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Posts posted by Christian

  1. You will be proven wrong you fuckin' dildo box. At times like these; the last thing us GN'R fans need is your antagonistic, pessimistic presence.

    Hummm... cool... you look down on me just because I don't think the same way as you?... hummm... cool... I'm leaving this forum... don't wanna be in a place where if you don't think the same way the people there you are just a... 'fucking dildo box'.

    Keep wanking with his words... and don't forget to insult and reject every people thinking in different way than you.

    G'bye, it was a good time here.

    HAHA!! Good bye dildo box :xmasssanta:

  2. Hmmm... Michael Jackson is at least 3 times on that list :o

    Yeah... You see there is a great difference between Michael Jackson and michael jackson :D

    Yeah, Michael Jackson is black and michael jackson is white :xmasssanta: :xmasschef2:

  3. I'd be perfectly satisfied with an audience recording like HOB 2001. I really, really hope someone can take in a recorder- can't you record with an iPod?

    Everyone has a mobile, that would work, never mind the quality, at least its something.

    Exactly. I just hope someone will film or at least audio-record Axl's rants!!

  4. It a very weird way, it almost appears like he's the father figure that Axl never had.

    That would be wierd because James Gandolfini is only 1 year older than Axl :P

  5. Thanks for that, but it's kind of hypocritical (sp?) after what the guitarist said about him showing up, on that raido interview. <_<

    what did he say?

    If I kept it, I'll try to upload it for you, does anyone else know what I'm talkin' about?

    Woohoo! Post 1,000 :D

    Yes, Munky said this when asked Axl: "My mom always said If you don't have anythink nice to say, don't say anything at all..."

    Wonder what made him say that?

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