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Kissable Kate

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Posts posted by Kissable Kate

  1. Is anyone concerned that the shows havent been seeling out, i mean yea its still young in terms of the time its been on sale, but i remember alot more shows being sold out alot faster (2002) than the rate they are now, infact i dont hink any new event is sold out.......i hope they do, its always a bit better to go to shows that are sold out.....i just bought 8 tickets to see GNR in Worcester, MA...hope to see soem people there!!

    Maybe 2002 had more hype because he was back....but now its pretty legit with more hype and news about it, from what i can remember, im just concerned that shows arent going to sellout....if any1 agrees please shareeeee......

    thanks crash diet

    i know about the sold out events in cali, i mean new dates.........take it easy bashers

    The Halifax show just sold out before i got my tickets. Fuck. But the point is they are selling out. Stop spreading false conceptions about shows not selling out so people think they have lots of time to get tickets.

    The shows are selling out - just not as fast as they did in Europe.. But then, hasn't America been let down more by GN'R than we have?

    KK x

  2. Now we just have to wait till Thomase emails Ron asking if he really sent that mail..

    Oh god... :scared:

    I know - Why can't they leave the poor guy alone for a while!

    KK x

    He will be left alone after he stops bothering Ron with his stupid questions.

    Sorry Seal you misunderstood me.. I meant why can't they leave RON alone.. Not Thomase.. I think he sends Ron some damn stupid e-mails that we all know Ron can't answer!

    KK x

  3. Wussup Kev! Thanks for coming to the shows ! :)

    Haven't done any recording (joined the band too late to get on the album - just rehearsing for the shows...) but from what I've heard there are some GREAT songs on the CD - you're gonna love it ! ! ! :D


    I can't believe I got a fuckin' email from him! Like he responded the same day! Amazin' banter!

    Anyway I think we all knew that anyway but he hasn't even heard all of 'Chinese Democracy'? This band is wierd as fuck! :unsure:

    It was known a while ago that he wasn't going to be on the album. But thanks anyway. :)

    wasnt that rumoured

    No, he said it already way back after the first Hammerstein gig when I asked him about it and I think many others have asked about it also and it's been posted many many times..

    Now we just have to wait till Thomase emails Ron asking if he really sent that mail..

    It's not only Thomase who speaks to Ron ya know.. The e-mails Thomase sends Ron are generally asking for information that can't be given!

  4. I guess that's true to some degree, but these guys all seem to have a passion to play the music etc. It's more than the money I think.

    Oh I definitely agree SA, I was just saying that most people bond over money... However, I think all of these guys have a fair old amount of their own money anyway... They play because they love to, not because they need the money!

    They just love ROCKIN' OUT!

    KK x

  5. Me and my fella will both be getting a copy, driving home as fast as I can get us there and then blasting it out on our stereo for hours and hours.. hmm after the first couple of times round, think it could become a soundtrack for other activities? :P

    KK x

  6. I speak to BBF on a regular basis so I know he's an awesome guy, but I would love to have more contact with Finck and Fortus in particular... I know what makes BBF tick (in some respects) but with these guys I have no idea..

    Bring on the interviews!

    KK x

  7. waiting? no, last I heard Slash was doing Volkwagen commercials, Farfenugen.

    whatever happened to weiland? has he starved his bulimic frame into nonexistance?

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    does weiland look like the cop from the village people to anyone else.maybe it's the same person!

    (conspiracy theory number 12.340)

    Ha ha I totally agree! Always wondered if anyone else noticed that...!

    KK x

  8. I don't think BBF would have said that if he didn't mean it.. The language in that e-mail is exactly how he e-mails, so (as if we're not already) everybody keep eyes and ears open for "management announcements"!!!


    KK x

  9. untitledxx1.jpg

    Yeah sorry Thomase, but you shouldn't e-mail BBF about GN'R.. No offence but the guy has better things to do than say "sorry I can't say"... He cannot tell us anything, and he's tired of saying that.. Give the guy a break and if you must e-mail/message etc, ask him about HIM! The guy's a legend but if I e-mailed him constantly about GN'R, he'd never reply to me! Stop asking stupid questions!

