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Status Updates posted by Spuffy78

  1. http://www.rue-morgue.com/monica/CMmbv.jpg

    Lucky me I got the Un-cut copy early and get to see it on the big screen!

  2. It really is. It least some of the crazy Axl people have gone away but I mean even the AG and MW section are pretty dull.

  3. She should be Alice in J Abrham's version if that ever happens. Oh, and is it at all odd that I bought the Twilight Singers album She Loves you today and now it's your avatar?!

  4. She'll turn down good roles so she's close with Freddie. She seems bitter about being type casted but it's like show your range woman! Even James wears a dress in a movie.

  5. As long as her movie career doesn't end up like Sarah's has she should be alright.

  6. That's the problem it's her name just seeing her face because she's the giant media whore. She certainly suited the role but they could've gotten someone like Brittney Murphy to play the role. Heck, even some of the strippers in Zombie Strippers would've been better.

  7. That's kinda creepy since I watched The Original last night.. I've always though Michelle was pretty but I do agree she is now gorgeous.

  8. ASH made that movie. He seemed to be the only actor with a good singing background and felt comfortable with the songs. Although I hated Hilton's involvement in the flick her character definitely suited her 'Persona'.

  9. I downloaded a torrent since no theaters were playing it near me. Anthony was the strongest point of the film and for what it was I thought it was pretty good. What'd you think of it?

  10. Yup, something to that affect. Although I don't know how I'd picture Giles in leather.

  11. It would warm the sub-cackles of my heart to know what's going on but I'd have a feeling it's Beta nursing to Axl's need for Oreo's and more Mr. Pib!

  12. You know what would've been awesome for a Alternate Reality Buffy episode if Giles was a Vamp.

  13. This random redhead did give me her # while I was at work so I could try that. I think I'll run into Axl's electrified fence before I take a whack at Beta.

  14. Either one would be fine. S6 Buffy would be interesting. Chances are knowing my luck I'll get abusive with no sex.

  15. So my Drusillia dumped me. I gota skip Harm and find me a Buffy.

  16. It's Prom Night meets Carrie with awesome Valentine cards! Oh, and Pre-ordered the special MBV Un-Cut DVD.

  17. Well I like B movies so there's been some good releases. Like Zombie Strippers, My Name Is Bruce, Jack Bruce Monster Slayer etc. But mainstream modern Horror honestly Valentine was probably the last original Slasher we got from the Scream era.

  18. I enjoy it better than new age Horror but that's just me. Oh, and it still makes me giggdy inside that Axl yells at Beta or Del about me.

  19. You think that line would be something used in a RZ film! You should check out Masters Of Horror if you want good modern horror.

  20. I tried to watch it. It's one of the worse new age Horror movies I've seen. Thank god for Masters Of Horror or I'd go insane.

  21. No, scolding. I did kinda of like rip my girlfriend's shirt. Like it was a yellow buttoned top, it was a interesting evening walking around wearing leather pants a wife beater and a black sabbath sweater. What can I say I've always been bad?

  22. Good to see you had a good vacation. My New Years was good a little hazey but still good. Oh, and Beta messaged me.

  23. I lucked out. Didn't get banned. Glad to see your back! Now our Spuffy trio is in full force. How was your vacation?

  24. I think she's on Vacation.

  25. If there is hot hate sex she might not make it past round one... I draw the line when I sleep with 21 year old chicks. Older than that it's just too weird. Oh, and if I were a homosexual I would so turn straight for Allison Hannigan!

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