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Posts posted by GeorgeGlass

  1. Haha. How is this Axl getting owned on TMZ?

    I don't find the least thing disturbing about Axl's sweat. :tongue2:

    Then re-focus on the eyeliner he's wearing - THAT is disturbing, for a 48 year old man to be doing that. Though I love those lime green shoes...seriously.

  2. Guns always had diiferent members, the original GN'R was Axl, Izzy, Ole Beirch, Tracci Gunns, and Rod Garder. This band always had line-up changes from day one. Axl, Slash, Izzy, Duff, Steven is the most recoginizable one. After Steven was fired, I don't think people were saying this isn't Guns N' Roses, then Izzy leaves and it's still the same, no bitching over the name. Now it's Axl, Slash, Duff, Gilby Clarke, Matt Sorum and Dizzy Reed. People still didn't care about the name. After '94 everything changes. Axl gets new recruits after his old members leave to keep the band giong, returns at Rock In Rio 2001 and people start bitching about the name. You know why, because of Axl. 'Axl this...", "Axl that....', "I hate Axl" is the reason why they don't think the band is GN'R. They think they group has "hired guns" where the whole history had "hired guns' ( Slash, Duff, Steven, Dizzy, Gilby, and Matt) If Slash had the name, people would care, but not as much as when Axl has the name. Put people have to realize this IS Guns N' Roses.

    Dave Mustaine is the only long term member of Megadeth and i don't here people bitching about the name. KISS have two members wearing make-up of two old members, I don't think many KISS fans are bitching like, "this isn't KISS, thier hired members, their disgracing the legacy." Dave Coverdale is the only long term member of Whitesnake, I doubt people care about the name. But Axl Rose, "he should keep the name," "it's an Axl Rose Solo Project", "hired guns suck." Maybe if they put their personal stuff aside and accually listen to the music, they will realize this is Guns N Roses. Maybe not the one you remember, but if you stop living in the past and put personal hatred aside, you'll realize this is Guns N' Roses.

    How's this: GNR is Axl and Slash, without one of the two, it isn't GNR. And nobody says anything about Mustaine because nobody gives a shit about Megadeth. Besides, the band he was a part of went on to be, well, the biggest act in rock/metal.

    So Duff when Slash left GNR was a member of the Axl Rose Project???

    Your splitting hairs now, that period of time was a complete mess, they were all on their way out it was a matter of time. Duff never soldiered on and began making newer music with Axl and whoever else was in the 'band' at that time. Then my statement would still hold water - nobody's really interested in Axl unless he's with Slash.

  3. Guns always had diiferent members, the original GN'R was Axl, Izzy, Ole Beirch, Tracci Gunns, and Rod Garder. This band always had line-up changes from day one. Axl, Slash, Izzy, Duff, Steven is the most recoginizable one. After Steven was fired, I don't think people were saying this isn't Guns N' Roses, then Izzy leaves and it's still the same, no bitching over the name. Now it's Axl, Slash, Duff, Gilby Clarke, Matt Sorum and Dizzy Reed. People still didn't care about the name. After '94 everything changes. Axl gets new recruits after his old members leave to keep the band giong, returns at Rock In Rio 2001 and people start bitching about the name. You know why, because of Axl. 'Axl this...", "Axl that....', "I hate Axl" is the reason why they don't think the band is GN'R. They think they group has "hired guns" where the whole history had "hired guns' ( Slash, Duff, Steven, Dizzy, Gilby, and Matt) If Slash had the name, people would care, but not as much as when Axl has the name. Put people have to realize this IS Guns N' Roses.

    Dave Mustaine is the only long term member of Megadeth and i don't here people bitching about the name. KISS have two members wearing make-up of two old members, I don't think many KISS fans are bitching like, "this isn't KISS, thier hired members, their disgracing the legacy." Dave Coverdale is the only long term member of Whitesnake, I doubt people care about the name. But Axl Rose, "he should keep the name," "it's an Axl Rose Solo Project", "hired guns suck." Maybe if they put their personal stuff aside and accually listen to the music, they will realize this is Guns N Roses. Maybe not the one you remember, but if you stop living in the past and put personal hatred aside, you'll realize this is Guns N' Roses.

    How's this: GNR is Axl and Slash, without one of the two, it isn't GNR. And nobody says anything about Mustaine because nobody gives a shit about Megadeth. Besides, the band he was a part of went on to be, well, the biggest act in rock/metal.

