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Posts posted by GeorgeGlass

  1. Slash simply because he was around the longest.

    Finck's mistakes were all made before he hit the stage, when he rewrote the songs.

    No, it's Slash because he was the most fucked up of them all. Rarely if ever was he sober when on stage. He was and is still the best lead Axl will ever have. I mean for fuck's sake he wrote alot of that stuff so take the H, Pot and Booze away and he'll play them to a T. Somewhere he and Izzy are smiling seeing these new guys trying to cover their stuff. Ashba's a carbon copy of Slash, right down to the top hat.

  2. I know a lot of you cats have had the Shackler's multi tracks for a long time....I just got it the other day, so sorry if I'm not as elite as everyone else!

    Anyway, the only reason I'm really interested in these multis is cause we can listen to the pure raw feeds of Axl's vocals. Although some of them sound kinda auto-tuned/pro-tooled all to hell which really surprised me.

    On Shackler's.....when he sings "I don't believe there's a reason ((RHKAHHHK)) (I don't believe it)".....there's that little.......glitchy noise. A tiny snippet of vocals, like less than a second. Just a kind of "KHHHTT" sound. Sorry I can't describe it better.

    Anyone else hear this and wonder what the hell it is? It's obviously not a mistake....it's there purposely.....what is it??

    That's Axl taking control of protools to further digitally enhance an already muddy album.

  3. Weight gain is a pretty common side-effect of anti-depressants. :crazy:

    That's what I think he's on too tbh.

    Axl's body type has changed so much throughout the years, and I don't think it all can be attributed to aging. I've definitely had experiences with SSRIs and I can tell you it's easy to gain and lose all that weight depending on if you take them.

    Don't forget how much his face has changed too - from the hair plugs to the chemical peels to the botox to the shaved eyebrows. That man has gone through alot!

    i prefer to see Axl without braids any time

    it seems that he spoiled his hair (wonderful hair!) by wearing these braids

    I don't think it was the braids that ruined his hair. It was the fact that it fell out in the 90's and the ensuing botched transplant.

  4. It's harder to live with the truth about you then to live with the lies about me. (I just hate that this line is, in part, directed at Slash).

    Ask yourself, what I should do, to prostitute, myself.

    Where would you go if I told you I loved you and then walked away

    the whole last verse of Catcher in the Rye

  5. ? Haven't heard St Anger...is it as bad as people say?

    St Anger is different - it isn't their best release, not by a long shot. It is missing some of the core Metallica sounds you'd expect like hard drums and guitar solos. People are quick to trash it without learning of the back story behind it. However, there are some good songs like All Within my Hands and Dirty Window. It's a continual evolution of the band - the title couldn't be more appropriate given the things they went through shortly before its release (Hetfield's alcohol problems and Newsted leaving, which in my opinion, was a HUGE blow to the band). They've come just about full circle with Death Magnetic...most have labled it as an album that fits in between Justice and Black.

    Their 25 year + catalog gives you such a diverse range of music you really have to be in a certain mood to listen to a certain album. I absolutely LOVE load and reload, those two in my opinion really illustrated the musical ability of that group. The deeper cuts like Where the Wild Things are, Fixxxer, Attitude and Ronnie are all GREAT songs. They are one of the top 5 musical acts of all time.

  6. St.Anger :rofl-lol:

    Nothing is worser then St.Anger

    Yes but after St Anger Metallica came back stronger and better with the eventual release of Death Magnetic. Metallica are a group who KNOW how to satisfy their fans. Hetfield said himself that despite Anger's less than stellar reviews, it had to be made for Metallica to survive. Chinese Democracy on the other hand, has done nothing but further embarass the once great legacy of Axl Rose.

  7. Chinese Democracy is good, but it's overproduced, overdubbed and relies too heavily on digital equipment. This is evident in the way these songs are poorly performed live. A great rock song is easily reproduced in a live environment (and in most cases brought to a new level), and this is clearly not the case given the audio we have from this recent 15 gig 'tour'.

    you cant judge based on bootlegs, thats just unfair.

    for those of us who have seen it live, we have all said the youtubes / bootlegs dont do it justice.

    the songs are even better live, many of us have agreed on this.

    in short, stfu.

    They Tokyo bootleg is pretty good quality, so don't play that card. The backing tracks are laughable, even more so since some of them weren't being played at the right time. Also, three guitars help to make complete mud out of a song. Axl's vocals have been great, but the execution of the songs has not because most CD songs don't translate that well into live performances due to their inorganic nature. Even UYI, which has some semi-complicated songs, is better live because Axl did away with the voice doubling and any other effects when performing them live.

    Why is it that any contradicting point of view, backed up with valid points and reasonable opinions, has to be shot down? We're all dealing with a neurotic, selfish has-been who abandoned his fans for 10 years and then came back with an album and no real tour? He needs to earn back the respect of the people that have allowed him to be such an asshole for so many years.

