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Posts posted by GeorgeGlass

  1. I was there. He came out in the wheel chair during the opening riffs of CD, obviously to pay homage to Kurt. When he was ready to sing he lept out of the chair and ran around like a madman for the rest of the show. No limping. It was awesome IMO.

    After burning his hat in '92 and publicly arguing with him at the MTV Music Awards, he pays homage to him? My how Axl has changed, I once heard him claim he'd never use backing tracks at a live show but here we are listening to CD songs with piss poor pre-recorded backing tracks. That's a sign you're music is too complex and overproduced.

  2. I think this would be a great idea. Seeing as there were no music videos for any of the Chinese Democracy tracks, I think this would be a great way of getting people to embrace New Guns. It might help people see them as there own band and stop the incessant "that's not really GNR" comments.

    Old Guns have two official live DVDs and if Axl wants people outside of the hardcores to accept New Guns I think he has to give people something visual.

    Aside from that, how cool would it be to watch high resolution pro-shot live performances of songs from the new album?? It would also give the fans something to tide us over until the next record....

    Another great 'they should conventionally do this'...please stop all these stupid threads, have you not learned that you should set your expectations very low with Axl?

    The chances are fucking zero

    Well in that case then, Axl is undermining his own success.

    He's been doing that for 10 years, so why change now? If he had gotten his shit together in the late 90's, we'd be looking at a reformed Guns now over 10 years in existance, longer than the original lineup. But leave it to Axl to blame the lawyers (and Slash) for the entire mess he got himself into. No accountability whatsoever, according to his posts on this forum. I lost a lot of respect for him after reading his 'woe is me' statements and never once saying that he was to blame in part for the breakup.

    It's 2010 and Axl's basically starting all over, at the age of 48, with brand new guys - that's why it's no surprise that demand isn't real high. To boot, the 'epic' Chinese Democracy went off like a dud firecracker. He's basically left with a fanbase consisting of the hardcores and mildly curious.

  3. I think this would be a great idea. Seeing as there were no music videos for any of the Chinese Democracy tracks, I think this would be a great way of getting people to embrace New Guns. It might help people see them as there own band and stop the incessant "that's not really GNR" comments.

    Old Guns have two official live DVDs and if Axl wants people outside of the hardcores to accept New Guns I think he has to give people something visual.

    Aside from that, how cool would it be to watch high resolution pro-shot live performances of songs from the new album?? It would also give the fans something to tide us over until the next record....

    Another great 'they should conventionally do this'...please stop all these stupid threads, have you not learned that you should set your expectations very low with Axl?

    The chances are fucking zero

  4. dont really care, but if you compare hes hair from 93-94 to 2010....how did it get actually thicker? whatever, it looks cool anyway....I need to get something like that done in next 5 years, and I will do it.

    It can get thicker with a transplant procedure where they cut out a piece of skin from the back of your head where you will never lose it and they place it in the front, which is exactly what he had. At first, a bad one which was very harsh on his scalp, then another one to correct it. His hair looks the best it has since '93. The stache isn't working for him though, very tough to pull off the half-Hetfield.

  5. Again with the fake hair, reciding hair line, hair extentions etc etc. Dude, who honestly cares? from the looks of the pic and from eariler pics of Axl when he was younger, he just seems to have a high forehead. Thats pretty common among irish and scottish people. Ive got a high forehead myself. Look in the making of the Estranged video when Axl is in the pool talking to someone on the edge of the pool. His hair is soaked back and you can clearly see that he has a high forehead. On a side note. Those are some bad ass jeans, lol.

    We care because of all the stories that were floated about his botched "Fleming/Mayer flap", and the ensuing RE diculous cornrows he came out with in '02. From the '98 mugshot to '02 - his hair grew a little to quickly.

    That hairline now is the result of a pretty good procedure, though you can still tell it isn't 100% organic which again is fine, but he HAS had work done. Look at the perfect line the front of his hairline forms as it goes from one side of his forehead to the other. The front of a hairline is much more natural than that.

    Axl hair looks real, and very natural. Not a wig, not extensions.

    Now it does, but when he had the wig and extensions, it looked terrible, very synthetic.

  6. The band enjoy having Bubbles up on stage and I'm guessing, since I haven't been to the shows, the crowd get a kick out of him. I don't see what's wrong with that.

    Cause he's a fucking tool, that's what's wrong with it.

  7. All I can say is we US fans can hope that possibly since the GNR tour seems to be going well, that Axl decides to grant the US a tour. Awhile back, one of the rock stations in Dallas mentioned the GNR tour when it was starting in Asia and they all agreed it was Axl's call on whether or not to show and actually do the tour.

    I'm puzzled as to why Axl doesn't do a full US tour? I can only assume it's because GNR won't sell out large venues and maybe that's what Axl wants. I don't think it's fair since Dallas has many venues all different sizes as I'm sure many US cities do. Maybe Axl would consider doing a summer festival type tour, so GNR won't be the only headliner and they won't have to do a whole hour or more a night?

