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Posts posted by bandita

  1. Saw a commercial for the AMAs today, and says surprise guest.

    They could easily steal the show tonight -- the list of performers is pathetic.

    Surely Merck considered this venue.....

    Just saw Chris Cornell on Jay Leno and a Re-Manned STP on Conan in the same night.

    This shit is just screaming AXL.

    WTF gives???

    It's on now, I dare you to try to endure this bad show for more than 2 seconds. :P

  2. This is serious Kevin Federline kind of practices.

    It's time to face facts -- other than the huge markets (NY, LA, etc) this tour is TANKING -- NuGNR is a joke without a new record. And this tour was clearly just an attempt at cashing in without even having a record to release.

    Pathetic, and sad. All of us with pride and the lowest of double-digit IQ's should recognize this for what it is -- a full on FAN RAPE, that thankfully is failing miserably.

    You just lost credibility right from the start.

    Kevin Federline's tour has been plagued by low sales, so they have reduced ticket prices, given away tickets, offered 2 for 1's, etc.

    The similarity can't be denied. Then of course, you'd have to have some sort of cultural awareness beyond this messageboard to know what I'm talking about, so you were confused from the start.

    I prefer my "culture" without knowing what K-FED is doing, thanks!

  3. I don't think they are doing anything wrong once they hit the stage each night - from everything I hear I will be very happy I attended.

    But everything outside of their on-stage performance is a mess, you'd have to admit. Obviously the album not being out is just stupid and incompetent, and therefore the marketing has obviously been completely thrown off track. but the complete lack of information is just unacceptable if you're trying to build (or re-build) a fan base. and taking the stage after 11pm - and making the audience either sit through 2 or 3 crappy opening acts or come very late to the show just says that you don't give a rats ass about the fans, the venue, or the local authorities. I understand the "this is rock and roll" mentality, but it's just not smart business.

    You will be happy you attended, just have a lot of coffee that night to stay up for it, hahaha. Trust me, I am an old school fan like you seem to be but I gave these guys a chance (after being introduced to them live in 2002) and I am happy I did. They are all fantastic musicians in their own right even when pounding out the songs off AFD-

    The album needs to come out soon if they want to tour past this leg though.

  4. ok, so according to you Tommy Stinson, Richard Fortus, Robin Finck, Dizzy Reed, Chris Pitman, and Brain these guys are a "revolving door cast"? you must be new to gnr

    that's the point. I'm not new to G'n'R - been one of my favorite bands since the late 80's and I can recite the lyrics of every song on AFD, Lies and both UYI's. no exageration.

    but I (and tens of millions of other 'old' g'n'r fans) are new to this band. and if Axl (and these guys) are going to have comercial success, they need to take the old fans and turn them into new fans. a tour that draws from the old fans and introduces them to the new band and the new music is a good way to do this. and they are screwing it up - badly.

    for those on this board who have religiously followed the last 6 years - those names you cite are no doubt household names. but you are probably 1% of the people that G'n'R needs to reach to make money as anything but a cover band. that is why they are having a tough time sustaining show attendance, and having to lower ticket prices.

    and finally - even for me (a guy that has only been tracking the new g'n'r for a couple months now) it's clear that when you say Finck doesn't represent a revolving door cast, you are either being disingenuous or kidding yourself. Buckethead had that position only a few months ago, no?

    Buckethead left some YEARS ago now.

    But funny what you said about new music, since May I have been to 6 shows and have heard live everything new they have to offer. So that is hardly a valid argument anymore. If they play any more new songs it will comprise of the majority of the new album. Do you really want to go to a GNR show and hear ALL new songs? The regular fan wants to hear music they know (AFD, Lies, Illusion) mixed in with new material.

    But I won't lie, they really need to release this album soon to even keep the fans they currently have.

    But we are totally off topic now. I think midnight is pretty late to start a show and I really have no idea why for some of the shows there are up to 3 openers, it is overkill if you ask me. But I am aware of it and am able to accomodate myself when I know I am going to see GNR. I know a lot of people can't do this, though.

  5. ok, so according to you Tommy Stinson, Richard Fortus, Robin Finck, Dizzy Reed, Chris Pitman, and Brain these guys are a "revolving door cast"? you must be new to gnr

    Uhh, especially Dizzy. He's been in the band since 1990, he is hardly new. Hell, in a few years all of these guys will have been in the band longer than some of the original members, Dizzy already has. Robin has been around since 1997. Tommy since 1998. Richard since 2002. Pitman since 1998. Think about that.

  6. Axl goes on stage at midnight and doesn't give a flying fuck what anyone thinks about it.

    He's not going to give a flying fuck if fan forums boycott him.

    The only thing Axl has for sure is the loyal fans on these forums, if they boicott the forums he will have nothing. Let´s assume it ... Axl is a joke for everybody in the music industry except for the fan base of this forums...

