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Posts posted by Christian

  1. Hmmm... and I thought the new GNR was the best cover band ever :confused:

    your an asshole, the new band kicks ass.

    Never said that they didn't kick ass, they cover most of the songs pretty good! And by the way, it's better to be an asshole than not having one at all (and being forced to take a crap through the mouth...)

  2. "I remember jamming with Axl Rose, and he was like, "Look at Fred Durst and Eddie Vedder. They're on the cover of Rolling Stone. Man, they've got something good going on."

    He really wanted to be like Fred "sellout" Durst? Man I hate that guy...

  3. Why can't these guys just make a tour-site where they upload pictures and videos from every show they play? I know they have a couple of songs on gunsnroses.com but that's not what I mean. I'm thinking about a simular site that Metallica have (www.metontour.com) where you can see pictures and videos from almost every concert, rehersals or meet&greet with the fans.

    It's a really great way to "follow" the band around on tour, and it can't be that hard for the once biggest band in the world to do something like that. I just wish they did more stuff like this for their fans.

  4. I totally agree with everything Kaneda said. He may be negative a lot, but he speaks the truth.

    Now dont get me wrong, I give Axl credit for having a successful European tour. And he has been making public statements about the album coming out this year, but the fact that there is 2 1/2 months left in the year and we still havent gotten a release date is really strange, and not smart AT ALL.

    I have to say that it will probably be an unsuccessful tour here in the States if he doesnt release the date or at least a single soon.

    I think it is a very VERY bad move to keep everyone in the dark 10 days before the tour starts. Axl has taken the first step in getting the fans back on his side with the European tour, and he has also promised the album would be out by the end of the year. He has everyone back interested, but they are also on a short fuse. He could give a release date, release a hard rockin single, play that song live, and have the fans going nuts. Or he could sit on this album, start the tour and play the same setlist, and pretty much take the wind out of all the fans who have stuck by him all these years.

    I totally agree too...

  5. I was watching a music video and then a commercial break occured. Random crap as usual right? WRONG

    All of a sudden I see an arena on screen...and then it faded to black and showed the Guns N' Roses Logo of today..and it said in front "A Legacy..." then "REBORN" flashed on the screen. Then a Snoop Dogg Video came back on. This was the first time I saw it. I'm not sure what song was playing the background, but it sounds REALLY Close to the Madagascar song I saw on YouTube. Anyways can anyone verify that they also witnessed it for me? This was around like..maybe 6:50 Eastern

    I saw that too!!! It was Madagascar playing in the background rock1

  6. Ok, so here's my version of the story:

    Did anyone think of the fact that GNR needs to do something special to regain status to the mainstream people? Did anyone think about the fact that they need to come back with a BANG? Maybe, just maybe, Axl and Jay-Z are doing a single together. Same way Jay did with Linkin Park. This would be some big ass fucking news. So it is possible the date is correct and both albums will be released. And by collaborating on the first single, they will get all the media attention in the whole fucking world! Sales of both albums would explode, because the whole world will be talking about how the king of urban and the king of rock reclaimed their thrones together. All rock fans around the world buy GNR, all urban fans in the world buy Jay-Z. This would be something never done before, and that's what GNR needs. Hit iiiiiiiittttttt!!!

    Oh my god.....I've started a rumour!

    Why does some of you care so much about the mainstream people ect? Jay-Z has nothing to do on a GNR record. They don't need him to sell records. Great music is great music no matter how many records you sell!

    But it would be fun if they did a duet with One In A Million :xmassrudolph:

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