  4. I've always felt like GNR has been an Axl Rose solo project since the late 90s. Musicians have come and gone. Music that was written by one member is re-recorded by a new one. Really it's just Axl Rose with a very talented backing band. I'm not trying to insult the guys in any way. Every member that has been a part of the band since '99 has been a very talented and capable musician. And they put on one hell of a show.

    But Guns N' Roses was more than just one man. And I know that the majority on this forum disagree with my opinion and that's fine. This band is now called Guns N' Roses, but Guns N' Roses is really Axl, Slash, Izzy, Duff, Steve/Matt. What do you think people would have said back in the seventies if Paul McCartney started touring and releasing music as The Beatles?

    I don't even know why I posted this. People believe what they want to believe and this argument has been beaten to death since '01.


    See, there we go with the, well, one replacement (Matt) is ok, because he was sanctioned by Slash but no others are not. And I notice that you neglect to say Dizzy is a part of GN'R, even though he joined at the same time and played on the same amount of records with Slash that Matt did. But I'll assume that's because Dizzy wasn't liked by Slash and has stood by Axl.

    So when Guns N' Roses consisted of Axl, Slash, Gilby, Duff, Matt, Dizzy, then it wasn't Guns N' Roses? So it wasn't GN'R for most of the Illusion tour?

    Or how about when Guns N' Roses consisted of Axl, Slash, Paul Tobias, Duff, Matt, and Dizzy?

    When we realistically look at the core of the band, there is no doubt the frontman and lead guitarist are the most identifiable of the bunch - Plant and Page, Tyler and Perry, Bono and the Edge (even though I hate U2), etc, etc. The list goes on and on. That said, if Axl and Slash had recruited a new rhythm guitarist, new bassist and drummer in ~'96, this band would deserve and get way more credibility. Not to mention that 'Guns' was dormant for the better part of 7 years. That's why nobody thinks of UYI GNR as not GNR, the core and most identifiable duo remained in tact. For as much as we love Izzy, his loss wasn't really felt on that tour (although he is a GREAT song writer) as evidenced by the ridiculous amounts of people that packed arenas and stadiums. If Slash had quit in '91? I don't think we would have had that monster tour from 91-93 and GNR would've faded much faster. Post '93, you lose 80% of a band and is it really the 'band' anymore? At what point do you scrap the plans and go back to the drawing board? Axl hung on to the name for one reason - it was the only way he could retain any sort of identity at all, despite the lies he tells us on this board.

  5. So...are the Chicago Bulls not the Chicago Bulls anymore because they don't have Jordan or Rodman? Exactly.

    You might not like the lineup and that's fine, but saying "it's not Guns N' Roses" when the album cover clearly says "GUNS N' ROSES - Chinese Democracy" is just outright ridiculous.

    When I say it's not Guns N Roses, I mean that in a conceptual sense. Its not meant that literally it isn't GNR. Of course its GNR, that's the name they technically carry, but save for Axl, who are any of the other people? Just like the Bulls, who were a force in the 90's, then people retired and/or left for other teams, and the Bulls weren't really the "Bulls" anymore. In name yes, but all that magic was gone and it was never the same after that (and still isn't). Sometimes when you set the bar that high there's nowhere to go but down. Axl had the ability to change the name and literally go in another direction, but he didn't. What's in a name? What can be interpreted from a name? A LOT!

    If he chose another name, I would be much, much more supportive of the entire band, but when I see that circus on stage and what's (not) happened since '94, it's a disgrace to the GNR legacy. A new name would've signaled a fresh start, but instead it appeared to everyone that he was trying to resurrect something so special with a bunch of hired musicians.

  6. Look its not the real guns n roses of course not, most people that are into the nu gnr are huge axl fans me included, but after recent events they are tons more credible and dj ashba is a huge fact on that along with axl regaining his voice so people will start viewing these guys in a positive light. My only wish is that axl and slash would just bury the hatchet once and for all, not a reunion just say fuck we made history so we can at least be civil to each other, its pointless all this bitching between them they are both genises so kiss and make up LIFE IS TO FUCKIN SHORT AXL AND SLASH

    Careful or you'll get a tongue lashing from Axl via this forum. How dare you say something that might make sense or has come from a credible source, only to have it possibly addressed in a random forum post laced with insults and f bombs rather than in a civilized way.

    I happen to agree with you, let bygone's be bygone's, but what the hell do I know. Axl will probably claim that he tried to make amends but that Slash wanted nothing to do with it, again playing the victim in that duranged head of his. According to him, he's done nothing wrong since '87 - what the fuck planet is he on?

