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Kissable Kate

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Posts posted by Kissable Kate

  1. for those who think CD will come out this year , you will be disapointing. every record store knows what they will have in their shop at least 6 months before a realase...

    That is such CRAP. HMV, Bestbuy, Futureshop none of these stores have clue what they are getting 2 months from now for the most part let alone 6.

    It does not take a long time to print up a million cd's with artwork ect. These things can be left until last minute. Very few bands do massive pre-hype on their albums at least rock bands. Shit most rock bands get very little play on main stream radio so it does not matter when the album is released. If they can sell 3 million plus of a greatest hits album I think it's safe to say that this albulm will sell well.

    I agree 100%!

    I used to work for a record store and we knew what was coming in no more than 2 weeks before it did. We would just get the release dates faxed over so we knew what to expect. I have faith in Axl but if it doesn't come out this year, I can wait as long as it takes. I've seen them live and have had my Better fix :P

    2006 is the year of Guns N' Roses.. That doesn't mean an album necessarily.. (But I still believe you Axl!)

    KK x

  2. I heard that Axl got the braids (and extensions) due to alopecia (his hair falling out due to stress etc).. Anyone know if this is true?

    Love his new look but God do I salivate over the old one.. Man that guys got gorgeous legs!!

    KK x

  3. I thought NR was amazing when I saw them at Wembley. Finck may not be like we expect him to be on this song but he has his own style and the solos from BBF and Fortus more than make up for some messy playing on his part.. Gotta love his look on stage though!

    Definitely should not be removed from the setlist!

    KK x

  4. Rocker Axl Rose just got hit with a lawsuit by a Los Angeles art dealer who says he backed out of a deal to

    buy a $2.3 million Andy Warhol portrait of John Lennon. The Acquire d'Arte gallery charges in L.A. Superior

    Court that, after agreeing to buy the painting, Rose's manager said Axl didn't like the price or didn't have

    enough money for final payments. The gallery wants $1.1 million in damages. Rose's lawyer Howard

    Weitzman tells us: "Axl owes nothing," adding: "[He] may be the victim of a fraud or misrepresentation."

    Source: http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/454168p-382165c.html

    Jesus Christ! When will idiots stop coming out of the woodwork and suing this poor guy???!!! It never ceases to amaze me what people will do for an extra buck...

    Seriously! It's like the whole world banded together in this conspiracy to make Axl Rose look like a self-centered, two-faced egomaniac.

    Somehow, Slash got to Duff, Matt, Gilby, Adler, Paul Tobias, Zig Zag, Buckethead, Josh Freese, Moby, Mike Clinck, Goldstein, Niveen, this art dealer, that Beverly Hills luxury car shop, that Swiss hotel security guard, the poolside DJ at the Hard Rock in Vegas, and Tommy Hilfiger and convinced them to all play along with his plan to make Axl look bad.

    Man, that Slash is one evil mastermind.


    Very amusing dude.. made me chuckle!

    KK x

  5. Those of us that have seen him on this tour think it was awesome! Axl looks like he's having a blast and he made such an effort to make it through every concert, even when he was ill! How is that not caring? I'd say he's finally grown up a little and can appreciate that his fans are trying to stay loyal to him and he's trying to do the same for them..


    KK x

  6. I was lucky enough to attend the awesome 29 July gig at Wembley, but was silly enough not to buy anything whilst I was there.

    I am looking for any clothing (preferably in large size) available to buy with regards this tour. There is nothing on Ebay that I can find at the moment, so if you have something you're willing to sell, at a reasonably low price, please let me know.


    KK x

  7. Can anyone help? I know this is probably a really stupid question but I have been trying to work out the lyrics for all of the new songs so far and I'm having difficulty..

    If anyone could tell me where i could find them, including the lyrics for Anybody, or if anyone has worked them out for themselves, I would be most grateful if you could advise on what they are?

    Thanks for your help in advance.

    KK x

  8. I went to my first GN'R gig in Wembley July 29 this year.. I was at the front, stage right and to be honest didn't get pushed that much.. There are a few drunk idiots who may push a bit, but if you give them a shove back they generally move a little out of your way.. I would recommend being on the floor, definitely though.. There's nothing like it!

    Trust me.. If you stay away from the pit (centre stage, right at the front) you should be fine.. And you'll love it!

    KK xx

    we must've been right near each other, great show wasnt it ;)

    yeah get standing! standing's only good though unless you're at the front. ive always managed to get to the front.

    Hey Cherry!

    Hell yeah it was a great show! I hear you managed to sneak off to the acoustic set.. maybe you can take me with you next time? :P

    KK x

  9. Hi guys,

    I was just wondering if I could ask someone how I could get a good sig for my username? I love almost all the ones that I've seen and am not sure about how to get one of my own.. I'm on this forum to stay and would like some advice if anyone could offer any?

    KK x

  10. I went to my first GN'R gig in Wembley July 29 this year.. I was at the front, stage right and to be honest didn't get pushed that much.. There are a few drunk idiots who may push a bit, but if you give them a shove back they generally move a little out of your way.. I would recommend being on the floor, definitely though.. There's nothing like it!

    Trust me.. If you stay away from the pit (centre stage, right at the front) you should be fine.. And you'll love it!

    KK xx

  11. Can someone tell me when this became an Axl bashing thread? Leave the guy alone! He's back, he's providing awesome music, granted only live at the moment, and he's working on creating a new image for the new line-up.. Can't you just be happy that GN'R are alive again?

  12. Getting into fights with Tommy Hilfiger (ha... hahaha... haha..) and hotel security guards usually is considered the milestone for passing into maturity. But he's even taking it up to the next level with going to the strip clubs every night at age 42 or whatever he is.

    Why are you actually on this forum? You're obviously not a "supporter" or a fan! You don't even know how old Axl is FFS!

    Axl is just trying to get his point across.. Why read any deeper into it than that? He's just saying that this album will be different to AFD.. Simple as that! GET OVER IT!

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