    There are plenty of tours coming to Dallas this year and it's only February. If Axl and GNR decide to actually tour the US and they do a show in Dallas, I will definitely get tickets, but I'm not going to dwell on whether it's a go or not. Luckily for me, many of my favorite bands are touring this year and making new music, so I'm good.

    There's just not alot of demand, as you've mentioned. Arenas are too big, clubs are too small...its that 5-6k area which hits the mark yet no venues are that size. they're either 12k or 2k

    How is demand estimated? Is it soley based on album sales? This and some other criteria? :question: I should think the huge success in Asia and Canada would drive up interest and "demand" in the US, if there was any question in the first place, -- and in turn the US would be BEGGING for them to come (however, I may be biased) - - but how do they go about measuring this?

    ...all I know is, I cannot wait - but I must - but I don't wanna do it.....

    Edited grammar error and for clarity

    Umm, how about the tour in '06 had piss poor attendance? And nothing else has changed except a hush hush release of an average album that hasn't been promoted? There's no demand for GNR in the US or the world, which is why they don't have good attendance anywhere.

  8. All I can say is we US fans can hope that possibly since the GNR tour seems to be going well, that Axl decides to grant the US a tour. Awhile back, one of the rock stations in Dallas mentioned the GNR tour when it was starting in Asia and they all agreed it was Axl's call on whether or not to show and actually do the tour.

    I'm puzzled as to why Axl doesn't do a full US tour? I can only assume it's because GNR won't sell out large venues and maybe that's what Axl wants. I don't think it's fair since Dallas has many venues all different sizes as I'm sure many US cities do. Maybe Axl would consider doing a summer festival type tour, so GNR won't be the only headliner and they won't have to do a whole hour or more a night?

    There are plenty of tours coming to Dallas this year and it's only February. If Axl and GNR decide to actually tour the US and they do a show in Dallas, I will definitely get tickets, but I'm not going to dwell on whether it's a go or not. Luckily for me, many of my favorite bands are touring this year and making new music, so I'm good.

    There's just not alot of demand, as you've mentioned. Arenas are too big, clubs are too small...its that 5-6k area which hits the mark yet no venues are that size. they're either 12k or 2k

  9. Axl likes the big stage show.

    Even when they"re half full? I gotta say its probably pretty humbling to look out and remember what it was like during UYI, with people packed up to the rafters and now to see half the seats and floor empty. I wonder if he realizes that he fucked up? Maybe he doesn't care and feels 'free' now. He's starting over and part of that requires re-peaking the interest of people who've long forgotten about him and smaller venues are a way to do that. But what a surprise, his stupid fucking ego gets in the way.

  10. Any rumors or facts at all regarding US dates? Vegas? NYC? LA? Chicago? Anywhere would be great please. I can't handle reading about these kick ass shows with no US dates on horizon. WTF

    Ya I couldn't handle reading about the awesome shows either, so I flew my ASS to Canada & saw 2 of them! That was just a teaser for me. Can't fucking wait for US Tour Now.

    I guess this summer would make sense after maybe month or so off after South America. Heard something bout them doing Europe next tho, so maybe Late Summer/ Fall?

    This is so gay, why is everything so difficult with this band? I mean wtf your Axl Rose get shit done and stop blaming management!!! All of '10 should have been announced by now.

    Wrong. Not all bands book a year ahead. GNR just announced April so chill

    Well I use Metallica as my benchmark because they do everything right and they had their '09 dates announced a year in advance, tickets on sale about 6 mos prior to the show. Say what you will about them, they have their shit together. None of this 5-6 city tour schedules.

  11. Want an announcement for Boston Garden, Worcester Centrum, or House Of Blues Boston so fuckin bad

    Hey that's the DCU Center to you, and I saw them there in '06 it was a great show, but not even close to sold out, maybe 7-8k there?

  12. Any rumors or facts at all regarding US dates? Vegas? NYC? LA? Chicago? Anywhere would be great please. I can't handle reading about these kick ass shows with no US dates on horizon. WTF

    Ya I couldn't handle reading about the awesome shows either, so I flew my ASS to Canada & saw 2 of them! That was just a teaser for me. Can't fucking wait for US Tour Now.

    I guess this summer would make sense after maybe month or so off after South America. Heard something bout them doing Europe next tho, so maybe Late Summer/ Fall?

    This is so gay, why is everything so difficult with this band? I mean wtf your Axl Rose get shit done and stop blaming management!!! All of '10 should have been announced by now.

  13. didnt see a thread for it....

