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Posts posted by GeorgeGlass


    "was" :P

    As awesome a songwriter as he is, the performance really needs Axl and Slash. They take his songs and make them great.

    Those guys as GNR really are a collaborative effort in the truest sense of the word. Its like they each have their own strength, and when its combined, its pretty much unbeatable.

  1. when Izzy got replaced was it still guns n roses?

    when Adler got replaced was it still guns n roses?

    The difference is that when Izzy left, he had already done his part in creating and laying down the wonderful songs on Appetite and UYI. When Gilby was hired as a fill-in rhythm guitarist, he was more than capable of playing the stuff Izzy because all he had to do was play it live - he never had to write anything. However, if they went into the studio post 93 to record new stuff with Gilby, I guarantee the music would have been a notch lower because of Izzy's extraordinary talent. Then take away Slash and it would have gone a notch lower than that. When Steven left, it wasn't a huge deal because he really never wrote any of the music or lyrics, so Matt Sorum did an adequate job of drumming on the UYI tour. You can get away with a mediocre drummer and rhythm guitarist if all they have to do is play live, but if they have to actually write songs, you either have talent or you don't. Izzy and Slash have it, but now Axl's all alone and the guys helping him can't hold a candle to what those dudes did back in the day.

    Like it or not, AFD and UYI were a very collaborative effort. Axl is clearly not as good by himself as he was with Izzy and Slash helping with the tracks. I'm not saying that the new stuff is bad, because it isn't, but I can just only imagine how much better it would be with their influences. That is a BIG difference.

  2. And it doesn't matter what you think - Guns N' Roses is: Axl, Robin, Ron, Richard, Tommy, Chris and Frank. :fuckyou:

    Sad, isn't it?

    only thing thats sad is that your either stuck in the past or so fare upp slashs ass to admit that this is Guns N' Roses.

    I find you pathetick

    Ok, listen my diminutive Scandanavian friend - I am not stuck in the past, but realize a good thing when I see it and believe me, this new band ain't it. The old band truly was a talent. Second, I would never admit that this IS GNR I am not sure why you stated that in your aforementioned post. There will only be one true GNR, and it lived for 8 explosive, hard core, fucked up, incredible years:


    And what kind of idiot has a signature like yours...GNR is blah blah blah if you don't like it then go fuck yourself? I guess I keep forgetting the Internet is littered with misguided and ignorant teenagers who do nothing but surf the web and watch TV. Perhaps a better signature would be..."MY GNR is..." and leave it at that.

    Agreed, I do like this band but it is not nor can it never be Guns N Roses, that has nothing to do with quality necessarily but everything to do with membership, a band (as i have often said) is plural, it represents the intentions of more than one, the band was Axl, Duff, Izzy and Slash, it will always be that line up.

    I wouldn't worry about arguing with the likes of "Chris Axl" or "King Dick" etc, they don't strike me as GNR fans, but Axl fans (theres nothing wrong with it), therefore they may exagerate his contribution to GNR, also by maintaining that this situation is GNR, they can been seen to like a trendy and cool band with a real mean back story, as opposed to the reality which is liking a band of talented middle aged session musicians (nothing wrong with it but it doesnt have the same "image" resonance for teenagers".

    I don't see how a "real" GnR fan could accept this band as Guns N Roses, a real lover of those 4 original musicians surely would not be able to deny their collective contributions for one sole member, how could fan say that Axl alone was GnR because of legalities? When the members cease to be members the band ceases to be a band, would Queen be Queen with just Freddie and no Brian, Roger and John? Ask queen fan see what they tell you!

    By saying me and "King Dick" is NOt Guns N' Roses fans makes you sound really, reterded.

    WE actually support and love this band called Guns N' Roses, unlike what you do obviously, as its not even Guns N' Roses to youwich I find very sad....)

    I cant see why real Guns N' Roses fans can bitch and whine so fucking much as people here do, its really sad.

    If you dont like Guns N' Roses, go to another place.

    This summer I was at 2 concerts, and both of them was Guns N' Roses playing..... and Guns N' Roses sounded better than before, much better.

