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Posts posted by Kaneda

  1. I don't give a shit about this new band, I don't care anymore for Axl's lame antics and constent lying and delaying of this album. All I care about is new music with Axl at the helm...Something he has been unable to produce since he dismantled the band.

    Seriously, why is this band called Guns N Roses...even Axl himself said back in the day he would never call a new group of musicians Guns N Roses, yet here we are. And it hasn't fucking worked! He's sold out, what 2 shows so far? That's not Guns N Roses...if Slash were in this band, every show would sell out...most people don't see this new band as Guns N Roses, but they are GNR fans. See it's not the real fans of GNR that have accepted this new band as gold, it's the Axl Rose fans who think the man is a god.

    Not only has Axl proven himself worthless over the past 15 years, but he's driven away the only people that cared about him, surrounded himself with kiss-asses and yes men, he's gone to war with the record company, and I am sure they are fucking him now (good for them), he's only good at one fucking thing, SINGING...so sing Axl, and stop trying to have control over everything.

    And thank god for the internet, cause what Axl Rose can't control anymore is what people say about his band. Back in 91-92, he never had to hear about how pissed off his fans were on a daily basis. Well, now he can hear it from us all, Axl you've fucked up...you've lied, time to deliver or go the fuck home.

  2. Let's clarify one thing motherfuckers...the REAL fans of Guns N Roses will never, and I mean NEVER see this new band as Guns N Fucking Roses! Fucking A dudes, these guys aren't even close. While GNR fans will always support Axl, don't confuse being a GNR fan with having to blindly follow this shit show of a comeback.

    And you know what Ron Wong...if Axl wanted to play some Rock N Roll shows with an almost all Appetite set, why not play those shows with the men that created that music? It makes no sense why the original band still can't be together. Axl made it sound like the original band would not have been capable of making the songs like The Blues, IRS, Better? That's bullshit! Nothing Axl has delivered is earth-shattering or truly innovative...Anyone that can play an instrument or guitar, go play Better, it's a fucking simple song...

    And songs like The Blues, Catcher...straight out of the illusion era.

    So Axl destroyed GNR for what? To make us wait until he was an old man, come back with a new band, and play the old music? FUCKING RETARDED and you know it!

  3. Anyone else pop into their local record store today and laugh internally? I did. This thing is a fucking joke. Why I don't get is this...was the album finished before this tour began? If not, why did the tour even happen? It's a fucking cash grab, that's all!

    This band had so much going for it in September, but Merck and Axl are fucking idiots, they should have dropped the album on the first date of the US tour...at least drop a fucking single! Can someone, anyone tell me why a SINGLE hasn't even been released since 1998?

    Something is terrible wrong behind the scenes...the Harley Ad was the most telling...something was ready to happen, the wheels were in motion, then WHAM! Nothing...everything was stopped, delayed once again.

    December 19th is going to come and go just like November 21 and November 29...but it blows my mind that Axl thinks he can keep taking the stage as Guns N Roses, reshape the band, and then deny fans the opportunitiy to hear studio versions of this new bands abilities...

    It's starting to look as if this tour will be finished with no album out...which is great, SO WHAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT OLD MAN?

  4. Axl Rose is a bitch! Who would have thought...Six years after he said Chinese Democracy Starts NOW! Axl Rose is still stalling...amazing how the people up his ass think it will end in glory! IT's going to end in disaster and we are watching a slow-motion train wreck right before our eyes.

    This GNR comeback after comeback has been a fucking disaster....SLASH SAVE US!

  5. How the fuck can people still be saying, "Let's just wait and see, 2006 isn't over yet!" Seriously people, in September/October that may have held water, but now, you can't release the most expensive rock album of all time with no promotion/release date set. And that shit will happen AT LEAST a fucking month before release.

    It's obvious that we've all been lied to AGAIN by Uncle Axl, and it's only a matter of time before the next statement points the finger of blame at some lawsuit, old band members, the record label, the dominos pizza delivery man; Axl will find someone to blame.

    It's just so fucking amazing how every other band can do things yet only Axl has issues with releasing the CD, has issues with the sound every night, has issues with with everything...the man is a sissy little bitch who is scared shitless to deliver the goods. Come on Axl, get in the ring pussy, it's December 2006, the year's running out and your bitch slap rapping is getting old...you've become a parody of yourself Axl and you think you are a rock bad ass? Prove it! Bitch.

  6. I for one thought Axl would make me eat my own words back in September when I said Chinese D wouldn't be coming out this year. But guys, come on, I think we can safely write off 2006 from the equation...those saying they will wait until December 21st to pass judgement are hopeful fools...

    Anyway, who here thought they would have the album by tomorrow's date? It's amazing, no single, no news, no album...look at this board of late...Axl has lost his fan base and he doesn't even say a word. I think we learn more about Axl's true characther as the years go on...no wonder Slash and Co. got fed up and left. Axl Rose really is a joke and a loser, a brilliant musician yes, but as a person, he's so lame.

