking all day long. It's one thing to be patient while sober, but when drunk, the fuses are real short.

    GNR is a strange entity. The qualities that make them so exciting and unpredictable also make them predictable and annoying at the same time. It's like, you know you're going to suffer at a show, you just don't know how much. But here's the catch. Back in the day, they ruled the world and the shows were out of this world, so they could get away with torturing fans for hours before they kicked off. While they still put on an amazing show, it's not the same level of explosiveness as before, nor does the band rule the music world like they once did. Yet, they hours they make fans wait hasn't changed. I think the band needs to start compromising a bit, especially with these lame ass European cry babies. New York City would never cry because we had to stay up past our bedtime. But we all know the only manager Axl Rose has is Axl Rose. I'm cool with that and I would wait hours to see them, but most concert goers aren't die hards like us. I really think GNR should forget these big stadium tours and take it smaller and play to their die hard community, get a new album out, and just become the world's greatest under-ground mystery. Like, "Where will GNR play next, nobody knows, but if you catch it, it will be the best show of your life..." Take it back to the roots for a bit. Once concert at CBGB created so much more buzz and excitement than these big european festivals that serve only to drag this band through the mud. That being said, I hope to catch one of their shows in Europe this fall, I just hope the tour doesn't get canned soon. Come on guys, you can do it!

  13. Wow...you guys always go way too far. All I said was bucket is great, but I don't have to hate him to love the new guys. Why anyone even entertains Bucket being better than Hendrix is beyond me. You guys need day jobs.

  14. There are opinions in life and there are facts. When it comes to the talents of Mr. Buckethead, there is no debate. It's a fact that he is one of the most incredible guitarists to ever play. Some people on this board bash Bucket to no end, and to those people I feel sorry for you. The proof is in the pudding. Whether live in concert or in the studio, Bucket delivered the goods and then some. I'm not knocking the new guys at all by saying that. In fact, Ron, DJ and Richard would all show nothing but appreciation for Bucket's skills. To me the biggest misconception about Buckethead is that he played with no emotion. Nothing could be further from the truth. The man was 100% emotion and that's what made him so magical, he could play soulful riffs, but then go into overdrive and shred like a madman, but with feeling AND CLARITY in each note. As a Guns fan, I was really excited to see where Bucket and Axl would take the band. I think we got some of it with Chinese D, but the full collaboration between the two geniuses never really came to fruition. Not surprising, but a shame.

    The departure of Buckethead still remains a mystery. Why? Well, we never heard Bucket's side of the story (or Herbie, his hand puppet, whichever). He wasn't kicked out of the band, he left. If I were to guess, I think the endless delays probably got to him. Maybe he did feel too many other people had a say in the music and that forced him out. In any line of work, if you are better than your co-worker, there's only so many ideas you want to hear from your co-workers before enough is enough. Not saying that happened, but maybe.

    Regardless, seeing Guns N' Roses in 2002 with Bucket at the helm was fucking magic. The new band has magic too, but it's more spread out. When Bucket was up there, he just stole the show. But he's gone now and I'm very happy with Ron and Co. I don't need to bash Bucket to feel good about the guys in the band now. We should all appreciate Bucket for the amazing work he contributed to Guns and wish the new guys well in creating their own material and own GNR chapter. It's a long book this GNR one, with many twists and turns, but in the end, it's just about great music. Enjoy it guys, while it lasts.

  15. It's not a question of the unreleased tracks being "better" than what's on Chinese D. What I love about Axl and his music is each song's uniqueness. I mean really, what artist out there takes so many musical risks as Axl and succeeds? A lot of this has to do with his incredible voice and range. Chinese D was an album that had something for everyone on it. Who knows what the other material sounds like, but I'm willing to bet that Axl has some great stuff there. The man simply does not create crappy music. This thread has gotten a little off topic. All I am saying is this band will create amazing music together if they decide to. They shouldn't spend time polishing or re-arranging songs written by other incredible artists. They should have the freedom to define the band that they are in. Let's see how it plays out.

  16. Chasing album sales is the wrong approach. What you need to do is get the music to be part of the culture. Do that, and sales will sky rocket. The original GNR was a cultural movement in itself; their sound re-defined rock n roll. People would be into this music more if it were delivered to them properly. It's too much to digest with no context around it.