    KK x

  10. Ha Ha! All praise to thee Uncle Axl (Bromle)... Your music rocks man!


    KK x

    Well Thank you, but I would had much more time to work on Chinese democracy if it hadn't been for the fact that everyone is requesting sigs from me :(

    Aww you poor thing.. Damn you for being so talented.. Writing lyrics, creating sigs... Hmm.. is there anything you can't do? :D

    KK x

    Grow my own hair <_<


    Dude you fucking make me laugh! And hey, I think the braids suit you :P

    KK x

  11. Ha Ha! All praise to thee Uncle Axl (Bromle)... Your music rocks man!


    KK x

    Well Thank you, but I would had much more time to work on Chinese democracy if it hadn't been for the fact that everyone is requesting sigs from me :(

    Aww you poor thing.. Damn you for being so talented.. Writing lyrics, creating sigs... Hmm.. is there anything you can't do? :D

    KK x

  12. I would actually laugh my ass off if Axl infact had a screen name like "gnrrules21" :rofl-lol::rofl-lol:

    :laugh: Yeah, that would be hilarious. Or what about "Slashrockz" ? :laugh:

    hahah, or what about bromle....hahahahha.......... :confused:


    Ha Ha! All praise to thee Uncle Axl (Bromle)... Your music rocks man!


    KK x

  13. No, dude... It IS a Cancellation...

    I'm fkn DONE!

    When you bought your ticket you purchased it with the distributors right to change the show date. This was built into the ticket. You just were not able to forsee this change. That's life. Deal with it better than coming onto this site and moping about it. There are far greater injustices happening every day. All the concert plans were always tentative.

    Woohoo! Someone who's talking sense!

    It IS just a show at the end of the day - it's not the end of the world! Seriously, GN'R are awesome, and my all time favourite band, but hun, they're not worth crying over! Enjoy the January gig and get over this as soon as possible!

    KK x

  14. When i get it on the monday, I'll come on hear and make fun of all the americans and making them jelous. Muahahahaa...

    And the next time there's a war where Europe needs bailing out, we'll come over and sleep with all your women again making you guys jealous. How are my aunts and uncles doing?

    That's pretty sick dude..

  15. Sorry to voice my opinion, (some people seem unhappy when fans express their OPINION on here), but I think this song fuckin rocks (including the intro/outro, which interestingly has got my younger niece and nephew singing along to it!), and I personally think this song is going to be a huge hit when released!

    But hey, that's just my opinion right?

    KK x

  16. I bet those fans that saw the originals playing the ritz and troubador are laughing their asses off at this thread. More power than the originals? Give me a fuckin break. These are family men, professional studio musicians doing a job.

    The originals were friends, poor trash off the streets who were playing their hearts out without a thing to lose and not a care in the world.

    Cut the bullshit people. It's fine if you like this version better than the old, but the reason that there is a mystique and aura behind guns n roses is because of what the original gunners had, authenticity and ferocious power. This band hasn't even released a fuckin record yet and have been touring for just 6 months, and already to some of you they are the best thing since sliced bread and the old band, you know the ones who released 4 albums and changed the rock world and pop culture are basically burn outs with nothing to offer. Fuck that, if that's what it takes for you to justify liking the new band then you're just plain lying to yourselves.

    No kidding. The new band is cool and all. Like them if you want. Hell, I dig them. But what I find most sad is how much disrespect the old band gets from people who are supposed to be fans. Why all the fucking put downs? I am ready to just give up. If people can't appreciate them then fuck it, it's their loss. And how can you call yourself a Guns N' Roses fan and talk shit about the old guys?

    The ferocious part has me laughing. What is ferocious now, Tommy jumping up and down in his flannel pants? Or Robin having to go pee? Christ. Yeah, the sound might be bigger. You've got an extra guitar and two keyboards that weren't there before. But what can't be captured is the dirty, sleazy, bluesy hard rock look and feel; the way those songs should be played because that is what those songs were all about and gave them their energy. Some fans need to go re-watch some of the old AFD tour shows. Ferocious was a bunch of street dwelling Gunners ripping through songs, half wasted, at clubs like Fenders Ballroom and The Roxy, trying to earn a few bucks for food and maybe even a record deal in the process. And believe me, those performances had plenty of power.

    I agree with one thing though - even if there was a reunion it'd never be the same. Those days are gone forever (even though some nights I tell you they live on through my computer monitor with my Klipsch's cranked to the max). Maybe it's better to just let sleeping dogs lie. If they could still capture some of that spark I'd say hell yeah, but the last thing I'd want to see is the old guys going through the motions. Let's just show a little respect is all I'm asking. What is gained by dissing the old band all the time? Dissing them is a joke. They were kings of hard rock for six years, kicked ass and created a lot of timeless songs. Dismissing that just makes a person look silly. If it was happening right now everyone would love it. But because it's in the past some people find it easy to forget.

    Amen KBear - Just for the record, I love the new and the old.. I'm just paying homage to GN'R.. However they may be.

    KK x

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