  7. As I sit here and type this, I am not mad anymore, I am not frustrated, I'm just sad as I read the posts on this board over the past week. We are all die-hard Guns N Roses fans; as much as we berate each other internally here, I bet we all defend GNR to the depths of hell when we talk about them to people outiside this forum. We love GNR and the music that Guns has created is a part of our lives, we have an intimate relationship with it.

    I think for most of us, this comeback meant a lot more to us than we could really ever put into words...I saw the comeback as a journey into the unknown; where the final outcome had the potential to do some truly beautiful things, such as: provide us an opportunity to relieve some of the most memorable musical moments of our past; and also, push the music forward, thus closing one chapter of GNR by opening another.

    Let's face it, for the latte half of the 90s, it seemed as if Axl would never sing again...when he finally returned, it was just so good to have him back. But as fans, we've been told time and time again to get ready to jump into the Chinese Democracy era. We are like sky divers, parachutes strapped to our backs, cruising 30,000ft above the ground, the doors open, the red light is on, but we are frozen, paralyzed in time, unable to jump out and really embrace this new band because below is is just a sea of black. Somewhere out there, there's an island (Chinese D), but we've been waiting to for the coordinates now for 6 years.

    In a way, Axl's inability to act, his procrastination, his endless pursuit for perfection has rendered him frozen, and that same feeling of immobility, of being frozen and stuck is being experienced by all of his fans. We are all sort of hopelessly searching for clues, for some news or anything to shed light on the situation. We all want to see Axl succeed, but deep down inside, we all know his demons have the best of him, and the pain he feels is far greater than the frustration and anguish we all feel on a daily basis.

    The golden fleece is CHinese Democracy...it is the only thing that can start the new era. But imagine the weight and responsibility this album carries. It has to be good enough to justify the removal of musicians that created Appetite, Lies, UYI 1 & 2...and that is why this album may never see the light of day. It's an impossible situation Axl got himself into, and as his fans, we also find ourselves in an impossible situation. But even in our darkest moments, we are still riding that plane, squinting our eyes to see if we can catch just a beacon of hope, some indicator that CHinese D is out there, and once we get confirmation, we can all jump and enjoy this new era of Guns N Roses together...but until that happens, we are all lost, frozen, and completely frustrated.

    The time for Chinese Democracy is now...the tour is irrelevant...Axl, read this, believe in this album, and let what needs to happen, happen...Everything will work out in the end...

  8. Oh look, it seems the GNR comeback is starting to unravel again...poor baby Axl has realized once again nobody cares about his Kareoke tour...his cash grab has hit a wall, and with no album out, this tour is fucking pointless...get over yourself Axl and release something you fucking pussy.

  9. Amazing how in September we all thought that CHinese D would be out today...well, fast forward to today and this GNR fan walked into FYE at 8:30am fingers crossed that Axl would deliver and all of my provocations were unnecessary...but what did I see? I saw 20 people with red albums in there hands waiting on line, turns out it was Jay-Z's new album...I asked the manager if Guns N Roses' new album was coming out anytime soon and he said he had nothing on that album, and even laughed at me saying, "Is Guns N Roses even still together?"

    How the fuck can the GNR camp expect to operate like this? I mean shit, all of us, all of us fucking fans were fucking brand ambassadors telling everyone we knew that 2006 was the year, we even told people sometime in November, probably the 28th...now we all look like fucking losers! How come Jay-Z fans have known for months that their man would deliver the goods on November 21, but Axl and GNR fans are completely in the black...it's fucking bullshit. And it's not even like we know the FUCKING YEAR it will come out! Fuck month, fuck day, we don't even know FUCKING WHAT YEAR it's dropping!

    Pissed off I decided to just buy the Jay-Z album and support an artist that actually knows how to promote and deliver music to his fans. It's not a bad album, no GNR, but shit, Axl gives us no other option but to loathe him. Every Tuesday between now and 2006 I would like us all to raise a middle finger to Axl, that's right, FUCK YOU AXL, 2006 is the year? Sure, whatever you say, liar.

  10. I can't, for the life of me, understand how people continue to believe that with zero promotion Axl and the record company will release an album that cost 15 million dollars to produce sometime in the next 5 weeks.

    I keep hearing people makes half-thought-out reasons why no promotion will work, but it won't. But here's the real concern for me.

    To even turn promotion on quickly, some stuff has to be planned weeks in advance...ads need to be created, promotional materials need to be developed, media would be informed...etc. If anything were taking place behind the scenes, a leak or two would spring up...The Axl lites on this board think Axl is a genious and has found a way to eilminate inner leaks...but truthfully, I think everyone on this board knows that nothing has leaked because nothing has been going on.

    It's almost comical that we are still holding onto 2006 at this point. There has to be a reason why Axl isn't even mentioning the album at concerts...and it can't be good.

    What's going on?

  11. You know, I really did believe Axl this time, but once again, he's lied to his fans...there's really only 4 weeks to go and not a single piece of news? Please...at some point the Axl has to hand off the album to the record company for them to do their thing...once that happens, a release date will be set and the promotion will begin. This has not happened, that's why the record company is aloof about an 06 release. People, the record company would not play this silent treatment game with Axl...they want to make money, not play games with the fans.

