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Posts posted by kevin

  1. Ahh I don't like him much. He gets a lot of play here in the Michigan area, and I'm not really a fan.. Only god knows why is a good song..

    I guess I like his songs, depends on the time and which ones though.

  2. ^ I agree.

    Anyways I just got back from mexico after my long search for Axl and Luiz. I couldn't frickin' find em. I found ARC and he told me he knew where they were, but wouldn't tell me cause he was banned from here :ph34r:

    Anyways, I traveled all through the hills of the great country of Mexico, and I couldn't find any luiz or axl tracks. I knew I was close though, I saw what was a piece of the great wall of china, which means the great wall is coming down, which means china is close to a democracy, which means i was close to the chinese democracy. So I KNOW I was close, but damn it.. I couldn't find him. It was a long disapointing bike ride back to my house in Michigan, thank god I have a 10 speed bike so I can go fast.

  3. i've taken the liberty or marrying myworld4life and luiz. :ph34r:

    May your days be happy together :heart:


    :heart:  :heart:  :heart:



    Wait a second.. OMG!?>!#@

    Maybe he was trying to hint us.. Cause we all know Luiz is replacing buckethead, and is lost in mexico with axl right now.. Maybe, since Myworld4life is married to luiz.. just maybe he is hinting to us that luiz told him that GnR(Luiz Edition) is going on tour?!!! What OMG~?!!

    This is such great GnR drama! Who would have thought Luiz and Myworld4life were intogether on this conspiracy.. We need the Luiz and Axl search party to go in a hurry, or the tour dates they're about to tell ticketmaster won't happen. :scared::no:

  4. OMG yes!! :o



    For sure!! Axl probably has Luiz's post translated, then actually played in Mexico and picked up luiz. But, the bus driver got lost, so luiz took axl to a local recording studio. This explains why we haven't seen Axl in so long.

    Can we organize a search party to go to Mexico to find them?

    Luiz=New Buckethead


    Get Bach on the case! :chef:


    Yes where is Bach we need him most now. This could explain EVERYTHING!

  5. OMG yes!! :o



    For sure!! Axl probably has Luiz's post translated, then actually played in Mexico and picked up luiz. But, the bus driver got lost, so luiz took axl to a local recording studio. This explains why we haven't seen Axl in so long.

    Can we organize a search party to go to Mexico to find them?

    Luiz=New Buckethead

  6. Wow... you people are stupid. The Luiz thread is still on the first page of upcoming concerts.  :huh:





    sorry no..

    It wasn't under luiz's member topics yesterday, or a while before that for that matter. Something happened, and now it's there again. Maybe you should read the whole thread sometime.


    I know, I was looking for it myself, I just wanted an excuse to use papapapapapwn3d <_<


    It's all good :)

  7. Wow... you people are stupid. The Luiz thread is still on the first page of upcoming concerts.  :huh:





    sorry no..

    It wasn't under luiz's member topics yesterday, or a while before that for that matter. Something happened, and now it's there again. Maybe you should read the whole thread sometime.

    EDIT: Exactly what you say gnr>everything.. Earlier in this month too, I checked under his member topics and it was gone, and when I made this thread (late last night) it wasn't under his topics either.. And now it's there again (under his topics and on upcoming concerts), it wasn't on either when I created this thread last night.

  8. Well, I don't think people were having fun with him because of his language skills. It was because he thought the band was still together and touring -- and how he couldn't wait to see Slash when GNR came to Mexico.  So, the fact that people set him straight - in page after page - isn't a surprise.  I didn't think the responses were insulting either - considering the guy would have known the band isn't together if he had bothered to read any posts in any section of the forum prior to starting that thread.  *shrugs*  ... However, I agree that it seems a bit much that the thread is still alive a couple of years later.  :D


    so why not lock the thread if its been alive for 2 years and is just used for spam? i accept that he was put strait but dont you think that now is the time to lock it.



    Nah. :D


    I agree, It shouldn't be locked... its up for thread of the year!! It can't be!!!!

    Anyways thanks for whoever brung it back or fixed it.. I'm still confused as to what happend to it; why yesterday it was gone, as it wasn't under his member topics?

  9. forget 2005 the year of gnr

    2005 the year of luiz :heart:


    Wait a minute.. This could only mean..

    LUIZ = GnR~!!

    Luiz is probably replacing buckethead as we speak, which is why we haven't heard from him in so long. Axl must have seen all Luiz's fans on this forum, and realized it could only be a good move putting him in the band. YEAHSAKLH!!

  10. Decent green day songs dont exist.






    Ive sadly heard many Green Day songs which wasnt my choice and i find them very bland and too appealing to the younger generation. I'm a fuckin' adult and i dont need to listen to some pop group with meaningless lyrics thank you


    Oh okay.. If you don't need to listen to them, then don't I guess.. that makes sense to me?

    But to me, I like Green Day, Good Riddance is a meaningful song to me..

  11. HAHAHA :D

    Anyways.. myworld4life, there are NO GnR show dates at all, none have been announced. GnR has been out of the spot light for awhile now, and I wouldn't plan on seeing them anytime soon if I were you..

    However, if there will be shows announced, I'm sure this forum will know! But again that is not in the very near future..

  12. Yeah so I bought the live Bullet in a Bible CD today and it's cool..

    I allready mentioned I like Good Riddance (time of your life) the best.. but also Basketcase deserves a mention!! I forgot that song even existed, which is terrible of me!

  13. To those who say we are pwned, we're not.. The thread was definently brought back, it was not on the BOARD yesterday, as it was gone from Luiz's topics.


    Can mods undelete topics anyways? I assume once its been deleted they may not be able to bring it back.


    ...is the correct answer!

    It may have been removed, not sure, but my bet is on that it was always there so..... (subs refuses to that silly internet thing, so instead >> :P )

    UK SUBS.


    It definently wasn't under the user with the name Luiz's topics list. So something happened to it, and now it's there again.. gnr>everything saw that too, it wasn't under his topics list. So it may have been removed.. I'm glad it's back, but I'm still confused.

  14. I was just wondering what happened to the Luiz thread? The Pleas come to mexico!

    Was it deleted, and if so why was it?

    In my mind that thread was like a legend on the forum, and I'm just curious as to where it went..

    EDIT: People MUST have thought it was an important thread, as it is up for thread of the year!!

  15. Well, if somebody doesn't want to post until the album comes out - but does wish to return - then it's the best option. If we just deleted the account, another member could register that name, and then the original owner of that name would never have it again.

    I agree it seems pointless for people to ask for their accounts to be closed when they plan to come back -- but we get those requests sometimes.


    But then wouldn't closing the account have the same effect as doing nothing to it? And just letting it sit? I dunno..

  16. sorry bro, hendrix died in what, 70, 71? Eddie van Halen (or yngwie depending on who you believe) invented tapping, the vh1 album came out in 1979, hendrix didnt tap.


    uhhhh ur a fucking retard for saying van halen or yngwie invented tapping. tapping was invented by bo diddley way before their times. yngwie and eddie were just the first to tap in almost all of there songs


    Yeah EVH didn't invent it.. He made it more mainstream, and really built upon it..

    And ringo im going to try to make my friend get the live voodoo chile for me, I wanna hear this :P

  17. Steve Vai is proven to be the fastest guitarist ever. he holds the world record for most notes per second. but hendrix is still the best. shredding isnt everything


    Are you sure about that? I've read in a guitar magazine (can't remember the name) that Michael Angel Batio was proven to be the fastest.. I dunno :question:

    EDIT: Although to you Hendrix may be the best, he honestly wasn't that technically proficient as many guitarists have developed through the years...

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