  7. I can't tell you how many people I've tried to turn on to CD that haven't given me the argument "that's not Guns N' Roses" and refused to even give it a chance. I'm betting that's the majority view. But it really doesn't hold water, here's why.

    A band is analogous to a relationship in my estimation. The bonds run very deep. There has to be a pretty intense level of empathy, good communication and trust. So when a member has an issue with the direction the band is headed in, obviously they have the right to assess whether they want to continue. Ultimately, Axl did not fire Izzy, Slash, and Duff. They walked away, totally for their own reasons. So in my opinion, Axl is not Guns N; Roses. But clearly, he runs the franchise. Does it really matter who wrote what and who played what on the CD? No. Every guitar track is properly credited. It captures a moment. Simple as that. Songwriters and performers get royalties for their work. The touring band was hired to interpret the material for a live audience, When you are talking about material with as complex in it's arrangements as CD, it is more about compositions than songs per se. Axl is more of a conductor than a frontman in the traditional sense. If you go to see a symphony, doe you bitch that Beethoven didn't make the gig? Fuck no, you just go with it. peace.

    Not really convincing.

    When I listen to Axl's band covering GNR's classic songs or even the CD songs, the analogy that pops in my head is that a fake Picasso can look very similar to the original. But it's still a fake Picasso...

    If you take a look at the material in CD, it is clearly all Axl, not the effort of a band. It's his big fuck you album to everybody from Scraped, to Sorry, to Shackler's Revenge. That's fine, a lot of people do albums like that, so long as we realize where it's all coming from. These guys are just playing Axl's vision at each of these gigs. Axl is the only relevant member of GNR right now. Also, have you ever thought that so many people say it isn't GNR because they're on to something? That losing Slash was a devastating blow to the GNR name for which it hasn't recovered 15 years after?

    Yes Axl does sound incredibly good these days, but this isn't really GNR, it's the vision of a bitter, angry, neurotic, immature person who claims he had nothing to do with the break up of a once great band. Hopefully he puts it behind him soon but for now this is the Chinese Democracy vengance tour and has been for 7 years.

    1000th post!!!

  8. I'm hearing rumors of this being on Sunday. I'm in NYC, wish I could go there with my girlfriend, what a great valentines day that would be. it'll probably be locked down though. should be an amazing show.

    wheres that buzz coming from?

    I asked a friend of mine that used to intern for a record label to investigate for me, obviously nothing official, just something that somebody overheard so take it for what it is. it would be pretty amazing though.

    I wouldn't doubt Sunday, obviously it's in the next few days.

    Nice avatar btw, great album

    rock3 awesome album, rip layne.

  9. Axl, you never came to Romania! Please think about it! I know we are a small country and maby not that interesting for you, but I'm sure you'll love it here! I realy love and respect you're work and I can't wait for a chance to see you. At least somewhere in Europe. Love you!!! Too much maby

    Yes, Axl, Romanians are known to have the softest, wettest, puffiest, plumpest, most inviting vaginas in the world....CENTURIES of inbreeding.

    Why would anyone go to that shithole?

  10. Am I the only one who gives Madison some credit on "T-Shirt-Gate/"

    seriously, she talked to THE HEAD OF SECURITY!!!!!! THE HEAD OF SECURITY!!!

    what better source then that?

    Hmm maybe Axl?

    Yes, Axl admitting to something he did that was wrong, I'm positive that would have happened.

    Or not.

    Yeah, the same exact way he took part of the blame for the breakup of original Guns...or not.

  11. If Axl wanted to stop this "rumor" all he had to do was release a press statement or do an interview like a normal celebrity. Not come onto a fan forum and berate one of his own fans. I'm sorry and I realize that a majority of the people here disagree with me, but his actions today were unwarranted, offensive, and inexcusable.

    I couldn't agree more, even moderate levels of convention here and there would probably mitigage a lot of the 'non-positive' posts here. Instead, people are left to draw their own conclusions and that's never a good thing. I personally cannot accept his posts regarding the break up as 'what actually went down' since he shouldered absolutely ZERO blame for the whole thing. A bit of humble pie rather than playing the victim would've gone a long way with the hardcore fanbase here, but then again, the hardcore fans will always be fans no matter what.

    In the past I'd speculate and say that Axl doesn't care about any of this but obviously he does as indicated by his 39 posts here. For what it's worth, I'd love to see this band take off again, but the events surrounding them are always so spotty that it's difficult to have any faith.

  12. Some people can't handle the RealTalk.

    Axl could rape a 10-year old, and half the posts in a thread about it would be "damn Axl, fucking Rock and Roll man!".