  17. I'm not surprised by the lingering anxiousness on this board. Some fans are as happy as a clam at high tide: celebrating the album, following the tour, etc. Others are still bitching and moaning about the set list, lack of a music video, DJ working on new songs, hoarders holding onto multi-tracks, etc. A typical day in the GNR neighborhood if you ask me. Having seen this new band play, I can honestly say they are capable of magic. But something critical needs to happen if this band wants to achieve its potential - it needs to let go of the past.

    For so many years different musicians have contributed to GUNS and the songs they created may be amazing, some may suck, but as long as they exist only in people's imaginations, they will only serve one purpose: to disappoint fans. Additionally, any new member of GUNS is unfairly held accountable for "prohibiting" us from hearing the work of those past great musicians (like bucket, brain, robin, freeze, heck even Slash). Imagine how they must feel, trying to create something new when so many people won't give them a chance. But again, the only way to move forward is to let go.

    By letting go, I mean letting the music go. Get it out there, let it be heard. Don't change it, try and recreate it. Just let it go the way it was supposed to be heard when it was created with serendipity. Music is an art and the artist's first inclination is usually his/her strongest. And an artist loves to work with a blank canvas, not fix or change something already created by another artist. Sure they can do it, but their heart and their soul won't be in it.

    I am super excited that DJ is working on new tracks. He's in Guns guys, what do you expect him to do? Just sit around waiting? Bands create music, that's what they do. I really believe Axl would find great peace in letting go of the material between 1996-2006. Release a box set, call it something like, "The Lost Guns"...And then start fresh with this band. Imagine, not having to go back and re-do songs, just starting fresh.

    The key to letting go is forgiveness, which is probably the hardest thing for any of us to do in life. If Axl feels betrayed by some of the past members, I can understand why he doesn't want them on the future albums. Problem is, their work is going to the best. By trying to re-do the parts and bury those that aggravated him, it just leads to an endless cycle of contempt.

    I will support this band and the decisions they make. My only hope is that they are allowed to be free and create music together, without the shadow of the past weighing them down. Free up these virtuoso musicians and I guarantee some of the greatest rock n roll will be born. Rock on...


  18. Wait, Guns didn't add a bunch of new surprises to a show in Bergen, Norway?!?!?!? WTF, this band is dead to me!!!!!!

    Seriously, first show back, they pick a small venue to iron out the kinks and you guys are surprised it didn't blow the roof off the place. I'm sure they sounded great, but the crowd probably sucked ass. I will admit, for us die hards that follow each show and watch countless clips online, there's not a whole lot of revolutionary stuff happening on-stage. So it's hard for any show to feel magical if you've seen it over and over again. I usually try and bring friends who have never seen GNR live before to shows. They are always blown away and I get to live vicariously through their first-time experience. It's the one time "vicarious existence ISN'T a fucking waste of time".

  19. See, this is why I love this forum. Just when I'm starting to get bored with Guns (once in a blue moon) shit like this happens and it makes me fall in love with Chinese Democracy all over again. My favorite thing about peeling back the layers of Chinese Democracy is this: you peel back enough and you arrive at emotional core of the song - the lyrics! I've said it before and I'll say it again, what makes GNR so special is the way Axl and his lyrics come right at you...Stripping back some of the music and effects actually helps some of these songs. For it gets you closer to the words, and closer to the emotions of Axl.

    Not sure who has the multitracks, but if you're listening...I'd love to hear a stripped down prostitute as well....Just go Piano, Drums and Axl...layer in the guitars during the bridge between vocals...but that's all...

    Heck, I'll listen to any remixes and enjoy them....this is fun, fun stuff....Amazing how simple arrangement changes can drastically change the impact a song has...I finally understand WHY it took Axl sooooooo long....How does one know when to stop? Or start making changes? Keep it coming!


  20. Most of you are spot on. I find myself enjoying the songs that a mixed well the best. My favorite is Shacklers....that song just fucking hits you in the face with the first "boom" and then launches into that sinister first verse...you know, most of the mixes are amazing, I would just say that IRS, Catcher, CD and Prostitute have some volume issues at times. Maybe because those tracks have a lot going on, that was the best they could do? Not sure, but it sounds like re-mixed versions of these songs may be in the cards at some point. However, at this point, I really hope the band keeps pumping out new material. I am very confident that this new lineup will hold together for a while, but the glue will be new material. I really hope we see like 3 new guns albums over the next 5 years....2 new material and one live/un-plugged stuff...

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