    Sometimes forum folks really think too much of themselves. Do you really think because you post here that it makes you a bigger fan than the person who doesn't? I have been a fan of this band since 1988 and just stumbled across these forums in May looking for some news when the Hammerstein shows were going on.

  7. People are DYING? :drevil:

    Come on, people are aggravated for sure and expressing their opinions of frustration but I hardly believe anyone is going to DIE over the non-release of Chinese Democracy.

    If you think you might die or kill someone over this you might want to seek help immediately for mental health issues that have NOTHING to do with Guns N Roses.

  8. And when Fridayfan's advice doesn't work, just lie! :P

    Say you will be home at 1 and come home at 2:30! In 10 years it won't matter! It's not like robbing a car or being addicted to crack, put it in perspective.

    What seems like a big deal now later on in life turns into funny conversations with your parents-

  9. It seems they are doing this in the softer markets, not that it means anything to people that already paid full price. I have to admit if they did this for my show I would be more than a tad pissed.

  10. You can get them now for $20.00 . But for those who purchased them for the original price are screwed. They have quietly lowered the prices without saying anything. I guess they don't want to piss off the people who paid 75.00.

    The guy asked you IF YOU CAN GET THEM ONLINE for 20 bucks, or just on the day of the show?


    What part of " you can get them now for $20.00" didn't you understand? It's obvious that "right now" is not the day of the show.

    Please link me to these 20 dollar tickets.

    Which show are you looking to go to?

    I'd consider going to the Ohio show if I could get a good ticket for 20 bucks.

    I don't see that one as discounted but Chicago is.

  11. You can get them now for $20.00 . But for those who purchased them for the original price are screwed. They have quietly lowered the prices without saying anything. I guess they don't want to piss off the people who paid 75.00.

    The guy asked you IF YOU CAN GET THEM ONLINE for 20 bucks, or just on the day of the show?


    What part of " you can get them now for $20.00" didn't you understand? It's obvious that "right now" is not the day of the show.

    Please link me to these 20 dollar tickets.

    Which show are you looking to go to?

    And SWINGTRADER, what is your issue for crissakes?

  12. Most music fans know about the nov 21 rumour. This is the perfect time for them to come over to a GNR message board and post bullshit. After all the bullshit that has been posted lately and in the past for that matter, how can some of you fall for these practical jokes? You people will beleve anything. It's pretty obvious that this album is not going to be released this yr and that this tour was just a cash grab. Besides, the Mysteron(err Del james) guy over at HTGTH said that there was no way that GNR would ever release an album without making an announcement first. He said it is not coming out this yr. Give it up already and stop being gullible.

    Mysteron did NOT say it wasn't coming this year.

    What he said was that it wouldn't come with no notice and that we should only believe official announcements from GNR as truth. But the thread has since been deleted so I can't even quote it but I was online when he posted it.

  13. She just text'd-nothing. Everyone get back to there busy lives :confused:

    Fuck, back to my paper. <_<

    We need to castrate said employee.

    Jersey?! Shit, you're probbaly only within an hours drive. PM me and I'll give you the address to the love shack so you can Mapquest it.

    TO ANYONE ELSE: WTF is this 'far downs' BS I've heard about? Did I miss a memo?

    Oh, that was the last rumor that CD was being shipped under a fake band name, the Far Downs. Dunno whatever transpired with that one or if it was proven untrue.

  14. Be careful... you don't want Santa Kaneda coming over with his rubber dick.

    oh man, i just laughed while i had diet mt. dew in my mouth....bad result.

    It's strange that he only comes around on occasion to start a thread then I don't see him post till the next thread he starts, I figured he would be on every thread regarding Chinese Democracy ranting till the day it's released

    I never open anything he is the topic starter of, I just know...better. :P

  15. Ummm.Alright,so if you live in NY,and your "Girlfriend" lives here in California,why the hell would you call out of state,at this time of night when you could have just as easily called your own Virgin Megastore?? That doesn't make much sense to me.

    Besides .... 27 copies of "Chinese Democracy" doesn't sound too legit to me.If I were the idiot making this up,I'd be more convincing and say ... Eh,2-3 cases.

    She's not my girlfriend. Do you know how to use a clock? It's after 2am here-the Virgin Megastore in NYC is closed..


    Lol... I agree! Estrangedfx must be an idiot... dude, where's your sign?!


    "Where's your sign?"


    Thanks for the laugh!!!

    So, any news?

  16. do you honestly believe that if the cd were to be released silently, that it would appear on that site?

    Isn't this a link of Virgin recording artists? GNR is not on the Virgin label.

    No, it is the link for the release section for the next month on Virgin Records North America..


    No, this is the right link. The one you pasted is for Virgin Records, which are recording artists under the Virgin label. Different from the actual store.l

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