    Idiots, all of you.

    There's a difference between being a constant victim of lies and bad press from über-biased people with ONE agenda >>> PLEASE LET AXL FAIL!!

    ...and the tasteless example you brought up.

    Some people are giving him the benefit of a doubt when someting comes up, and as usual (like the shirt thing lately) it's all bullshit.

    Who are these people you talk about? Why is Axl being systematically targeted for failure by the media and the internet?

    It's because of all the years of abuse he directed towards them during the UYI tour rants.

  13. Some people can't handle the RealTalk.

    Axl could rape a 10-year old, and half the posts in a thread about it would be "damn Axl, fucking Rock and Roll man!".

    Idiots, all of you.

    I agree, I mean I love to see the guy perform but it's like he can do no wrong and giving an opposing or less than flattering view of anything makes you an asshole.

  14. you guys are so prostitutess.. always about the money


    No, that'd be the NFL.

    And Metallica.


    Yeah right, Metallica do so many commercials and promote so many things. If selling out every venue they play is prostitution, then yes they are whores. A band far superior to Axl & Friends and nobody wants to recognize it because any slight is considered negative, no matter how truthful.

    LONG LIVE PAPA HET AND 'TALLICA!!! The kings of metal and the most influential act of the last 25 years.

  15. The U.S. are greedy fucks and they are so negative why would Axl go there when theres so much love everywhere else...doesnt make sense to me...the crowd throws shit at em they are dicks i hope he doesnt do a tour in the U.S...I saw em in toronto last month and the band kicked serious ass..Axl sounded better then ive ever heard him...and you American pricks would probobly still talk shit about his voice...hes older now he doesnt want to deal with your bullshit...i met him backstage in Toronto and he was talking about that... he said Canada is amazing...I hope he comes back here instead of America...


    Americans are so fuckin' negative towards Axl.

    All I can say is we US fans can hope that possibly since the GNR tour seems to be going well, that Axl decides to grant the US a tour. Awhile back, one of the rock stations in Dallas mentioned the GNR tour when it was starting in Asia and they all agreed it was Axl's call on whether or not to show and actually do the tour.

    I'm puzzled as to why Axl doesn't do a full US tour? I can only assume it's because GNR won't sell out large venues and maybe that's what Axl wants. I don't think it's fair since Dallas has many venues all different sizes as I'm sure many US cities do. Maybe Axl would consider doing a summer festival type tour, so GNR won't be the only headliner and they won't have to do a whole hour or more a night?

    There are plenty of tours coming to Dallas this year and it's only February. If Axl and GNR decide to actually tour the US and they do a show in Dallas, I will definitely get tickets, but I'm not going to dwell on whether it's a go or not. Luckily for me, many of my favorite bands are touring this year and making new music, so I'm good.

    There's just not alot of demand, as you've mentioned. Arenas are too big, clubs are too small...its that 5-6k area which hits the mark yet no venues are that size. they're either 12k or 2k

    How is demand estimated? Is it soley based on album sales? This and some other criteria? :question: I should think the huge success in Asia and Canada would drive up interest and "demand" in the US, if there was any question in the first place, -- and in turn the US would be BEGGING for them to come (however, I may be biased) - - but how do they go about measuring this?

    ...all I know is, I cannot wait - but I must - but I don't wanna do it.....

    Edited grammar error and for clarity

    Umm, how about the tour in '06 had piss poor attendance? And nothing else has changed except a hush hush release of an average album that hasn't been promoted? There's no demand for GNR in the US or the world, which is why they don't have good attendance anywhere.

    Yeah, check out the +90% attendance numbers for the Asian, Canadian and the sales for the upcoming South American tour (they are fucking selling out stadiums).

    cupcake. :fuckyou:

    If you think GNR's attendance numbers are good, you're setting the bar really low for this band (in fairness, probably not a bad idea. Axl without Slash = very modest ticket sales). A few of those venues were barely half full, and those are arenas, so why you are talking about stadiums being sold out is beyond me.

    Part of the newer, humbler Axl has to be the fact that he should accept that arenas are stretching it until he can restore his reputation. A few great reviews and ass kissing on this forum won't convince the general public to drop $100 to see 'Axl'.

  16. The fact that people are discussing this is embarrassing. Who gives a shit how he looks?Unless you are a girl trying to get with him.This thread seems to be mostly dudes though. I pay to hear him sing.Whenever Axl's looks come up, I think this:


    The '10 look, no question. I like the fact that he lost the synthetic fiber optic cables that were glued to his head.

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