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Posts posted by nunchuck

  1. Ha oh man, I loved Blink 182's first albums really...

    I remember I once hat to babysit this girl called Puk, and she was all "here's a guitar Karen!!! TEACH ME SOMETHING!!!",

    ha and the only song I could play was that "Fuck a dog in the ass"-song :rolleyes:

    I did teach it to her though, just without the lyrics :monkey:

    ...and by the way, I hate Greeenday, I'm completely Anti-Greenday :book:

    I just cant understand how you could be anti greenday whilst liking blink, there would blatantly be no blink without greenday, blink themselves even admit this. Even if you prefer blink, you have to acknowledge that greenday paved the way for bands like them, i mean led zep doesnt move me in the same way gnr does but they obviously owe a hell of a lot to them.

  2. I would say st anger purely on the basis that it is a truly awful album, what the hell were they thinking? is this the same band that wrote stuff like the bell tolls, fade to black, sandman, puppets...Yet i see Megadeth as a bit of a joke to be honest, but then ive never been able to take them seriously ever since i heard their god awful veirson of anarchy in the uk, complete with misheard lyrics! So i'll vote both.

  3. Hmm. Are some of their older songs on the Greatest Hits? Because I'm not sure. I wan't to listen to their earlier stuff.

    There's nothing from either of the first two albums on greatest hits part 1, that kicks off from the 3rd. I suggest you check out the self titled debut released in 1973.

  4. Yeh, you cant deny some of their songs. Much prefer the earlier stuff though before they sorta went commercial. Not too many people have heard the first album but i think its the best, way before they went huge with bohemiam rhapsody. Check out the song Great king rat, it god damn well rocks!

  5. Appetite to me is almost a punk album, especially its attitude, theres a lot of punk in gnr's sound.

    I agree... i think the whole album is punk.. i guess scom isnt though :P

    But yeah \m/

    and NOFX rule, dude! they've gotta be the funniest live band ever!

  6. Yup, totally with you on a lot of what you're saying coz i do like well ive been off of smile from the streets but like you said those two albums are so off the bat. The will to death is a grower and the production isnt as glossed over as shadows by a long mile but i just think shadows has much stronger songs and is a more atmospheric interesting listen than the will to death. I think you'd love to record only water...the production is pretty lo-fi but theres some real interesting weird stuff on there with some great tunes, best track is the opener going inside.

  7. Earlier this year i was cd browsing and decided to give John Frusciante's Shadows Collide With People album a try, i was absolutely blown away, its really atmospheric, really well crafted songs and i spun the disc none stop for ages. Its not really anything like chilli peppers but as the album was actually written before by the way you can hear little bits and the influence he had on that album every now and then. Ive since purchased his recent one The Will To Death and it didnt come close and his earlier albums are the most fucked up things you'll ever hear but seriously Shadows Collide is one of the best albums ive ever heard!

  8. I've heard of them, but haven't heard their music. Are they comparable to any bands; like The Smiths or something like that? I'm just trying to grasp what their sound is.

    Quite partial to the roses now and again.

    They're nothing like the smiths.

    They piss all over the stone roses.

  9. Tough call between Slipknot and Cradle of filth. Im sorry but the pixies rule mate. Odd to see Nirvana and Screaming trees in there as well, we'd still be stuck with hair metal if it wasnt for them.

  10. I think Greenday totally sold out with that album. Everywhere I go I hear people humming it or singing along. Also it wasn't nearly as good as their older stuff. I've been a fan of Green Day for years, and I think they need to make a shit video like they did in 98 to get the new fans off their asses.

    How is making a song that sticks in peoples heads selling out? did gnr sell out with sweet child o mine? if so then i wish every band i ever liked would sell out all the time! and also, i dont recall any shit video made in 98, you referring to time of your life, redundant or nice guys finish last? cause neither of those are shit. And why would they not wanna have new fans? doesnt that defy the object of making a living from being in a band, the more fans the better, surely? it means theres less people around to like shite such as blue and westlife.

  11. Sid only did cover veirsons which should tell you a lot about his solo stuff. I wouldnt go as far as to call what he did a career, he recorded cover veirsons to raise money to buy smack, he was completely talentless and self obsessed, he couldnt play bass and had not one ounce of creativity. But he was in one of the greatest rock and roll bands of all time, so i'll let him off!

  12. Theres nothing particularly bad about them but there's nothing that grabs you either and Pete Doherty is a self important poetry reading little smackhead spending all of his mummys money on drugs, sorry Pete, its all been done before and its now very boring.

  13. I do like nin but the only problem i find with them is a lot of the songs seem to be self obsessed and self pitying and it can get a bit much after a while, maybe bleed through will deal with other things lyrically hopefully.

  14. I could never stand em in any shape or form. Cant believe they were actually serious with some of that stuff they put out, they make the darkness look like radiohead.

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