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Posts posted by nunchuck

  1. Please stop this foolishness before you make Bono's head explode!!!

    Why the heck would you argue that "Time of My Life" is a classic?!?! It's a classic in the same way that Motley Crue's "Change" is a classic; both were written to be played at graduations. It represents, to me, a song that destroys any credibility that the band had.

    Billy Joe is not a good singer. He sounds like he has a cold. Granted, punk singers are not supposed to be good singers, but that is why there will never be a mainstream acceptable classic punk band. It has nothing to do with a bias against punk and everything to do with most punk bands' lack of talent.

    Why the heck would i argue its a classic? i dunno, ask the makers of Seinfield when they used it the at the end of their last show of the series, ask ITV why they used it when England got knocked out of the 98 world cup, just to name a couple of examples here, it is a classic in the sense that it is a simple bittersweet love song that stands the test of time, whats wrong with that? why the hell would it lower any bands credibility when they are in fact showing they can do more than just rock out? How do you define classic? does it have to be monstrous in the sense of U2 or Pink Floyd, or November Rain? or can it also be just a really good song, Basket Case is a really simple 3 chord ditty but it is also brilliant in the same way Teenage Kicks by The Undertones is, and please dont tell me that's not a classic. I personally think it can be either, you dont always HAVE to go for huge epic tunes with clever chord changes or several sections, sometimes just a really good memorable hook works just as well.

  2. i wanna see how long american idiot actually lasts and is remembered..u2's stuff is still good and new people are discovering it all the time...that's like the usher songs that were popular 4 years ago..nobody remembers them..just while they had their spotlight... :krider:

    Whether you love or hate a song like basket case, you remember it, and its ELEVEN years old, so i guess that pisses on your chips, doesnt it?! :P

  3. Comparing them is a joke. U2 by a million miles.

    American Idiot is currently outselling How to dismantle...

    U2 have many years on green day, given all this, maybe its not such a joke after all? i do like U2 but i think they reached their peak about 14 years ago, there are some nice tunes on their new album, like 'Sometimes...' but come on, does it really compare to stuff like 'One'? they've had their day, man. Green day, on the other hand, are only just reaching their peak, American idiot is absolutely huge and has taken the band to another level, perhaps this comparison is not so ridiculous as it would first seem to be.

    One album does not make a band. Green Day is thorugh away pop/punk music. Name me the classics they have? They don't really have any classics to tell you the truth. The have a few nice pop/punk tunes here and there but that's it. On the flip side U2 is litered with them. Seriously comparing these two band is like comparing Good Charlotte to Pearl Jam. American Idiot may be selling better but do you really think that the damand to see Green Day live is anywhere near as huge as the demand to see U2 live. It's not even close. Seriously man. Do you honestly think Green Day is as highly regarded in the music world as U2 is? U2 is legendary and they are without a doubt the biggest band in the world. Can you possible see U2 opening for Green Day? Hell no but it wouldn't be so far fetched for Green Day to open for U2. Hell Oasis and No Doubt have opened for U2. I don't see Green Day embarking on a completey sold out North America(Arena) and European(stadium) tour. And to insinuate that U2 have "had their time" and that Green Day are just coming into their own, implying that Green Day has the potential to surpass U2 and their career achievments is ridiculous. Like I said when it comes down to it comparing these two is a joke. :kiss:

    I think we do agree on some things, Green day will never be looked upon the same way as U2 because of their early years/roots, its the whole 'punk' tag that does it, the world does not want to see a punk band succeed and make it as one of the biggest, and that stems from this country back in the 70's and the sex pistols, in the music world, thats just not credible. Im sure that green day would be the first to scoff at being compared to U2 as i know its a band they really look up to, so comparing them from a world music view, yes it is ridiculous. However, in what context are we comparing them? the question, as i understood it, was down to personal preference and judging from the posts, its about the same, isnt it? and to call green day throwaway is getting a little old, theyve had all them accusatiuons thrown at them 10 years ago and they'd been going for 7 years back then, and im sorry but as much as a classic 'Beautiful Day' may be, 'Basket Case' has stood the test of time just as well, and is 'Time Of Your Life' NOT a classic? and what chance 'Boulevard Of Broken Dreams' doesnt go down as a classic in years to come also? if Green Day are forever to be looked upon as throwaway despite producing singles like these, then its just as easy to accuse U2, for all their depth and fantastic back catalogue, of being boring and riding on past glories. I think its best to just to say they're very different other than state your personal preference.

  4. Comparing them is a joke. U2 by a million miles.

    American Idiot is currently outselling How to dismantle...