    Have you ever seen 91-93 GNR play live?




    Where is your documentation making this official? Right you don't have any, so please go back to the Axl picture thread and post something provocative.

    And thanks Mr Estranged - I am just of the school that people who think this new band is GNR are wrong. It is in legal name only. That GNR band only existed once, and hopefully will again, in its proper and true form. I happen to dislike the new band more than most, but that's sort of an afterthought.

    Everyone must think back to why we're all into Guns in the first place - its because of what Axl, Izzy, Slash, Matt/Steven and Duff did to get us into them.

  4. its Axl and Slash who won't make up and play nice.

    oh well...guess we have to remember the good times and move on huh?

    I guess you're right in a way, but I will still always hold out hope that a reunion tour is coming down the line somewhere. For now I get my GNR fill by seeing Axl one day, and Slash the next. And my old bootlegs - its the best I can do...for now.

  5. and based on the songs that were leaked and have been played, you can't tell me it was worth 12 years and $15m.

    Even if the new guys would put out Appetite you'd still hate it. Thats just uncool bro uncool :no:

    That is correct, it would be down right blasphemous...talk about trying to re-create something that can never be re-created...then you throw in fink in a dress walking around on his toes on top of that, thal with a hooded sweatshirt and some other guy in a plaid suit trying to do it! I'm laughing and sad at the same time.

    Yes, I hate everything about new 'GNR' except Axl. It is a pity what he's turned that name into.

    You know- you'd think 5+ years would be enough time for people to take the thought of a reunion out of their heads but ironically you believe that a reunion would save Axl's career.

    Is there ONE person that believes a reunion wouldn't save Axl's career? Are there really people out there that think he's on a legitimate comeback with Ringling Brothers? Yes he's reappeared but come on, its hardly a true comeback - its a middle aged former rock star trying to rekindle and recapture something he could only ever have with 4 other specific individuals.

    People are laughing at him right now, wondering where Slash is.

    Slash is busy being a middle aged former rock star trying to rekindle and recapture something he could only ever have with 4 other specific individuals.

    I agree with you completely - he's in the same boat. You can go see VR with Slash and get 1/2, then go see GNR with Axl to get the other 1/2 - but they never add up to 1, get it? The only way to get that is to see them on the same stage again, together.

    They both need to come to their senses and realize that they've alienated so many of the fans they worked so hard to gain. It seems Izzy, Duff and Matt/Steven would have no problem getting back together, its Axl and Slash who won't make up and play nice.

  6. And it doesn't matter what you think - Guns N' Roses is: Axl, Robin, Ron, Richard, Tommy, Chris and Frank. :fuckyou:

    Sad, isn't it?

    only thing thats sad is that your either stuck in the past or so fare upp slashs ass to admit that this is Guns N' Roses.

    I find you pathetick

    Ok, listen my diminutive Scandanavian friend - I am not stuck in the past, but realize a good thing when I see it and believe me, this new band ain't it. The old band truly was a talent. Second, I would never admit that this IS GNR I am not sure why you stated that in your aforementioned post. There will only be one true GNR, and it lived for 8 explosive, hard core, fucked up, incredible years:


    And what kind of idiot has a signature like yours...GNR is blah blah blah if you don't like it then go fuck yourself? I guess I keep forgetting the Internet is littered with misguided and ignorant teenagers who do nothing but surf the web and watch TV. Perhaps a better signature would be..."MY GNR is..." and leave it at that.

  7. You know- you'd think 5+ years would be enough time for people to take the thought of a reunion out of their heads but ironically you believe that a reunion would save Axl's career.

    Is there ONE person that believes a reunion wouldn't save Axl's career? Are there really people out there that think he's on a legitimate comeback with Ringling Brothers? Yes he's reappeared but come on, its hardly a true comeback - its a middle aged former rock star trying to rekindle and recapture something he could only ever have with 4 other specific individuals.

    People are laughing at him right now, wondering where Slash is.

