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Posts posted by DeadSlash

  1. I hope so, normally I'm not so reactionary, but Ponder BLOWS and this is a thin league so I figured what the hell, even if he isn't a breakout star, he's above the Ponder line.

    Good snag on Terrelle Pryor -- I dropped the motherfucker on accident on a FA add :lol:

    I did the same thing with Jonathan Stewart, I was furious at the site, but no one picked him up!

    I don't like this site, Yahoo is easier to use, but I guess if this is what someone used to using, they would say the same about Yahoo.

  2. Who is shadesandroses?


    and I just got my ass handed to me by Peyton Manning and Adrian Peterson.

    Lonely Teardrops is going to be tough to beat

    Well, unless Manning is going to throw 100 TD passes this year, it shouldn't be a common occurrence. I think he will have an amazing year, but the 7 TD thing was more of a product of the Ravens not being as good as people thought. I also think AP is up for a letdown too, although he is AP I wouldn't bet against him.

    You might be right, but odd heavily favor the facts Manning will come down to earth, and AP will not run for 2k again. Otherwise, yeah, we're f'd. :no:

  3. We need to chill out with some of this bickering. I mean, people are going to make decisions that think they will improve their team and they have every right to do so, whether someone else thinks it a bad decision,etc. is irrelevant. If someone doesn't like a proposed trade, then they have a right to veto it. Also, just because someone trades someone to somebody else, besides you, it doesn't mean they don't like you or that there is some kind of "conspiracy" going on - this is a free league, for fun and competition. Let's keep it fun!

    If we want to talk trash on each other it should be about individual games, etc....not about trades, free agency pick ups, etc....

    I just apologized, I'm not sure what that outburst was. I was legitimately in the wrong, it's not a serious league and not everyone here has the same level of football/fantasy knowledge and I was treating it like they do. That was WRONG on ME.

    Again, I am sorry. There's no money, so if someone wants to trade for their favorite team or dump players from teams they don't like, I wont get fired up about it. It was my bad. It's a fun league, and I approached it as a knowledgeable competitive one, that was my competitive side coming out. I'll save it for my money leagues. ;)

    • Like 1
  4. The only lol here is your fantasy football knowledge. Sorry bro..

    I wouldn't worry for Forsaken. I'm sure he has a plan with every move he makes. Pretty sure he ended up with the best regular season record last year.

    He'll easily beat me this week. My auto-drafted team is shit :lol:

    Also I'm more concerned about my money leagues.

    Good point, same here. I expected it to be a little more competent, but I'm putting the same kind of standards on this league that I am on my money leagues. That's not fair, we have kids and non-football fans playing for shit and giggles.

    I'll reel it in. Sorry guys/gals

  5. Week 1 and people are already butthurt lol

    There really is no argument among any knowledgeable football fan that a trade that a 98% owned healthy player is not a fair trade for a 5% owned player. It's not butthurt, it's just silly. Maybe I don't like Dez Bryant, because the Cowboys are "yucky" so I'll release cordell Patterson and trade Dez for Cordell when someone picks him up because he's "projected to be good" and not a "yucky Cowboy" ergo it's a move that makes perfect sense....

    Some leagues have rules against dropping Romo, so people can't fuck up leagues, this was a way to bypass that by "trading" him for a waiver wire pickup.

    The only lol here is your fantasy football knowledge. Sorry bro..

  6. I wanted Romo off of my team because he is a pick machine and would rather take a chance with a fantasy sleeper, what is wrong with that? I already missed the draft on accident and autodraft was not kind to me, so I started making moves via trade.

    Ryan Tannehill is owned in 5% of leagues

    Tony Romo is owned in 98.7% of leagues.

    Please justify how that is a smart trade.

    It's the definition of bullshit.

    See if you can get Vincent Brown for Colston?

    Brown is only owned in 2.9% of leagues, and Colston is in 99.8% so that's probably a good trade, amirite?

  7. There isn't anyone who knows football wouldn't tell you Tony Romo for Ryan Tannehill is a stupid trade, and this is coming from a 100% Dolphins homer. I offered you Ivory for Richardson because you traded Romo for Tannehill, clearly, if you would trade Tony Romo for Ryan Tannehill, there was a chance you would take it. It was worth a shot.

  8. If we don't add voting to trades, I'm dropping from this league. There are bullshit trades afoot.

    You can veto a trade - that's the standard setting and I never changed it...so it's all good... ;)

    nm found it

    McFadden hasn't played a full season, ever. His last 2 years were 600 and 700 yards rushing. He's not in the same league a Richardson Fantasy value wise


    Ryan Tannehill doesn't compare to Matt Ryan, Even if Tanne has a good year, it wont be a Ryan year, so that part is kinda evenish

    Colston just thrown in makes it a crap trade.

    The Ryan Tannehill for TONY ROMO trade was utter bullshit.



    Anthrax(I'd pay to see with John Bush, not fucking joey)

    Ugly Kid Joe (I'd pay to see...they have a new album!)