  8. Chinese Democracy is good, but it's overproduced, overdubbed and relies too heavily on digital equipment. This is evident in the way these songs are poorly performed live. A great rock song is easily reproduced in a live environment (and in most cases brought to a new level), and this is clearly not the case given the audio we have from this recent 15 gig 'tour'. The double voice, the backing tracks - it's poor. CD was Axl's next musical direction as a follow up to UYI and at the time would have been a visionary album, but in the 15 years since, it's become passe and played out. A more back to basics hard rock album would've suited the masses much better, and you can just hear parts of it trying to come out in CD. Like anything, music is cyclical - that 'NIN' industrial sound WAS in - back in the late 90's just like the rap/metal Rage thing, and people would've been much more receptive to CD, in addition to the fact that at that time, Axl was still relevant. With all the garbage being spewed out by these hip hop/pop groups, real music fans crave real music right now, and Chinese Democracy isn't it. He had a chance to revive rock and roll and didn't do it. Add in the big 'fuck you' song to Slash and it people dislike the album and Axl even more. It was cool to be like that when you're in your 20's and 30's and pissed off, but at what point does it end, and you just grow up and move on? I mean 15 years later and he's still telling Slash to fuck off??

    This is all a moot point because Axl does things his way, whether people want it or not. Unfortunately for Axl fans, people don't want 'it' or 'him', they want Guns. He will be remembered as the biggest 'what if'/'what could've been' front man in the history of rock and roll. The guy that had everything and threw it all away after disappearing for 10 years.

  9. I can't believe halfway through 2010 people are still pissing and crying about the GNR name and all that shit. It's really simple. Axl IS Guns N Roses.

    Anyone can play guitar. Anyone can play bass. Anyone can play drums. Throw a rock in LA and you can find a musician that can play the entire GNR back catalog.

    But there is and will only ever be ONE Axl Rose. He is irreplaceable. His voice IS the sound of the band.

    Slash playing Paradise City with any singer other than Axl is just some guy with a guitar.

    Axl singing Paradise City is Guns N Fucking Roses. Case closed. Now fuck off.

    He's done such a great job with the 'name' too! Since '95 we've received great tours, great albums and a very approachable lead singer...oh wait, the lawyers got in the way of all that right?? Axl Rose might be GNR, but he's absolutely NOTHING without Slash.

  10. Sorry if this is the wrong section, but...

    Basically, having this argument with a friend. I'm trying to persuade her that Axl is, in my opinion, the greatest front man ever. Wondering if anyone could point me to what they think is Axl's best performance ever? Youtube links would be fantastic.

    Anyone selecting a performance after '93 really does not know their GNR history. The '87 to '93 years will never be topped those that think so are dreaming. Axl is still a has been who does a smattering of shows here and there. They are decent but not UYI good.

  11. Verifyable source or complete work of fiction?

    Again Axl's pride gets in the way of what would have been something truly wonderful - Slash and Duff being back as GNR. But hey, look how great this tour is going!!! What?

  12. That's one of the best movies ever! Scary thing is prison now us more modern but just as corrupt.

    The quotes always sounded the same to me...

    they are the same quote and madagascar is simply atonement for the one in a million song. there is/was no need to include martin luther king's quote in that song.

  13. Just posted on the 'Classic Rock' website

    Guns N’ Roses have postponed their concerts in Zagreb and Belgrade (scheduled for June 20 and 22, respectively) until September.

    According to sources in the Serbian capital, the new date of the concert at the Belgrade Arena hasn’t been specified yet, but it is likely to be September 22, 23 or 24, depending on decisions from GN’R’s management.

    The date for the rescheduled gig in Zagreb (which is in Croatia, geography fans) is not yet known.

    However, there are rumours circulating in Eastern Europe that GN’R’s entire European tour will be postponed until September.

    Guns are due to begin their European tour with a date in Norway on May 31. They are booked to play the Reading and Leeds festivals on August 27 and 29, respectively.


    Fuck Axl Rose when is everyone just going to get fed up with his bullshit?

  14. "That S**t Is Not GUNS N' ROSES"

    Too bad for that guy it IS.

    Without Slash AND Axl - it isn't GNR, at all. And just because someone says it isn't GNR, why is he immediately called names? It's his opinion, shared by many with the exception of the delusional people on this board.

  15. DJ is awesome... He has skills, momentum and he's a great guy. He meshes well in this band and they have openly accepted him. rock3

    Slash who?

    Nuff said!

    Oh, you mean the guy who actually wrote all that stuff he plays? That's who. Dont mean to rain on anyone's parade, especially in a Ashba thread, but nobody can groove it as well as Slash.

    You can love DJ Ashba, but please don't minimize Slash. He's the reason people like Ashba probably even picked up a guitar to begin with. There is only one, original Slash - and GNR died the day he left.

  16. I'm not sure if this has been threaded or not, but I just wanted to Say that I LOVE Dj Ashba and that he was PERFECT for GNR. I also realize that he is an awesome guitarist,stylist, and all around great guy for coming on the forums, on twitter, and on little internet clips for us to keep up with GNR. Thank you Dj Ashba. Thank you.

    Does anyone else feel this way? What a great commodity For GNR.

    He is because people can identify with him...the tophat, the Les Paul, the bluesy style of guitar - sound familiar???

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