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Philly Guns

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Posts posted by Philly Guns

  1. what sucks is people in philly love this DJ, so they will prob take his opinion to heart. Like a few of my friends have already called me and been like you hear what pierre said about Axl, like thinking they are telling me something new about him, or has opened my eyes to what Axl really is lol. Like yea, no shit he is asshole :rofl-lol:

    I am sure the people who run the Susquanna Bank Center in Camden aren't happy either, I am sure there is a sponsor or two that have links to both them and the radio station, and you could hear an apology or just a change of opinion very soon lol.

  2. Just got my tix, section 202 in the center, close to an aisle just in case of a riot, need that quick escape. My gf is coming with, and she worked at the first union center in Philly that night when the riot happened, so she is a little doubtful Axl will show up again lol :shrugs:

  3. I will def be going to the show. Everyone here has been killin Axl since news came out about GNR coming back to the area. So unless there is a killer opening act, I could definitely see a poor turn out for the show, which is ashame. People should move on, but ya can't blame em for feeling this way, and Philly is the wrong town to pull a no show on, we never forget lol

  4. Thanks to Con Air me and my friends now hold an annual CageFest on July 14th (my daddys comin home july 14th) where we just drink beer and watch Cage films all day.

    Haha, that's awesome. :lol:

    That is amazing, I may adopt this idea, I think Stallone could have his own day too, for his movies from the 90's, watch all of his 'so bad its good' greatest hits, (Cliffhanger, Demolition Man, Judge Dredd, Daylight) The quotes from these movie are so great :rofl-lol:

  5. I would watch Cage do anything for 45 minutes.

    same here

    thanks for the heads up about drive angry, can't believe i nearly missed a new fucking cage flick

    Con Air is classic Cage, that movie is soooooooo bad that its great. That scene where he is reading what he is writing to his daughter is hilarious :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol:

    "Dear Hummin bird, break out the fine china, chill the lemonade, tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree, cuz this boy is comin home to his ladies, comin home foreva"

    But really he has to stop making movies to pay off his debt, I can't take seeing his fake hair over and over again :rofl-lol:

  6. i know nobody talks about industry stuff in this thread, but what i dont get is that why with all the test screenings of movies that nothing gets done. like 2 people say Drive Angry is 45 mins too long. but nobody who made the movie or test audience mention it, notice it. its happens a lot, a movie comes out then there's a general concensus which is almost unavoidably true but nobody noticed in editing?

    I am sure they said, eh who cares about this crappy movie, give Cage an extra 45 minutes to ruin his career even more <_<

  7. Finally watched all of Hot Tub Time Machine last night and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    It def had some funny moments, but I think it was a real poorly made movie, especially the parts with chevy chase. I think they didnt know what to do with him lol. :shrugs:

    But it still had some funny parts here an there

  8. tumblr_lhbxdmsQx91qz50dao1_500.jpg

    Obviously the best part of the night.

    it was a great soundtrack, there were a lot of good choices this year including Inception with Hans Zimmer

    yeah..(not to be different), but i think the inception soundtrack should have won. everyone i knew who saw the movie.. that was the first thing they spoke about...the score.

    even those that didn't like the movie talked about how good score was.

    SN soundtrack was good, but inception's was great.

    i love this so much...crazysexycool:

    yea the inception soundtrack was pretty epic, Zimmer does some amazing stuff, the best part of his work on Inception was his inclusion of guitar on many of the tracks, it just added a nice little touch of a electronic / industrial sound. I just downloaded the two bonus tracks that werent included on the soundtrack, great stuff :thumbsup:

  9. They definitely need a comic to host the Oscars. Last night was painful to watch. At least Anne Hathaway tried, but Franco was dull. Of course, that may have been by design. And has been mentioned, Trent Reznor winning an Oscar was surreal. I'm happy for him, it was just weird to see him up there in a tux.

    yea a comedian is the way to go, once billy crystal took the stage I kinda didn't want him to leave

  10. The top 3 of Kings Speech, Black Swan, and Social Network were all equally great so really any of them could of won, but when you have great performances by three of the movies main actors Firth, bonham carter, and rush, its gonna push the movie past the other two. Carter and Rush were def second place in the supporting category. Bale def deserved the win easily, he is just too fun to watch take on great roles. Him and Melissa Leo carried that movie.

