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Posts posted by Justagroupie

  1. I mean, what are we goin to argue about/discuss/complain about/hope for?

    Are you kidding?...I could supply a list of people from here who can't wait to get their hands on this cd just so they can rip it to shreds on this forum.The back and forth "fuck you...no fuck YOU" is going to go on for months!! :tongue2:

    Hey, fuck you, buddy. :fuckyou:

    Lol fuck you all! i'll take you all on! *offers fisticuffs* Anyways, theres gonna be heaps to talk about, what comes next, all the songs to discuss, what the next album will be like, music videos, tours, merch, whats living in robins beard (maybe slash moved from axls ass?who knows?!) Point is, there will be heaps to talk about!


    Dude thats hilarious!

    Pure class. ^_^

  2. Expect them to start late.

    Expect Axl to honor Slash, Izzy and Duff by forcing the entirely new band to play (almost) entirely old songs.

    Expect Axl to leave the stage fairly often to catch a breather and a drink.

    Expect the crowd to sit on their hands during each of the extended solos.

    Expect the crowd to thin by the encore.

    Expect Axl to say, "Good fuckin' night!" at the end.

    Expect to hear a lot of people making fun of him on the long, depressing walk back to your car.

    Expect this show to align all the stars in the galaxy and bring forth a new era in human evolution...


    Enjoy the hell out of the show! You're never gonna forget it. ;)

  3. In January "madagascar", 'The Blues", "Chinese Democracy" "Rhiad" etc. will be 6 yrs old. That was the lifetime of the original band. Sit back and think about that for a minute, 6 fuckin years of new material that has not even been released !! This guy has become a total joke. He has a little over a month to release this thing or else his career is done.


    Never really thought about it that way- Wow. :mellow:

  4. Agreed. Lots of you need to relax. "Oooh Axl broke his promise!" No he didn't quite break this year's promise just yet- 5 more Tuesdays then you can nag and moan all you want.

  5. ur a fuckin idiot and its because of posts and posters like you that this forum is garbage

    Woah- just read a bunch of your posts- you're quite the angry one aren't you. :rolleyes:

    Anyhoo this whole vengeance thing isn't the way I'm going with CD. I want the CD and I'm gonna get it- whenever it comes out. Why the fuck should I play the drama queen here? I want the album, its been prosponed a hell of a lot- I've been living my life and if it is to come out, I'll go buy it.

    It shouldn't have to be so difficult- I just don't get why some people take it personally- I don't get why it offends some of you, it really shouldn't. At the end of the day- it IS just an album. Sure, it's by my favorite band- and I've been waiting for so long! But it IS just an album. And when it comes out- I'll be the first one in line! But no use trying to "get back with Axl". What is that for? :huh:

  6. He will be remembered for something- not necessarily for his music nor for his attitude. But he will be for something.

    Maybe the "Biggest procrastinator of all time", Maybe as "One of the greatest Rockstars with incredible stage presence"- or one of the "Greatest Assholes to ever perform". It beats the shit out of me- but he will be known for something.

    And I wouldn't go as far as say he would be up there with Beethoven or Mozart.

  7. Yes. And I'm not being too generous- I do have faith and always have had faith in Axl, despite his flaws. I'm not one of those people that use Human Nature as a scapegoat to one's actions but I do believe in the man himself. I do have faith in Chinese Democracy and I do have faith in GnR.

  8. just one question...

    how the FUCK do you know what people Axl hang with and what they say to him??

    Exactly. How do you know how they act around Axl apart from how their stage presence with Axl is- and I'm sure THAT can't tell you that they're "afraid" of him.

    Don't go around assuming this. And don't go misinterprating things to support it.

  9. Dude, I'm sure there's got to be a friend of yours that likes GnR that's willing enough to take that ticket from you.

    But if I lived closer I would definetly take you up on that offer no questions asked. :o

  10. seriously are you guys new????!!!!!!!

    do you think Axl gives a flying fuck if some people shout for a new album..This guy has had people riot at his shows and he could care less.......All he would do is say fuck you and leave the stage....

    You know what? Doing this is actually a good idea- we are kind of desperate and we have nothing to lose.

    If he doesn't give a fuck- then let it be, but if he does- any result would be to our advantage.

    I seriously doubt having a bunch of people yell out "WE WANT THE ALBUM NOW" or holding up signs saying "6 Tuesdays left" will start riots.

    Jumping up on stage? Maybe. Throwing things? Definetly. But just chanting something in unison? No fucking way.

    Nothing could be lost but something COULD be gained. Nothing stupid in that.

    Oh, and you're not so "old" yourself. I don't get how telling people "you're new" makes your point any better. :huh:

  11. Or maybe you can just e-mail the DJ like I did. It is a CD after party as in (Chinese Demcracy after party) not a actual CD after party. Basically after the show the badn is going to an afterparty being held by the trailer park boys and Axl is suposed to be there nothing more nothing less.


    So the DJ confirmed that it wasn't an album release party that he was talking about but just an after party?

    Ok then- another false rumour to add to the collection. :book:

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