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Posts posted by ryne

  1. Make this poll again in 20 years and I promise you that U2 will destroy Green Day. I don't even remember Green Day's stuff after it comes on the radio 5 minutes ago, it's hopelessly shitty. U2, on the other hand, has created some stuff I really like, Mysterious Ways is my favorite song and Achtung Baby is my favorite album (even though I'm still not sure how to pronounce it).

  2. i dunno if anyone has been to this link, has to do with upcoming releases in music... cheers.

    upcoming releases

    Good link, I've been wondering when the White Stripes were gonna release their next album, I loved their last one.

    VR and Audioslave touring together would be crazy as hell, but even if it did happen I doubt it'd work since there's a lot of people who are only loyal to one supergroup and not the other. Sucks to be them. Audioslave's new album is gonna be good though, hopefully good enough to push VR into creating the best music they can think of and we'll have a battle of the bands on our hands... or maybe that's only in my dreams. Those two bands are my favorite newbies and we need something to push rock above that hip-hop crap.

  3. A source at Epic Records has exclusively told The Zone that the second album from AUDIOSLAVE will arrive in June. Singer Chris Cornell, guitarist Tom Morello, bassist Tim Commerford and drummer Brad Wilk have been working on the follow-up to their 2002 debut since last year, and Morello said he couldn't be more excited about the results. "It sounds awesome," he said. "It's a ridiculously rocking record, and I think it far surpasses the first one, which I loved. I thought the first record was great, but we've really gelled as a band and, you know, having a year of touring under our belts, we've become and kind of grown into ourselves as a band. It sounds awesome."

    More information about the record, including its title and a specific release date, is not yet available.

    AUDIOSLAVE's self-titled debut disc has sold over two million copies. The band has an unusual record label arrangement: because vocalist Chris Cornell, formerly of SOUNDGARDEN, was signed to Interscope Records, that company issued AUDIOSLAVE's debut. But since the other members of the group were signed to Epic when they were in RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, that label gets to release the second AUDIOSLAVE disc. Future releases from AUDIOSLAVE will continue to flip between the two labels.



    I'm hoping Morello isn't just trying to hype the album up and he does something more than weird noises for a solo. "Gasoline" and "The Last Remaining Light" had good guitaring though.

  4. Core, Purple, and No. 4 are essentials to me. Although I'll go through phases where I'll listen to Tiny Music or Shangri-La a lot. Some of DeLeo's riffs and solos are really good, and even if they aren't that great the song is usually good anyways. Interstate Long Song has my favorite riff from them and I'm really into the solo from Seven Caged Tigers right now. I'm hoping they all make a band again and find a good singer to replace Scott, he was very good in that band.

  5. Me and my gf had just happened to flip to the concert when Eric and Roger were playing and we both agreed they raped that song. Then the background singers were just horrible.

    Gilmore! Where was GILMORE???!!!

    Oh well, still nice to see Roger and Eric.

  6. It has to just be a rumor. Rogers did nothing but talk shit about Pink Floyd after he left them so I don't see what would change his mind all of a sudden unless the fact that the other guys aren't making a new album anytime soon as cooled him off. I'd shit my pants if this rumor was true but the odds of it are incredibly against it.

    But... the people who started the rumor could have misinterpreted it from something else completely, like maybe Pink Floyd are making a new album.

    Gilmore's always been pretty friendly to Waters, even with Waters' stick up his ass, so maybe Gilmore just said it'd be nice to reunite and someone took off with it.

    OOOOO how I'd love to see em all together though.



  7. Well... let's see what I voted for. I don't like queen, especially don't like kiss/kizz or however they want it spelled, and I'm on a GNR forum, so it's between Paradise City and Sweet Child O' Mine. So now to the part of this poll I had to think about... I voted for Paradise City.

    And by the way... has anyone been paying attention to my signature?

  8. I voted for the fourth album just because I fell for it before I fell for the second. They're both really good in my opinion though, now I dunno which one I like better.

  9. I live off of these new Pink Floyd threads started once a week.

    My favorites from best to however far down I go:

    Comfortably Numb

    Run Like Hell

    One of These Days



    Shine on You Crazy Diamond, the second half

    Another Brick in the Wall, pt. 2


    Young Lust

    In the Flesh

    Hey You





    On the Turning Away

    High Hopes


    Wish You Were Here

  10. Good Charlette are horrible so I voted them but I don't like any of them. There was one song by Metallica that I heard on the radio once that wasn't bad but nothing I'd play myself. Some of Bon Jovi's better songs are ok. Did anyone see the thing where Triumph the Insult Comic Dog went on stage with them and completely dissed them by rewriting one of their hit songs and singing it? It was hilarious, Bon Jovi was laughing through it.

  11. the song is called One Of These Days it can be found on the meddle album.

    before the climax of the song, you can hear a robotic "One of these days im going to cut you into little peices" this is right before the song kicks off! and when its kicks off its so fucking brilliant!

    I dare anyone not to like this song!

    Cut! that's what it was!! I typed "Break" without even noticing. Man...

    I must look like a moron to the Pink Floyd fans now... :unsure:

    Yea you kinda do, but I thought that a long time ago anyways. :P jk!

    I never thought of One of These Days as a dance song... but now that I think about it, that song would be a crazy ass thing to try breaking some moves to. Oh well, I dunno shit about dancing so I'm just gonna do the air guitar thing for the rest of my life. Marooned and One of These Days are the best instrumentals, buckethead could learn a few things from them.

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