    Anyone else think Franco was either very high or very nervous while he was hosting. I couldnt really pin point what was going on with him lol.

    Just seems weird seeing Trent Reznor up there lol :lol:

  11. I thought you liked The King's Speech, Angelica?

    :rofl-lol: Yeah Angelica, sounded like your kinda shit, suprised you ain't ridin' it hard Angelica, what the fuck Angelica! I like that, there's a fuckin like, Angelica criteria and shit and The Kings Speech fits it :lol:

    On topic:

    Watched a movie about Mickey Ward, they made a fuckin movie about Mickey Ward and fuckin Mark Wahlbergs in it, i couldn't fuckin believe it, i seen Mickey Ward in every fuckin fight he ever had, the boy got BATTTTTEREDDDDD by Aturo Gatti, why the fuck would they make a movie bout Mickey Ward, the guy weren't even a good fighter. As a piece of fuckin entertainment its OK, its pretty good but factually that movie is fuckin bullshit and firstly cuz DICKIE FUCKIN EKLUND DID NOT FUCKIN KNOCKDOWN SUGAR RAY LEONARD, oooooooooooooooooh no no no no no no, that was a fuckin slip, Sugar Ray was catchin' him flush on the way down, Dick Eklund my fuckin wrinkley balls

    Blatant fuckin push

    you sure who watched the movie, I think you missed the parts where the knockdown was brought up :shrugs:

  12. I thought you liked The King's Speech, Angelica? I haven't seen it yet.

    No, I fucking hated it and IIRC, ranted about it in this thread. There's nothing wrong with it per se, its just crushingly average and the fact that it has the best picture momentum and will almost certainly win is the exemplification of whats wrong with the Oscars.

    I think it gained momentum cuz its good :thumbsup:

    What do you mean by average though?, if Kings Speech were to win, it wouldn't mean the Oscars got it wrong, cuz a lot of people enjoyed the movie just as much as black swan.

    It will be tight race between both films, loved both movies, they had some amazing acting performances, it could go either way and I would happy with it.

  13. Well maybe hip/hop or whatever the hell they're calling it today. I call is shit!

    I live in Dallas and we have tons of rock fans here. Anytime a rock band comes to town, be it, Killswitch Engage or Avenged Sevenfold or any 80's hair metal bands, fans come out by the thousands.

    We have all the metal festivals come here every summer and they practically sell out.

    Last summer I saw the Uproar festival with Avenged Sevenfold and Disturbed.

    I never in my life saw so many A7X shirts and it wasn't just teens. It was whole families. My whole family loves the band and we always go as a family to see them.

    I don't know how it is in other cities, but in Dallas, rock is still loved here and it shows when rock/metal concerts come to town!

    BTW, most times they usually play a GNR song during intermissions. A7X are huge Axl and GNR fans.

    Dallas may still have a good rock fanbase, but most of the US is hip hop which sux, but its true. I also don't think the kinda of people who live in Dallas are gonna be rap fans. Get what I'm sayin partner B) Pretty much any other city your gonna have a larger hip hop audience.

    Also when speaking of rock n roll don't use avenged sevenfold, at least use a good band :lol:

    it's funny to see some of you saying "rap sucks blah blah blah." why does there have to be a divide between rap and rock? stop being so close minded, there is good music is every genre. there's a lot of crap, too, but just because something is from a particular genre doesn't say anything about whether it's good or poor art. :fuckyou:

    people just dont like rap i never have never will. its not about being closed minded the music just doesnt do it for me or others , i still think of it as art just not my type

    Yea its just not my type as well, and I am always open to the music, its just that I only hear a few good things here an there. As much as there are horrible rock bands out there like Nickelback and Daughtry, there are just as many horrible rappers and rap groups like Jamie Foxx :shrugs:

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