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Posts posted by Christian

  1. WHO?

    WHAT? You're serious?

    Formula 1 isn't that big in the states. They have their dumbed down nascar, where you have to drive in........a circle :-p Those are some real drivers, they know how to turn left :rofl-lol:

    Haha! You're right, Nascar is for pussies!

    If Formula 1 is the "ADF Guns N' Roses", Nascar is the "Fake GNR" :thumbsup:

  2. I like Kurt Cobain....discuss.

    You fucking slut! Kurt Cobain was a talentless junkie who didn't derserve to get more attention than my Axl. He had no singing-, writing- or guitarskills, and ALL his album were noisy and boring... :confused:

  3. He made them 10x worse since the parts he added didnt even fit the song, not to mention he ruined the CITR solo

    Damn straight! A "prodigy" would never have ruined a perfect solo like he did. Ron's solos are just random, and soulless.

    Ron's solo doesnt even fit the song. If Ron wasnt in gnr most of you wouldnt be making these claims.

    Its just because he has gnr attatched to his name you all think he is a prodigy.

    If he played in Velvet Revolver instead, they wouldn't have called him a prodigy, but the quite opposite.

  4. Ron is more talented than Slash overall because of his singing and songwriting skills.

    Normal is a great album.

    Well, Slash is a better on BMX bikes. And he can draw better... :rofl-lol:

    Ron is good, but far from a prodigy. Do you even know what a prodigy is??

  5. Ya I totally agree. Last album took so long I'm not gonna get any hopes up for a new one. If a new one totally comes out of the blue I will be pleasantly surprised!

    Me too. But it's the same people that said CD would come out every year since 2001 that think a new album is on it's way now.

    And now they say "Why would Axl hire DJ Ashba and go on tour if he's not planning on releasing another album soon?". Those naive, little boys... :rofl-lol:

  6. This could last for months if the big one blows out (it's a 75% chance that it will), so Axl and his friends might have to drive a bus instead. That is if they even get a plane from USA to Europe.

  7. I don't know if I want to see a 67 year old Axl performing Welcome To The Jungle. That just seems ridiculous.

    It's kinda like watching a woman getting fucked by a donkey. You really don't wanna see that, but still you're a little curious about how it's gonna go down...

  8. Sorry is actually a great track musically, but Axl ruins it with his "I'm a 12-year-old having a temper tantrum, let me list all the reasons why I hate you" lyrics and unlistenable vocal delivery.

    Therefore, Crucify the Dead wins.

    Agree. The lyrics on Sorry are plain bad. Now I have learned to "accept" it, but the first time I heard it I really felt embarresed inside. Crucify The Dead rocks though rock1

    Slash & Ozzy are GODS!!!!!!!

  9. He is a good guitarplayer, but he's not Innovative what so ever.

    You'd be surprised how many people think the same of Slash.

    I mean...google "Slash overrated"...


    Both Dj and Slash don't need to be "innovative" players. They just have to come with good solos that fit the song.

    You don't have to be innovative to come with creative lead guitar parts...

    As regards the "wet throusers" thingie...Yeah, it seems that girls like Dj. So what ? Would you say he's a worse player than Robin ? Because that's who he's supposed to replace after all...

    So what's your point? Slash is NOT overrated, he is a idol for many young guitar players, many more than DJ Makeupboy. And his new album proves that he's still on top of his game rock1

    I don't consider DJ a worse player than Robin, because he ruined so many solos when he was in the "band".

    If you google "Axl+ asshole", you get over 4 million hits. Does that make it true?

  10. LOL!! too funny. Show me where Slash has ever tried to destroy Axl's image? He may have said a thing or two negative about him but has always came back and said good things as well. His book shows nothing but utmost respect for Axl. Sure, he takes a few shots but facts are facts... He was ruthlessly in control of the GnR brand-name and constantly late for every show. And Innovative musicans? Yeah, I guess none of work on Appetite and UYI was any good, huh? If DJ Ashba was so "Innovative", why does he play the EXACT same riffs and solos as Slash played?