  8. Wow so I hate the new band and as a result can't post on a GNR forum? Is this HTGHT or what? You'll get plenty of people sharing my opinions about the laughable backing band Axl has hired. Its now a running joke, and it all started with that dope Buckethead. Talent aside, the guy was a fucking waste with the KFC bucket and funeral sticker. I couldn't believe my eyes in Boston '02 and continued to be in disbelief last week in Worcester with the 'new' new guys - they might actually be worse now than in 2002, save for Axl's vocals.

    Axl is self destructing in front of everyone's eyes, yet there are still posts that say "oh we might still get the album this year". Be realistic - and based on the songs that were leaked and have been played, you can't tell me it was worth 12 years and $15m.

    Do the supporters of the new band actually think they're better than the old? That to me is unbelievable if that's the case.

  9. This band is a fucking joke and a disgrace to GNR fans, so many people are still not realizing that. He SHOULD reunite with old GNR if he wants to save his name and the name of the band. Not to mention the additional money that would be involved. It would make this circus tour seem like...a circus. The new lineup are such a bunch of losers. What is with that one dickhead guitarist slamming a note every so often like he's punching the guitar? He's like the anti-Izzy and its annoying as hell. It seems so unneccesary and so cliche.

    He should re-record CD with the original (real) GNR and add some Slash and Izzy-created tracks to it, tour with AFD and UYI till they finish, then tour again with CD. That would be great and something everyone would want. Fuck the 75% full arena shows, they'd be packing fans to the rafters of stadiums. Its like everyone in the world can envision it but them...

  10. Dude this tour is a total fucking disgrace. Axl is top notch as usual but the rest of the band, holy shit they're a joke...Axl needs to pack it in, put his tail between his legs and make nice with Slash & Co and admit he couldn't do it alone (Slash would gladly do the same). He should then put CD back in the vault and really get to work on some new legit GNR music. Hell even re-record CD with the real band. Even if it took another year, those guys could legitimately tour with AFD and UYI music until they're done and everyone would be happy, even the moderate fans. In the Fall of '07, GUNS N FUCKIN ROSES would truly be back.

    That is the ONLY way to truly bring back Guns N Roses. Anything less is a sad attempt to resurrect a once truly great band.

  11. ill fuckin be there!!!

    drivin all the way from philly.

    Be warned, Axl's good, the band sucks.

    What the fuck? you haven't even seen them live an already you think they suck? Everyone's allowed their opinion but that's prejudice, the band fucking rocks, i've seen them twice, two of the greatest nights in my life, pick who you wanna believe Budweiser.

    I just saw them in Worcester. If you don't believe me, anyone else who was there will tell you Axl pronounced Worcester incorrectly during his first greeting to the crowd. Axl is on point and fit - he will deliver a great show and is worth the price of admission alone - yes I would go again on the 2nd leg to see him perform. But the band, my god - 8 disoriented no namers who look totally out of place. A true disgrace to the GNR name with their stupid stage antics and pointless guitar solos. You can't help but compare them to the old GNR, and its laughable how strange an unfitting these guys are. They bring Axl down, they bring the show down - Axl Rose is too talented for these guys.

    Also saw them in Boston, in '02...

  12. the telegram has never been metal friendly. not that gnr is metal, but you know what i'm getting at. it sounds like me and that reviewer were at 2 totally different shows.

    No the reporter was right on - Axl performed well as usual but his new band isn't what the old band was. This iteration is terrible and does not fit the GNR name. It is a joke to call this Guns N Roses.

  13. Robin should slam his guitar into some people's faces on this board.

    That guy is a loser with his dress and beard and dumb stage moves. He's an embarrasment to that group. A lot of running around and movement, very little good guitar.

  14. Axl must know that all these solos are bringing shows down as everyone almost unanimously mentions it as one of the negatives of the shows. They are momentum killers and make setlists feel disjointed. I wonder why he insists on doing them.

    At first I thought maybe it was a way to introduce members of the band, but in the Boston '02 concert, I only remember the Buckethead solo.