    Roxxy Blue

    Faster Pussycat

    Twisted Sister

    LA Guns (either version)

    Saw them last year with Skid Row and Warrant, good show. Cherry Pie was the highlight.

    New Lead singer Skid Row? I actually have 2 albums from them, I like them.

  9. I know that since the dawn of the forum, the mods have tried to be supportive as possible of Axl's doomed quest to create a new gnr. But it's 2013 ... Chinese Democracy is over, those musicians are long gone, it seems pretty unlikely that the touring line up is recording anything, much less releasing anything (and certainly nothing that would come close to standing on even ground with the classics), the Hall of Fame is over... How much longer is a picture is Chris Pitman going to grace the banner of this site instead of Slash, Duff, Izzy and drummer? how fucking weird must that look to casual gnr fans who stumble upon this place?

    Again, it's 2013. Can we just be honest with ourselves now?

    If a fan is so casual that they don't know anything that happened to the band between now and 1994ish, they would probably thing Pittman was an aged original member.

  10. Whoever wrote "have you seen her profile....advertising or what", no not advertising, I think I tackled some issues there in my thread which put paid to speculation and conjecture but thanks...you know what they say about publicity don't you xxx :takethat:

    Are you a paying sponsor of the site?
  11. Hi everyone, I'm MittenKitten...

    Hi, MittenKitten!

    Hi there, thanks for saying "Hi", I'm a girl/woman/female just in case anyone wondered, Mittens is my Kitten, and he's totally mental xx hence the Username xx

    Hi everyone, I'm MittenKitten...I saw this forum on Google Alerts and just had to come and take a look.

    Can I, without sounding condescending, a "know it all" or patronising, try to educate you on a few points about the electronic cigarette and indeed tobacco cigarettes?

    Firstly, tobacco cigarettes have 4000 ingredents. When lit those ingredients become 4800 toxic, lethal, posionous and potentially life threatening both to the user and anyone around that user/smoker. Many scientists have tried and failed to count the amount of mutations which are caused by the 4800 toxic chemcials but the numbers are in their billions and incalcuble. What is known is that there are 66 carcinogens in every tobacco cigarette, formaldeyhyde, cyanide, carbon monoxide and many other dangerous, noxious ingredients.

    Secondly, electronic cigarettes were never designed as a smoking cessation device, they are called ENDS (Electronic Nicotine Delivery System). It is purely by default that the electronic cigarette has enabled people to quit nicotine/smoking altogether, because they are so effective. (NRT), Nicotine replacement therapies have a global success rate of less than 4%.

    The electronic cigarette is basically a lithium battery which can be charged approximately 300 times. On top of the battery there is something called a Clearomizer. In this Clearomizer, the user adds e-liquid. There are thousands of different brands on the market and mostly their ingredients are :


    Propylene Glycol

    Vegetable Glycerin


    Distilled Water or

    Ethyl Alcohol

    Many people have an allergy to Propylene Glycol as it carries many chemicals as well such as those used in anti-freeze and formaldehyde (formaldehyde is also used in some nicotine replacement therapies as is Propylene Glycol).

    However, there are many companies in the industry who supply 100% Vegetable Glycerin based e-liquids, such as myself, as I have an allergy to Propylene Glycol, but many of my customers have extremely severe allergies.

    I am therefore a vaper, I began vaping on the 23rd June 2012 and I have not had a tobacco cigarette since. I feel healthier, my skin looks great, my teeth are whiter, I don't stink like an old ashtray, I don't cough my guts up like I used to every morning, I can breath much easier. However, I never wanted to give up my nicotine addiction and, until I began vaping, I thought the only way I could get my nicotine hit was by smoking cigarettes. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009, yet I still carried on smoking, in fact I smoked more as I was going through all my various stages of therapy and surgery.

    There is a whole vaping community around the world and in the UK where I live, there are 1.3 million vapers, that means there are 1.3 million non-smokers or ex-smokers if you will.

    I vape a variety of flavours, blackcurrant, pineapple, strawberry, raspberry, peach, blueberry (clue there as to what I might like lol), and the nicotine strength I use is 36mg/mls. I use one 5ml bottle which lasts me 8 days, and I used to smoke 20/30 cigarettes a day. My e-liquid cost £3.99 for 8 days, when I smoked it cost me £56 per week!! So, I don't just see the health benefits, I see the wealth benefits.

    For the gentleman who asked about nicotine, it is classed as one of the most poisonous liquids in the world. However, it is a naturally occuring chemical which is found in our every day foods, such as potatoes, cauliflower, peppers, egg plant (auberinge), mushrooms, tomatoes and the list goes on. Whether you have smoked or never touched a cigarette in your life, you have nicotine in your body system and if you didn't, you would be classed as "seriously ill".

    In the UK nicotine is a controlled substance under the Poisons Act. You need a special licence to handle or store nicotine above 75mg per 100 mls. In this high concentration 1 single drop of nicotine could be fatal so it is not to be messed with. Only someone like a chemist or biochemist should be using this highly dangerous chemical and yes, it is highly addictive too. It is colourless and odourless, so to mess with it could be fatal. When making e-liquids the amount of nicotine is diltued to make them safe to use and handle.