    The only reason he got hired is so that the teenage fangirls of fake-GNR can feel a little moist in their trousers when the go to their concerts. He is a good guitarplayer, but he's not Innovative what so ever. So don't hold your breaths for a riff or solo that will go down in history the way Slashs riffs and solos did.

  11. Anybody else really dig the mechanical sound of Chinese Democracy? I think Axl's digitized vocal army is awesome. Some people hear overproduction but I hear heavy machinery. Like The Terminator stepping over the skeletal remains of a dead era. I can't wait for the sequel since it's supposed to be even meaner and darker.

    I more a fan of a warmer organic sound, like they had on UYI 1 & 2. Some people want them to sound "modern", which is a stupid term to use. What is modern anyways? What you hear on MTV?

  12. Kiss's latest album Sonic Boom entered the Billboard at No.2 and sold 108,000 in the first week, then tapered off afterwards. Chidem sold 261,000 copies(although entered the charts at No 3) and is considered a failure by a fair few(not me, i fucken love the album). Sonic Boom was released through Walmart(same as AC/DCs last album) and Kiss made a music video for their lead single. BTW, I love the cock! Kiss also did the whole PR stunts(performing on Letterman, interviews etc). It was also Kiss's first album in 11 years, although it wasn't as anticipated as Chidem. Kiss also has 2 out the of the original 4 members in the band. Was the Walmart promotion not up to par for the Kiss album as it was for AC/DCs(i don't live in the US so i don't know)? The point is, considering the similarities and circumstances, It still didn't sell half of what Chidem did in the States, so why is Chidem considered a failure in the US? Kiss had the advantage in almost every single aspect(music vid, Walmart, more original members, interviews, PR, Gene Simmons whoring the Kiss name to everything known to man :P ) Kiss's album was a return to form while Chidem was vastly different to old GnR(and anything out there) and still sold more.

    Im interested to hear your thoughts. Why did the Kiss album not do so well compared to Chidem? Why did Chidem do double what Sonic Boom did? Please discuss :)

    Because people hate attention-whore Gene Simmons more that they hate Axl. Maybe.

  13. Why are you so exited about a Greatest Hits album??? Don't you guys already own all the albums? I just don't get it. "Cool! New artwork, dude. I hope they use the new logo, even though 90% of the songs will be from the old band's era". Just make your own damn "Greatest Hits" playlist on iTunes and get over it...

    The sad thing is that these "Greatest Hits" albums will come out every 4 or 5 years for the next 30 years, just like The Rolling Stones and The Doors etc.

  14. It's almost like GNR has been exiled from the US and has found a new home country in Brazil. Maybe Axl should buy a mansion down there and be the King of Brazil.

    Max Cavalera is the King of Brazil.

    no, he's not.

    I believe he is. He's a hero down there!

    Back to the primitive

    Fuck all your politics

    We got our life to live

    The way we want to be

    Back to the primitive

    Fuck all your politics

    "Who feels it, knows it"

    (Bob Marley)

    And God will guide me

    Back to the primitive

    Fuck all your bullshit

    We're back to set it free

    Confronting the negative

    Back to the primitive

    Fuck all you wannabes

    You don't mean shit to me

    Let it bleed...

    Back to the primitive

    Fuck all your politics

    We got our life to live

    The way we want to be

    Back to the primitive

    Fuck all your politics

    How it used to be

    Check your reality

    Back to the primitive

    Fuck all your politics

    Fuck all you wannabes


    Back to the primitive

    Fuck all your politics

    Forever we will be

    What we want to be

  15. What's the point other than fun playing secret gigs to 100? people when thousands of fans around the world are waiting to see the band in an actual concert? They could play major shows in New York, London, Berlin...film a music video...play on television....do something on YouTube...promote the album...call Buckethead...thousands better things to do than playing to a bunch of fashion people calling it a "secret gig".

    Shut up, you fucking ignorant, know it all, fucking deluded, misguided, self important, self righteous, pious, small minded, clueless, loud mouthed, arrogant cunt.

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