    Baz hit the stage at 8:39

    Axl Twitter: 8:51am Mission Quebec City: Slept a couple hrs. Stuck in Montreal traffic. Everyone's asleep. Bubbles is on board. Show in Ottawa felt good, felt really animated, dug Scraped n' TIL. Bringin' little things learned along the way into the overall or the "whole"! Montreal was a monster gig, felt we tore the roof off!! Had guests from all over Canada, LA, San Diego, NY, Las Vegas, Florida, London, Turkey, The Philippines etc. Toronto had fans from around the globe as well! Bein' on the tail end of a 2 on 1 off n' where rt after w/the size of r show was tough on not just us but the crew w/load in' n' out etc. not taken into consideration by others n' all the bts nonsense across the board 4 months w/all sides. Still w/everyone feelin' like bein' on the wrong end of a beatdown the show went good. (Coulda been a lot worse). The people everywhere have been so great 2 all of us! A heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped pull through all of that n' make 'em memorable! Parties were off da chain!! N' again peeps were so great!! Gots ta rage a bit where n' when ya can!!

    I had a really difficult time trying to interpret the second half of that.

  14. George Glass, you're such a sad person, honestly, you probably live a horrible, depressed life.

    :xmassrudolph: :xmassrudolph: :xmassrudolph: :xmassrudolph: :xmassrudolph: :xmassrudolph: :xmassrudolph:

    Wake up from the fog that is this forum - you are in the minority to be getting fired up about Richard Fortus and Tommy Stinson. A whole 8,000 people packed Ottawa TO SEE AXL play the hits because he never tours. It would be 16,000 if Slash were on lead. Face the facts. Just because I'm not always pro GNR doesn't mean I'm posting bullshit.

    You do come off as overly negative though

    It doesn't matter if Fortus or Stinson aren't "household names." It's either a good solo or it isn't. If they tear shit up then they should be commended. I think it's asinine to dismiss someone's work at a concert just because they aren't famous. I'm sure that most people would prefer a Richard Fortus guitar solo over the Matt Sorum drum solos of the UYI days

    Good solo or not, they are a waste of time and break up the flow of a really good show, but I understand their purpose - just not 4 of them each lasting 5 or 10 minutes.

    Truthfully I'd prefer no solos whatsoever, but Axl needs his oxygen or whatever the fuck it is he does underneath the stage. It's a real drag on the show, it's almost like an intermission at a play. But at 47, playing 2.5+ hour sets, I can deal with it. Now if only they'd announce some US tour dates.

  15. George Glass, you're such a sad person, honestly, you probably live a horrible, depressed life.

    :xmassrudolph: :xmassrudolph: :xmassrudolph: :xmassrudolph: :xmassrudolph: :xmassrudolph: :xmassrudolph:

    Wake up from the fog that is this forum - you are in the minority to be getting fired up about Richard Fortus and Tommy Stinson. A whole 8,000 people packed Ottawa TO SEE AXL play the hits because he never tours. It would be 16,000 if Slash were on lead. Face the facts. Just because I'm not always pro GNR doesn't mean I'm posting bullshit.

  16. it's rock and roll, what else do you expect?

    what do you think led zep used to do back in the day?

    Yeah but unlike Zeppelin, GNR have a bunch of nobody's playing the instruments so nobody cares about them and their stupid solos.

    Nobodies? Please.

    Just because they aren't popular doesn't mean they aren't skilled. DJ's "Ballad of Death" is awesome and I'm glad it's played live. Richard's solo is excellent, too.

    Wanting to hear someone display their skill on their instrument should not be a product of their popularity level, but instead a product of their skill level. These are all very, very skilled players.


    I never said they weren't skilled, but they are nobody's, and everyone going to the shows is only there to see Axl.


    This song really sticks out on me. I love the Montreal gig but was stunned in how good this band is live especially the chemistry and Chinese material. Anyways just wanted to post this song "Sorry" to make my point even though its from Toronto. I am sure there are other songs out there that you may relate to more...but for me personally and emotionally how this song "Sorry" is communicated live goes beyond words. It beats hands down what GNR has done in the past. This band GNR are getting better and better all the time. Roll on Ottowa and the rest of the tour.

    Any GOOD quality bootlegs of this show? Is Tokyo the only one we have so far?

  17. It'd be nice if a new song (NON CD) was played

    Metallica do this (I don't intend to compare, but just as an example) - They're on their 125th show of the DM tour, and while there have been constants in the setlist, they've managed to play lots of old songs you just don't hear anymore - Dyer's Eve, Shortest Straw, Justice, Until it Sleeps, Trapped Under Ice, Through the Never, the list goes on and on. I don't think its possible to get a completely unpredictable setlist every night, but it would be nice to start mixing in some of the older, lesser known stuff for the diehards. I would love to hear them start inserting Locomotive, Dead Horse, The Garden, Garden of Eden, You're Crazy, Don't Damn Me into shows here and there. This last part is wishful thinking, but why not put the soundboard boots up on a site for purchase???? We all know how overproduced the studio version of CD is, and I don't know about you, but after downloading the Tokyo show, I CANNOT listen to the studio release of Chinese Democracy anymore.

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