    U2 have many years on green day, given all this, maybe its not such a joke after all? i do like U2 but i think they reached their peak about 14 years ago, there are some nice tunes on their new album, like 'Sometimes...' but come on, does it really compare to stuff like 'One'? they've had their day, man. Green day, on the other hand, are only just reaching their peak, American idiot is absolutely huge and has taken the band to another level, perhaps this comparison is not so ridiculous as it would first seem to be.

  5. goin to see em again in June at Milton keynes, cant wait!

    So am i dude, which day you going casue i managed to get tickets for both dates but i can only go to one :(

    Both! should be a blast.

  6. I was pretty impressed with New Found Glory, maybe because everybody I know called them a studio band so I was expecting a poor performance. I'm into NFG so that was a nice starter.

    The messing around before hand was quality. All those NFG posters were quickly turned into aeroplanes and we managed to get one into someones pint from the upper tier downwards. Then we blew up a condom and spent forever trying to tie it. :D The pink bunny was a nice distraction and was a good laugh.

    They hit the stage with American Idiot. The sound quality was excellent. Much better than any gig I have ever been to before. Pyrotechnics were cool and the heat from the flames was mad. The first 5 songs were phenomenal. I think it was American Idiot, Jesus of Surbubia, Holiday, Homecoming and We Are The Waiting.

    I felt the quality of the music dipped slightly (although still brilliant) until some of the earlier songs came along. This got the fans going.

    Great fan interaction from the band. The water pistols, mexican waves, onstage band etc. were really cool to see and proved that they play good music and have a good time. I was a bit shocked when Billie Joe kissed that lad but if I was to be kissed by a man, it would be a rockstar.

    The ending was great. Crowd were really into We Are The Champions and it was great to see them all singing along. Green Day did it a lot of justice. Time of your Life was a brilliant way to end the set.

    Overall, I have came to the conclusions that the band is incredibly underrated as musicians. Because they are in the public eye now, people tend to assume they are another busted or good charlotte who are only liked because they play simple music and have catchy, corny lyrics. Fuck that, these guys are really talented and deserve a lot more credit than they get from people.

    It will go down as my second favourite gig. In terms of having a laugh it was better than VR, the sound quality was also better but VR takes the gong because the atmosphere and rock n' roll attitude at their gigs is unbelieveable.

    However, I left very happy.

    Nah man, Homecoming was near the end. Dip in quality? you at the same show as me?! Seriously though, you're right, they are underrated but more people are recognising they're more than just 3 chord wonders, i just found out 'International Superhits' has just re entered the album charts and 'American Idiot' is on course to outsell 'Dookie' (12 million!) goin to see em again in June at Milton keynes, cant wait!

  7. Yup, totally amazing show, Billie Joe is now the master of involving the crowd in a show, theyve really come on from the old days. But im glad they still do the operation ivy cover of 'Knowledge' (the one where he gets the kids to play the instruments) its inkeeping with their roots and their early gilman st days. Seen em three times now and this was easily the best.

  8. Rest assured dude, they're fuckin amazin, make blink look like a pop idol band (which they sorta are!) im goin tomorrow as well and i gotta make sure i catch that 10.55 train home, maybe i'll see some of you guys there, look for me, im fairly small, got black spikey hair and i'll be all in black with a red tie! (yes im totally ripping off billie joe!)

  9. Green day won't be all over mtv in a few years either.

    Mötley still have a huge fanbase all over the world so I don't get your point.

    Green day have been 'all over MTV' for almost 11 years now and have matured along the way, the same can't be said for the crue who have reformed for 2005 to make a quick buck. Now, who shall we apply the words timeless, relevant and integrity to? hmm...Of course, its only a matter of opinion at the end of the day but now do you get my point?

    Matured...you surely mean commercialized? I bet that cute little blue dye seeped through your skull huh? Because your logic behind good music is fuckin dumb.

    So do you want me to listen to a bloated band come back and rehash songs from 20 years ago, only played 10 times worse? sure, some good logic goin on there!

    By the way, its good that you switch the arguement to the 'blue hair', nice to see you can hold this arguement! for the record, im thinking of gettin a nice 'big 80's hairdo like vince neil' then will i be cool?! :lol:

  10. Green day won't be all over mtv in a few years either.

    Mötley still have a huge fanbase all over the world so I don't get your point.

    Green day have been 'all over MTV' for almost 11 years now and have matured along the way, the same can't be said for the crue who have reformed for 2005 to make a quick buck. Now, who shall we apply the words timeless, relevant and integrity to? hmm...Of course, its only a matter of opinion at the end of the day but now do you get my point?

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