    The way to buy your e-liquid should you wish to take up vaping instead of smoking, is to buy from a reputable company who holds licences and all bottles of e-liquid must be CHIP (CHIP is a short name for the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations. CHIP has been around for a number of years and has been changed quite a few times to keep up to date with developing scienceand technology) also the bottles must have a raised braille hazard sign to warn those who are blind or visually impaired. There are many vendors who will sell kits for people to DIY mix their own e-liquids, and as many precuations as possible are needed because dealing with nicotine is very dangerous. I would suggest that anyone who does want to make the switch uses pre-mixed from such reputable companies as I have mentioned above.

    Never buy from car boot sales, market stalls where no certificates are on display, some unscrupulous and very greedy people have made batteries from an ordinary re-chargeable battery then padded it with lint fibre and it has blown up in someone's face! Also the same group of people were making their own e-liquids but were using non-food safe ingredients such as industrial grade Propylene Glycol.

    The pros are great and the cons are few, if you do your research and you don't want to quit cigarettes but you do want to get your nicotine hit, you can go online and find a reputable vendor and start vaping for as little as the cost of 2 packs of cigarettes, and you will not be harming yourself or anyone else around you.

    If you want to use an electronic cigarette as a smoking cessation device, use good quality e-liquid, start with a higher strength nicotine and gradully reduce the nicotine strength. Many of my customers still buy zero strength nicotine because they like the pnysicality of smoking and seeing the vapour, and this is completely harmless.

    The highest strength that can be bought pre-mixed is 54mg/mls, I was a heavy smoker but this strength would blow my head off! I usually ask customers how many cigarettes they smoke and whether they smoke a high or low tar strength. Based on their answer, I would say either a 36mg or 24mg strength for someone who smokes a high tar cigarette, and if someone smokes a low strength tar, I would suggest either and 18mg or 12mg strength.

    I run a company called Cool Breeze E-Cigs and I also run a campaign website called Vape4Life, together with my husband from which we show people videos and testimonials about the electronic cigarette and how is has greatly benefited peoples' lives. The EU have decided to ban the electronic cigarette in 2016 and class it as a medicinal device which will make it fall under the remit of Nicotine Replacement Therapies - no one will be able to buy an electronic cigarette or choose their own flavour or strength of e-liquid, the maximum strength allowed will be 0.4%mg/mls of nicotine, less than that found in a cigarette. This means that the nameless, faceless beaurocrats of the European Union want us to go back to smoking cigarettes or foce us to have a black market. Putting CASH BEFORE PEOPLES' LIVES!

    People are switching to electronic cigarettes every day, so by the time 2016 comes around, they will have a huge fight on their hands, as not only we vapers, but all citizens of the EU (all 741 million adults) will have their human rights of "freedom of choice" taken away from them.

    I hope I have cleared up any ambiguity surrounding the electronic cigarette and e-liquids, and I hope I haven't bored you senseless :awesomeface:

    See....like what I said.... :tongue2:

    I thought that was what you'd said...I could have saved my fingers lol xx :laugh:

    Lol, mods. really? Someone just busted an ad on this site and no one removed it or banned them?

    Rofl, look at the profile, it's a giant ad!

  12. The auto draft was so bad, I really hate this site. It's freaking stupid some of the people it drafted for me. I should have spent more time on the site, granted, but at least yahoo ranks them. I had a player who isn't in the league until game 6 set to start for me.... Got back from Florida to see this disaster!

  13. holy shit... axl was trusting his fragile psyche to a psychologist named "suzzy" who wanted to wear miniskirts in music videos? no wonder he only screwed himself up more. wonder why he was unwilling to work with a real doctor.

    Good point, a therapist name is more important than their education.

    Also, fact: Extras bring their own clothes in video shoots. Many videos have been ruined by extras not having the right clothes leaving the producers of the video with no options other than to put them in the videos "as is"

    The concept of wardrobe is a common fallacy, perpetuated by the media for years. It in fact does not exist. This is true in movies as well. Many people do not know that in the original Conan the Barbarian, Arnold was expected to wear a suit and tie. After the contracts were signed and Arnold showed up demanding to wear a loin cloth, there was nothing left for the movie studio to do but search for other loin cloth wearing actors to fill in the rest of the roles. From that point forward, studios began including in the actual contracts that the actor buy clothes that fit the theme of the movie. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was outspoken during filming of the last GI Joe movie because he had to "Go out and buy army clothes." He suggested the producers of a movie provide costumes for the actors, but this of course was a preposterous idea, and was ridiculed throughout the entertainment world.

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  14. I'll send you my addy, but I'm only in if it's not prizes/money. I don't mind auto draft if it's for shits and giggles.

    Yeah, it's 100% free league - bragging rights only ;)

    I'm in, my best work is in pick ups anyway. I got this. I hope Bran joins so we can fight over Dolphins.

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