    Chinese D released with no promotion in 2006 would not even be a Top 5 album of the week.

  12. Chinese Democracy has been one big FUCK YOU to the fans of a once great rock n roll band. Come on guys, 2006 is not going to happen...there won't be a surprise release, that's never happened before...But still it's amazing how GNR fans and Axllites think the impossible will happen since it's Axl. The man is not a magician, the man is not a marketing genius, the man is not a great self promoter, the man is just a fucking asshole!

    I think all of us feel like fucking morons because we have been telling ALL OF OUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY, this is it, finally, the day of reckoning is upon us...2006 is the year! BULLSHIT! We were fucking lied to and mislead just to buy tickets for this lame us charlatan tour. And you know what, by some slim-to-none chance the album does come out this year, Axl is still a fucking asshole for keeping his fans in the dark.

    It's November 17 for christs sake, if it's coming out in 2006, GIVE US A FUCKING RELEASE DATE!!! Axl is a fucking pussy and he knows that once he releases this thing, the mystery is over and he'll be a mortal man again, not some god holding onto the greatest album never released. I am so sick of this shit, and so are all of you...

    Fans face it, Axl Rose is an asshole and he doesn't deserve one single fan. It's mental abuse following this derranged old man trying to make a group of charlatans Guns N Roses. Fuck you Axl, you're a fucking failure at the end....

  13. See I love how everyone tells me to FUCK OFF, but anyone that was at MSG last night saw the concert momentum DIE after 5 songs, and it never came back.

    I love how even Del James said that everyone tried hard to get Bucket back in the band...BUCKET was THE MOST interesting part of the new band, you can't deny that. Ron has ZERO fucking stage presence. Say what you must about Bucket, but that man was 10 times better than RON and all these other fucks.

    Look, it's not about telling me to fuck off, it's about admitting to yourself deep down inside that this new GUNS N ROSES is not Guns N Roses. A name doesn't make a band a band and Axl's fucking ego has led him to believe that HE is Guns N Roses.

    In 2002, the garden rocked so much harder than last night. I hate how people are like, that's all going to change when the album drops...It's not going to change, and here's why...I bet my life that we are hearing the big guns now, and wow, not so big after all Axl.

  14. While some people on this board will say last night's show was the best show of their lives, the majority of MSG last night was completely out of it after 5 songs...I kept wondering why was it in 2002 the entire garden rocked so much harder than it did in 2006. The loss of Buckethead and the failure to slot in guitarists that people actually care about is crippling Guns N Roses.

    I think it's safe to say that Axl's re-invention of Guns N Roses will never work. Album or no album, there's just no real chemistry up on stage and DON'T TELL ME THERE IS! Just go watch the old Gunners on youtube and then tell me this band has similar chemistry. Axl keeps trying to get us to love these new musicians, which is why he gives them each way-too-long solo oportunities. Funny, these new guys could solo for hours and they never come close to matching a solo by Bucket or Slash.

    Also, a filled MSG and AXL never ONCE mentioned the album...he never talked about the new songs, he didn't sing any news songs...in fact, the setlist wasn't bad, but the order of the songs was just off...once the crowd was out of it, they never returned.

    I don't know, I wouldn't spend any more money seeing these guys live, in fact, I really don't want to see them live again. I'll buy Chinese D if it ever comes out, enjoy it, and pray he will reconcile with Slash and return GNR to it's former glory.

    Axl if you can here me, GET SLASH BACK NOW! !!!

  15. Sorry, this one won't be long. Merk and Axl are the two biggest charlatans going? Do these fuckers even understand human behavior? There's one way to dispel lies and rumors, and that's with the truth...BUt why is that so fucking hard in their case?

    After reading Merk's comments I wanted to have frozen watermelons cannon shot into my crotch! The man is just an excuse machine. The fact that GNR, the band that says whatever they want, have adopted censorship as a means to stop the backlash is rediculous. 99% of the backlash is about the lack of album news or promotion, I don't see Merk shedding any light on that subject.

    Also, I love how Merk claims every fan at the Meadowlands had "lost" themselves in an amazing concert, yet everyone that was there said the crowd sucked, was dead, and mostly bored. What the fuck?

    Ultimately, Merk and Axl can't figure out how to control the internet, and Axl is so used to having control, but listen buddy, this ain't 92 anymore, if you fuck with your fans, the word will spread over the internet that you are a shithead real fast. Axl and Merk need to get with the modern world and release some real news and stop with the same old censorship, nobody understands us, those are lies crap.

    Axl and Merk? WHen the fuck does Chinese Democracy start? That's all we want to know, don't have an answer? Then shut the fuck up, cancel the tour, and don't come back until your ready to deliver.

  16. Will people stop stating that European tour cemented this a successful tour! FUCK THAT! Axl played at fucking rock festivals for the most part, people were not just there to see him. Also, people in Europe are not who he needs to win over, it's here in the US that Axl needs to prove himself. And he's failing once again.

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