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Kissable Kate

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Posts posted by Kissable Kate

  1. but we had a lot of letters from fans in the area and we were determined to play there regardless of whether it was "only" 3500 people.

    Just out of curiosity, anyone know who I write to to get GN'R to play my home town? Or does that only count for americans in Portland, Maine? We've got Motorhead and Status Quo coming here in the next couple of months (and Pink, Kaiser Chiefs, Keane... but maybe I shouldn't mention them..!) so why can't GN'R?

    KK x

    You actually believe them? :shocked:

    Why shouldn't I? If there was an address that I knew of that was available to write to, I would've written by now, asking them to play here...

  2. but we had a lot of letters from fans in the area and we were determined to play there regardless of whether it was "only" 3500 people.

    Just out of curiosity, anyone know who I write to to get GN'R to play my home town? Or does that only count for americans in Portland, Maine? We've got Motorhead and Status Quo coming here in the next couple of months (and Pink, Kaiser Chiefs, Keane... but maybe I shouldn't mention them..!) so why can't GN'R?

    KK x

  3. ok if you say so. Would you say we're a cynical lot? Maybe a universal declaration of intent would give fair warning to those sensitive souls and inquiring minds who want to know?

    After going round and round on this merry fucking go round and that being more than once- its fairly obvious that a great percentage of us ARE living the true GNR spirit.... We know how to say FUCK YOU and mean it to the very core of our beings. IF there is one thing that pisses a good portion of us off is this meek complacency on so many peoples part to attempt to KISS ASS. I mean if someone thinks being a fan of GNR is a matter of slobbing Axl's nob... then thier issues are not with blantant out right bitching, negativity and general disgust- its with issues that have nothing to do with rock and roll, Axl and more imporantly GNR. This ain't the summer of love here in Mygnrland.

    ever hear the saying..."can't stand the heat? Then get the fuck out of the kitchen." that is kind of a no- brainer. You want emo- love fests? don't come looking for them at this rumble cuz to many people give a good goddam about this band and fight for their rights to enjoy them as they will.

    Love this post.. Nice one dude!

    KK x

  4. Borders and Barnes and Nobel: Guns and Roses? "Nothing is listed on our screens sir. Are they still around?

    A new album? Chinese Democracy??"(deer caught in headlight stare with crickets chirping in the background) "We have Greatest Hits listed do you mean that?"

    "No -Chinese Democracy from Guns and Roses!"

    "Are you sure its a Guns and Roses album sir??"

    Then I lose it and kick over a James Blunt display..Hop up on the counter and grab the skirt by her collar and scream.... YOU HAVE TO HAVE THIS ALBUM HERE BY CHRISTMAS YOU UNDERSTAND!!??IT HAS TO BE HERE BY CHRISTMAS!!!

    As security led me away in my straightjacket I could here the clerks mutter.

    "Chinese Democracy?? From GUNS AND ROSES???..this guy really really picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue!"

    Found this very amusing.. also, love the "Airplane" quote!

    KK x

  5. I got the e-mail and I really wanna go... Just don't earn enough money to fly to NY from the UK :(

    KK x

    The same happens to me. I would LOVE to go but I don´t have the money to pay the expensive plane tix from Spain to N.Y. plus the hotel....I wish I could go, damn it!

    And me, you never know if I win the lottery tomorrow night.......

    I never play lottery... :o

    I do sometimes, this week for some reason I bought a ticket. Is this an omen? :P

    Oooo does that mean you'd take me with you Axlsend? Pretty please??

    KK x

  6. i hope to see it soon as well, and i didn't even know there was a saw 2? :unsure:

    Oh Saw II was excellent, I strongly recommend you view it.

    Great movie.

    I especially "liked" the scene where one of em got tossed in that needle pit :ph34r:

    Ah man that was awful! Can you imagine being that girl??!

    I actualy felt some pain in my arm wathing it :scared:

    If you like the Saw movies I recomend "Hostel", its like Saw 10x!

    Leigh I'm very disappointed in you! Hostel is just pure shit! Boring, laughable (not in a good way) in places, and has the worst ending ever! Is just pure gore with some soft porn thrown in! Saw 1 & 2 had me on the edge of my seat with suspense.. Something that was severely lacking in Hostel!

    KK x

    Hostel promised so much and delivered so little.

    Its SH*T!


    Hurray! Someone who agrees with me!

    And Leigh, as Axlsend says, we will be back if Axl's crap! :kiss:

    KK x

  7. Axlsend, you wanna ditch this guy and go get Axl together instead? I think that would be a bit more interesting...... :P

    KK x

    Now you're talking, Leigh you're dumped, me and Kate are off to make out with Axl, it was a hard decision but well.........


    Yeah good luck with that.

    Hey we got the moves, the look.. He wants us.. He just doesn't know it yet!!

  8. cool!

    know anything about when its coming`?

    Regardless what KK said... it's gonna be great! :xmasssanta:

    It'll be shit Leigh.. Trust me! If you wanna watch gore, watch Braindead.. Stop encouraging them to turn out trash like Hostel and market it as "a horror film"...

    Fuck, people nowadays don't know what horror is!

    KK x

  9. i hope to see it soon as well, and i didn't even know there was a saw 2? :unsure:

    Oh Saw II was excellent, I strongly recommend you view it.

    Great movie.

    I especially "liked" the scene where one of em got tossed in that needle pit :ph34r:

    Ah man that was awful! Can you imagine being that girl??!

    I actualy felt some pain in my arm wathing it :scared:

    If you like the Saw movies I recomend "Hostel", its like Saw 10x!

    Leigh I'm very disappointed in you! Hostel is just pure shit! Boring, laughable (not in a good way) in places, and has the worst ending ever! Is just pure gore with some soft porn thrown in! Saw 1 & 2 had me on the edge of my seat with suspense.. Something that was severely lacking in Hostel!

    KK x

  10. Can I just ask what you're concerned about?

    If you're going to the gig, be happy that there will be less people, and therefore more space for you to get your groove on..

    If you're not going, what is it exactly that bothers you about the fact that they haven't sold out?

    KK x

  11. I'm not sure where I stand on this...

    I think that Kaneda has a good point about excuse after excuse after excuse.

    I personally am getting tired of being blamed for GN'R's cock ups. It's the fans' fault that the album has been delayed cos we're all downloading motherfuckers etc.. Axl needs to take some responsibility here!

    However, I will be here waiting for CD for as long as it takes, as will most of us I reckon...

    KK x

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