    He does them to catch a breather

    Yes to catch a breather but they go nowhere and are very sloppy. Its like a video you'd find on you tube of some wanna be shredder just smacking the strings on his guitar. They absolutely KILLED the momentum of the show. This band is a disgrace to the GNR name. Its a true freak show.

  15. Why the fuck are there 9 guys in the group? Are two rhythm guitarists necessary? Two keyboardists? Its bloated and excessive and he's self-destructing by going in this direction, then add in the never-to-be-released CD, and he's set for another 10 years of obscurity.

    Two keyboard players,a horn section and backup singers...now THAT was bloated!

    Yeah that was dumb too, I think GNR were on top of the entire world in '91, then did that whole thing in '92 with the horns, but then in '93 the Skin N Bones tour they stripped it down again....but always quality throughout those 3 years.

  16. Axl was great, the band just doesn't fit, they're a bunch of wierdos running around doing unnecessary rock moves around the stage, one guy with a fuckin hood on the whole time, Fink had a dress on, one guy in a plaid suit - it was really sad to see the backing group for Axl.

    Well you say that but this current line up is much much improved visually from the '02 one, ok first of all that 7 foot weirdo with the kfc bucket/mask combination is gone, Axl has stopped wearing those hugh jerseys and has a much improved hairstyle - which I think looks better than if he had his hair normal, and Finck has dropped the homosexual like goth freak look, the '02 line up made me feel very embarrassed, sure Stinson and Finck look very distinct but surely thats what gives them there individuality and character?

    Agreed, but still a far, far cry from 91-93. I didn't think it would affect me AS much, but I couldn't handle the gimmicks the back up band was all about. Me and my brother would just look at each other and shrug as those awful solos took place, they really brought the show down. Yes Axl is in top form and for me he is the only reason to go see "GNR". Its like something was missing from the whole experience...and that comes in the way of not having Slash, Izzy and Duff. Guns N Roses is a collective thing in the truest sense, you cannot have the whole thing without all the real parts. While I realize that may never be a reality, it is something that myself and a lot of fans deal with in order to see Axl, who is undeniably a great frontman and always puts on a great show.

    He is far more talented than his bandmates - I think that is the problem.

    I am almost disgusted that he's called this venture 'Guns n Roses' - its just not the same. But I keep ponying up the money to go see him, regardless of who he's with.

    For what its worth, I thought Patience was the best song of the night - he ABSOLUTELY nailed it.

  17. Axl was great, the band just doesn't fit, they're a bunch of wierdos running around doing unnecessary rock moves around the stage, one guy with a fuckin hood on the whole time, Fink had a dress on, one guy in a plaid suit - it was really sad to see the backing group for Axl. Their solos were sloppy and didn't go anywhere, and were barely adequate filler for Axl to take a break...and there were too many of them. They brought the show to a screetching halt. I can see why Axl bought the GNR name, as a marketing tool only - NOBODY would come to see them if it was the Axl Rose Project, especially seeing the circus surrounding him. Why the fuck are there 9 guys in the group? Are two rhythm guitarists necessary? Two keyboardists? Its bloated and excessive and he's self-destructing by going in this direction, then add in the never-to-be-released CD, and he's set for another 10 years of obscurity.

    And yes the sound system did suck, by the end of the show, you didn't know when the mike would work and when it wouldn't. I would see them again, but only for Axl and HIS performance.

    The AFD songs stole the show, the duet with Bach on My Michelle was fantastic - man that guy has a set of pipes! As I watched the show, I made a conscious effort not to take my eyes off Axl, for fear of the disaster I would see on the rest of the stage.

    Bottom line - Axl will always have that presence on stage and is worth the ticket every time, but if you're expecting anything as good or like the old (real GNR) you will be disappointed.

  18. I don't think all of us are satisfied with a tour without the album..

    I am, because it means more AFD and UYI songs on the tour. I don't like the new GNR and don't care if they come out with new material. I have to settle for seeing Axl and the other guys who tag along with him, which is the closest thing I can get to the real deal old school GNR. This is my opinion, please don't ban me as if this were HTGTH.

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