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Posts posted by elmir

  1. OK, let me get this straight. The comeback will not be a failure only because of Axl Rose?


    The same Axl Rose that ruined tours in 1991, 1992, and 2002?


    The same Axl Rose that has spent 13 years working on an album after pushing/forcing at least 7 musicians out of his band and still hasn't completed it?


    The same Axl Rose that played the VMA's with his new band to show he was back only to proceed to suck (fail) on his first attempt at a big comeback?

    opinions vary on this one...but yes...him again...

    The same Axl Rose that shares no updates with all his fans?


    The same Axl Rose that doesn't communicate with even his current band members? I can see your logic.

    thanks...i knew you'd understand...

    I don't have any idea why you would so blindly follow someone who doesn't even seem to know where he is going.

    follow him where?

    dude...i'm sitting down, typing this shit on my pc...i'm not following him anywhere...

    Hoping he will not fail is one thing, but to believe he won't and base that belief only on the fact that he is the same Axl Rose that has failed and disappointed repeatedly is...well, not too bright.

    you're way too tense...i'm not hoping he won't fail...in my mind he won't fail...in yours he may fail...its called an individual opinion...they're usually hardly ever the same between two people....that's what's so great about it...

    like him or not...2006 is looking like its OUR year....the fans....whether he feels the same or not is irellevant to me...i couldn't give a fuck if he speaks to tommy three times a week or not...that's his business...i just want him to perform while he still can...and if all goes the way we hope it will...we'll get that fucking cd eventually as well...

    that's all...

  2. Well technically if you're 15,000 mi from NYC, then the other way around the globe you are 10,000 miles away since the diameter of the earth is 25,000 miles. So 10,000 miles? that's no wheres near as bad.

    damn...you got me....well, its getting "cheaper"....but its still a hell of a mission to make...

  3. The decline of ( c)rap music and the resurgence of rock music must be distressing to non-guitar bands.

    i hate to tell you that ©rap music is not looking like its on its way out anytime soon....there's far to much $$$$ at stake for it to just simply fade away....

    however, a simple and smooth transition could happen....like the VR/Pharell colab....swinging the odds into instrumental bands' favour....

    but that's all...

  4. right...

    ok, the Axl Rose / GNR comeback will not be a failure...because its Axl Rose...and not anyone else...

    there's your answer...

    you're just bored...with nothing to do...and can't wait for the first show...where everything will be revealed...

    patience...as he said...you will be rewarded...

  5. i'd give my left nut to be able to go....but 15.000 miles is a bit of a distance....even for me...

    please tell me that that is 15thousand miles and not just 15 miles, cause i am not sure if that after the 15 there is a commer or a fullstop.

    For the culturally sheltered, not everyone uses the comma (,) to indicate the separation of the digits.

    I use the comma, but there are thousands that don't :)

    like me... sorry Vogstar90_G'N'R if that threw you off...i figured by using common sense as indicated by Howard2k, you'd be able to figure it out...

    i'll keep it in mind for next time...to draw diagrams for you instead...oh...and its a comma....not commer...

  6. How about Jager or Mr. Cuervo instead of Beer Though..........? or.....Absinthe??

    Locked and Loaded!!


    if you click on my name...you will see that Mr. Cuervo is my middle name...and Absinthe was my maiden name before....uhmmm...nevermind...ignore that one...

  7. Howsit going Elmir....thought you left for the ROV board........

    Eminem is a great lyricist.....some of his shit is soooooo sick and twisted......gotta love it.......

    but he has faded a bit.........



    naa...i just pull a WC stunt every now and again...disappear for a while...let these naysayers have their 15 min of fame...and then resurface when they least expect it...

    good to see you back...good things happening...finally...hold thumbs big chief...this may just be our year....if it is...our first beer is on me....

    rock on...

  8. i think eminem is probaly the best song writer around..... but Axl isn't 28 anymore, he is 44 and i am not expecting him to prance around on stage like a badass, his music is what people come to hear, his badass attitude is just a bonus for a concert.... though i would like to see him as a badass on stage

    Eminem? You gotta be kidding right?

    I don't think so...I would have to agree with him...although slim shady has faded of late...he is still a brilliant lyricist...

  9. i'd give my left nut to be able to go....but 15.000 miles is a bit of a distance....even for me...

    please tell me that that is 15thousand miles and not just 15 miles, cause i am not sure if that after the 15 there is a commer or a fullstop.

    fifteen thousand miles...

  10. I wait 10 years for new GNR stuff. Finally get ahold of Cather n the Rye. Sounds like an Ozzmosis reject. Na na na na na na

    no, it sounds like it could have been composed in the sixties...by one of the bands who were big then...like the Beatles....hence the name...hence the sound....and Brian May on it....a big haired rocker who used to play during those times....makes this a perfect conceptual song.....

    the only cool part is the weird synth thing.

    Techno died out a long time ago...but if you're into that...good for you

    TWATs solo is cool...but the chorus is gay.

    very sharp analogy...

  11. demo

    /de'moh/ 1. A demonstration of a product, often of an early

    version or prototype. A demo is a far more effective way of

    inducing bugs to manifest themselves than any number of test

    runs, especially when important people are watching.

    The act of demoing. "I've gotta give a demo

    of the drool-proof interface; how does it work again?" 3. n.

    Esp. as

    `demo version', can refer either to an early, barely-functional version

    of a program which can be used for demonstration purposes as long as the

    operator uses _exactly_ the right commands and skirts its numerous bugs,

    deficiencies, and unimplemented portions, or to a special version of a

    program (frequently with some features crippled) which is distributed at

    little or no cost to the user for enticement purposes.

    4. [demoscene]

    A sequence of demoeffects (usually) combined with self-composed music

    and hand-drawn ("pixelated") graphics.

  12. Are they really going to play? Coz i'll be 6 monthe pregnant by then and don';t want to book my ticket unless they';re really going to be there - what do all you knowledgeable people think? I want more than anything to see them, but will Axl cancel? xxx

    Axl said that he is looking forward to playing at Download, you can read his comments in the news section here, so that's as close as we're going to get right now to an official confirmation, but if you're looking for speculation whether he will cancel or not.....you're opening yourself up to sarcastic remarks....newbies with silly questions which can be found in countless threads are not respected here...

    I wouldn't go if I was you though...especially if you're going to be pregnant....but then again...it is GNR....and people say that Slash will play there too....so book the fucking ticket and join the club of gnr fans with cancelled show tickets if he does cancel....so you win either way...

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